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Events happening today
01 June 2024 12:00 AM 01:00 AM
Parker Schnabel travels the gold-filled Madeira River deep intothe Brazilian wilderness as he hunts for a fleet of dredgesbringing in billions.
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01 June 2024 12:00 AM 02:00 AM
WWE SmackDown Live 25x22 - #1291 - MVP Arena in Albany, NY
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01 June 2024 12:00 AM 01:00 AM
In tonight's word game, math teachers and the two-timedefending champs Ashley and Jessica are back again, and thistime they take on a mother and son team from Georgia, whilemarried nurses face off against roommates in a high-stakesmatch-up.
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01 June 2024 01:00 AM 03:00 AM
Dateline NBC 255x20 - The Girl with the Hibiscus Tattoo
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01 June 2024 01:00 AM 02:00 AM
As the crowd for their park gathering grows, the Queens vow tomeet the hate with even louder outpourings of love. Then,after finally securing an unconventional venue, Sasha,Priyanka, and Latrice – along with their drag daughters –prepare for an epic drag show of biblical proportions.
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01 June 2024 01:01 AM 03:01 AM
In 2011, a witness last saw 20-year-old nursing student HollyBobo walking into the Tennessee woods with an unknown man.Three years later, authorities found her remains miles fromher home. After the largest and most expensive investigation inthe Tennessee Bureau of Investigation's (TBI) history,authorities ultimately charged Zach Adams, Dylan Adams andJason Autry with the kidnapping and murder of Holly. Althoughthere was little physical evidence and no DNA linking any ofthe men to the crime, a jury convicted Zach at trial — basedmainly on Jason's testimony, in which he stated that he hadbeen present when Zach shot and killed Holly. Dylan Adams andJason Autry both eventually pleaded guilty to lesser charges.Earlier this year, Jason recanted his testimony, saying hemade it all up, and while prosecutors stand by theconviction, lawyers for Zach are now asking a judge to granthim a new trial.
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01 June 2024 02:00 AM 03:00 AM
AEW: Rampage 4x22 - #148 - KIA Forum in Los Angeles, CA
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01 June 2024 02:00 AM 03:00 AM
This week features a one-on-one interview with JohnWaters, writer, actor, and filmmaker of the 1990 classicmusical film "Cry-Baby." This week's panel discussionincludes David Axelrod, former senior advisor to PresidentObama, CNN political contributor, and host of thepodcast "The Axe Files with David Axelrod"; and KenBuck, former Republican congressman from Colorado.
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01 June 2024 03:35 AM 04:35 AM
1. Maya Rudolph ("Loot"). 2. Jacob Batalon ("Reginald theVampire"). 3. Musical Guest Crowded House.
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01 June 2024 04:00 AM 04:30 AM
Clark's life falls apart as The General goes into hiding ... inClark's apartment! Meanwhile, Jimmy struggles with being aleader, and Lois goes toe-to-toe with Vicki Vale as they trackdown missing scientists!
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01 June 2024 05:00 AM 05:50 AM
Concerned for patients, Dylan and Stevie must keep a dangerousPatrick away and Jacob, seeking consistency, makes a drasticdecision. Meanwhile, Tariq must choose – family or career?
TV Calendar: At My TV
01 June 2024 06:20 AM 06:27 AM
Daddy Pig receives a jumping stick in the post and demonstratesto Peppa and George how to use it but finds it's a lot moredifficult now. Peppa and her friends struggle with it.
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01 June 2024 03:00 PM 04:00 PM
The Kitchen crew gives classic, old-school recipes new anddelicious updates! Katie Lee Biegel shares a kicked-up TunaNoodle Casserole, while Geoffrey Zakarian pairs a retroStrawberry Saketini with Coconut Tempura Shrimp. Then, JeffMauro soups-up The World's Greatest Reuben Sandwich, and SunnyAnderson recreates a nostalgic sweet treat with her BrownButter Oatmeal Cream Pies.
TV Calendar: At My TV
01 June 2024 03:30 PM 03:55 PM
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation 2x20 - Episode 20
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