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07 November 2024 12:00 AM 12:30 AM
Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Malika Andrews hosts thispregame show with analysts Kendrick Perkins, Chiney Ogwumike,Richard Jefferson, and Brian Windhorst.
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07 November 2024 01:00 AM 02:30 AM
The classic SURVIVOR auction is back with a twist! One castawaybites into a little more than food, which leads to agame-changing opportunity. Then, another wild tribal councilresults in the first member of the jury.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 01:00 AM 03:00 AM
AEW Wrestling 6x45 - #266 - SNHU Arena in Manchester, NH
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 01:00 AM 02:00 AM
Chicago P.D. steps up Goodwin's security after she's threatenedonline by a former employee. Archer and Frost treat victimsfrom a disciplinary camp injured during a rockslide. Maggiegets roped into delivering a high schooler's baby.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 01:00 AM 02:00 AM
It's time to get groovy on "60's Night"! The show opens with a"Fun" rendition of "Fun, Fun, Fun" by The Beach Boys beforethe Group B finalists sing their hearts out to secure a spot inthe Quarter Finals. The celebrities will pay tribute to thegrooviest era of all with songs like, "House Of The RisingSun," "Do You Love Me" and "Ain't No Way" before the peace andlove must come to an end. Will there be a dramatic doubleelimination, or will the judges use the Ding Dong Keep It OnBell?
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07 November 2024 01:00 AM 02:30 AM
The Challengers get their first taste of what a Final couldlook like.
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07 November 2024 02:00 AM 03:00 AM
When we look at the world at the tiniest scales in thesubatomic realm, things get weird – very weird. Welcome tothe quantum universe, where particles can spin in twodirections at once, observing something changes it, andsomething on one side of the galaxy can instantly affectsomething on the other, as if the space between them didn'texist. Buckle up for a wild ride through the discoveries thatproved all of this to be true and paved the way for the digitaltechnologies we enjoy today – and the powerful quantumsensors and computers of tomorrow.
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07 November 2024 02:00 AM 03:00 AM
Bronwyn and Todd take the couples to Palm Springs to celebratetheir 10th anniversary, but once in the desert, the divisionsin the group become clear; even after being uninvited on thetrip, Heather makes her presence known in Palm Springs.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 02:00 AM 02:30 AM
A look at some of the wildest courtroom moments. The judge hasharsh words for a man convicted of killing his mother and herboyfriend; a woman charged with Assault and Battery takes outher frustrations on a jailhouse podium; the judge must mute adefendant who won't stop interrupting him in court; andmore.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 02:00 AM 03:00 AM
In Minnesota, Mike and Jersey go hog wild for afour-generation carny collection complete with carouselhorses, toy tanks and bumper cars. Down the road in NewHampshire--on a special mission for Robbie--the guys head toRoger's analog laboratory where the prices are off the charts,but so is Robbie's offer to buy a 20-foot one-of-a-kindswimming lady.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 02:00 AM 03:00 AM
Flavortown Market is overflowing with clearance items andwhammy ingredients, so Guy Fieri declares that the competingchefs will bank ,500 in prize money for each whammy itemthey use. The chefs serve their signature dish with up to fourwhammy items before making a meat and potatoes meal using onlythe ingredients they can carry. In the end, the chefs mustdecide whether cooking with the full ,000 worth of weirdfood whammies will ruin their dishes when only the winning chefwill get to keep the cash.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 02:00 AM 03:00 AM
Andi's attempt to see Gary is stopped by an indignant Hudson.Tony's surprise for Danni leads to a blow-up between them atwork. Robin gives Fatima the worst boss she can imagine. An oldrival returns to the bank and accuses Sabrina and Maurice ofgetting her fired; which brings out a new side of Sabrina. Adisgruntled customer threatens Karen's salon.
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07 November 2024 02:00 AM 03:00 AM
Severide gets wrapped up in an Illinois State Policeinvestigation after discovering illegal guns on a call. A birdharasses Mouch on the apparatus floor. Kidd keeps an eye onCarver as his attitude worsens.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 02:00 AM 03:00 AM
Josh tracks down the legend -– and treasure -– of an outlawposse who terrorized the Midwest's railroads. The Reno Gangstole a fortune until a vigilante mob exacted violent justice.Josh tracks their lost loot to a cave hideout that could holdmillions.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 02:30 AM 04:00 AM
After an unexpected checkpoint elimination, the groupstruggles when they must cross a precarious deep ravine bycrawling over a bridge made of two parallel ropes to stay ontheir route. During the obstacle, one of the trekkers'injuries is revealed to be much worse than they've expressed,and other members start to question if they can truly make thejourney to the summit. When the Mountain's Keeper offers adifficult but altruistic option, the group must decide if afew of them should carry heavy food bags so the entire groupcan benefit at checkpoint camp.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 02:30 AM 03:00 AM
Gregory forms a bond with one of his students, but thestudent's dad becomes jealous of their relationship and seeks aconfrontation. Melissa suffers a fall but avoids receivingmedical attention for the injury.
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07 November 2024 03:00 AM 04:00 AM
Burgess is put to the test as she looks to make an advancementin her career.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 03:00 AM 04:00 AM
For the first time in years, our top champions will step backinto the Forged in Fire arena to face their toughestcompetition yet: one of our expert judges. Tasked with makingthe grueling Ginunting sword in just five hours, only one willbe left standing to compete against either J. Neilson, DavidBaker or Ben Abbott. In an all-out battle for greatness, willthis former Forged in Fire champion have what it takes to Beatthe Judges?
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 03:00 AM 03:30 AM
Host Andy Cohen discusses pop-culture events with guests andviewers.
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07 November 2024 04:35 AM 05:35 AM
Guests include Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie Perez and musical guestBailey Zimmerman.
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07 November 2024 04:35 AM 05:35 AM
1. Jon Favreau, Jon Lovitz, Dan Pfeiffer and Tommy Vietor("Pod Save America") 2. Musical Guest Alessia Cara
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07 November 2024 04:35 AM 05:35 AM
George Stephanopoulos.Performance by Lenny Kravitz.
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07 November 2024 05:00 AM 06:00 AM
Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!Chef Sandra Lee talks about her latestproject, "Blue Ribbon Baking Championship" on Netflix.Plus,Sherri's Real Good Time Getaway continues. Tune in for the Wordof the Day and find out how to enter.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 05:00 AM 06:00 AM
HGTV's Drew and Jonathan Scott stop by to chat about theirnew series, "Don't Hate Your House with the PropertyBrothers." Plus, Jennifer welcomes Rachel Siegel, a danceinstructor in Los Angeles who went viral after posting aboutbeing left at the altar and then going to her wedding receptionsolo to celebrate with friends and family.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 05:00 AM 06:00 AM
These storytellers had pivotal, life-altering experiences withthe subjects of their reports. ABC News senior nationalcorrespondent Terry Moran joins the Tam Fam to discuss thelate-breaking details in the Menendez Brothers case and therecent, shocking twists and turns, and USC journalismprofessor and reporter Alan Abramson urges the public to setaside emotions and focus on the facts of the notorious case.Former Los Angeles prosecutor, best known for leading the caseagainst O.J. Simpson, Marcia Clark hosts "The First 48"podcast, where she reviews the facts, speaks with experts,and uses her own expertise to shed new light on cases. Karenand Diane VanderMolen, cousins of the Menendez brothers,share their thoughts as family members on the notorious case.Chicago ABC News anchor Samantha Chatman joins the Tam Fam withDr. Brandon Baird, who performed a risky surgery to preserveher vocal cords after what she thought was a career-endingcancer diagnosis.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 05:00 AM 05:03 AM
From M&:T Bank Stadium in Baltimore, Maryland.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 05:00 AM 06:00 AM
Kellyoke: You Lie (Reba McEntire)/ Rita Wilson/ RosemarieDeWitt/ Good Neighbor of the Year: Teachers Like Me (KansasCity)/ Tank and Bangas Perform ‘Is It Me You're Calling?'/WIL: Judy Greer and Pete Holmes.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 05:00 AM 05:26 AM
Star Trek: Lower Decks 5x4 - A Farewell to Farms
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 05:00 AM 05:27 AM
When Olivia hosts a surprise murder mystery party, Frasiertries everything he can to get himself and his date out of theevening's festivities.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 05:35 AM 06:35 AM
Guests include Barry Keoghan (Bird) and Scott Speedman(Teacup).
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 07:00 AM 08:03 AM
Previously, when the Love Gods flexed their recoupling powersthe heavens erupted. Tonight, there's tears, tension, andhot new bombshell Tommy struts his way into the Villa.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 08:00 PM 09:00 PM
Jo Brand's joined by Jack Dee, Amy Gledhill and Eddie Kadi todip into Dessert Week. Whose meringue nests peaked? And who gottheir just desserts?
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 08:00 PM 09:00 PM
The second batch of this week's professionals are waiting inthe wings, ready to prove themselves in the MasterChefkitchen. Two challenges await, so any jitters must be calmed,as they'll need every ounce of culinary skill to be onshow.First stop on their journey is the daunting skills test.Marcus will be asking two chefs to prepare an aubergine steakglazed with miso and soy, served with a peanut sauce.Balancing strong flavours is an art in itself, but the chefswill also need to watch their timings and ensure theiraubergine cookery is up to scratch.The next two chefs will needto be a dab hand at pastry work, as Monica is hankering for alemon meringue tart with a zesty lemon garnish. They'll havethe tart cases provided, but there are several other elementsneeded to make the perfect tart, including getting a lemoncurd made, set and cooled before any assembling can takeplace. Plenty of technique, and some classic cookery, will nodoubt keep the chefs busy.Having dusted themselves off, thechefs will then get another chance to shine as they are given90 minutes to deliver their signature menu – a main courseand dessert that show the judges what makes them tick andproves them to be a real contender for the title.Marcus,Monica, and Gregg will then assess how well the chefs haveperformed overall and present their verdict. Only the strongeston the night will move forward in the competition, with aplace in this week's quarter-final.
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07 November 2024 09:00 PM 10:00 PM
While the race for Greg Davies' gold-plated noggin remains tooclose to call, some important questions will be answered inthis penultimate episode. What will Babátúndé Aléshé dowith a power washer? Can Andy Zaltzman shoehorn cricket intoyet another task? Will Jack Dee's son make his dad proud withsome crucial information? Why has Rosie Jones smeared a platewith brown stuff? And what makes Emma Sidi such an effectivesupervisor? Rest assured, Alex Horne is on hand to note downall the crucial details.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 09:00 PM 10:07 PM
RuPaul's search for the UK's Next Drag Race Superstar continueswith Rusical week!The pressure is on as the queens' singing,dancing and acting skills are challenged when they are taskedwith performing a tribute to the UK's greatest music divas inPop of the Tops - Live! The question remains: which queen willbe number one?Music icon and Olivier Award-winning West Endstar Beverley Knight joins head judge, RuPaul, alongsideMichelle Visage and Graham Norton on the judging panel, as thecurtain comes down on yet another queen.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 09:00 PM 10:00 PM
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
TV Calendar: At My TV
07 November 2024 09:00 PM 10:06 PM
The couples spend time apart on boys' and girls' nights out,as they welcome back the husbands and wives who have left theexperiment.
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