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NHL: Flyers Fined For Traveling During Holiday Break

Midnight Man

The Flyers were fined an undisclosed amount for violating the collective bargaining agreement by traveling during a holiday break, the NHL announced Sunday. Online flight records showed the Flyers took a flight from Philadelphia to Nashville the night of Dec. 26. Players are barred from traveling or practicing from Dec. 24-26 under the latest CBA. Part of that agreement was adding the extra day off over the holidays, which meant that some teams scheduled for games on Dec. 27 would have game-day travel. Flyers general manager Ron Hextall said the team accepted the fine. "The players came to me weeks ago. They wanted to travel the day before as opposed to the day of the game. I talked to them, they said everybody was on board," he said. "Once I went through the whole thought process -- we pay guys a lot of money, we're in the hunt for a playoff spot, we want to give our team every chance to win. If we're not giving them every chance, I'm not sure how fair we're being to the players. We decided to go and accept the consequences."

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