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19 August 2024 12:00 AM 02:00 AM
An elimination challenge tests bow-hunting and game-processingskills. When two camps secure warthogs, one preserves theirwin quickly. The other camp's meat goes bad and a survivalistgets violently ill. Medics remove a competitor from thechallenge.
TV Calendar: At My TV
19 August 2024 12:00 AM 12:30 AM
Ridiculousness 42x38 - Sterling and Lolo Wood LXIX
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19 August 2024 12:00 AM 01:00 AM
The Great Food Truck Race 17x8 - South Beach Showdown
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19 August 2024 12:00 AM 01:00 AM
The Real Housewives of New Jersey 14x15 - TBA
TV Calendar: At My TV
19 August 2024 12:30 AM 01:00 AM
On this episode of "Ridiculousness," Rob, Steelo, and LoloWood encounter some dangerous flippers in "Flip Awareness,"feel the pain of a broken bike in "Cheap Bikes" and discoverthat elevators and booze don't mix in "Ele-Wasted."
TV Calendar: At My TV
20 August 2024 12:00 AM 01:00 AM
Nate urges Simone to let Amara know what is going on with herhealth as Amara surprises everyone and returns to Bringston forThanksgiving. Marcus tries to bond with Noah. Cam wonders ifKeisha and JR are spending too much time together.
TV Calendar: At My TV
20 August 2024 12:00 AM 02:00 AM
It's hometowns week! The stakes are higher than ever as Jenntravels across the country to meet the families of herremaining men. With only three roses to hand out and much leftunsaid, she's hopeful these visits will provide the clarityshe needs.
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20 August 2024 12:00 AM 03:00 AM
WWE Monday Night RAW 31x34 - #1630 - Amerant Bank Arena in FortLauderdale, FL
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20 August 2024 12:00 AM 01:00 AM
The National Finals begin in Las Vegas as the remainingcompetitors compete in Stage 1 for their chance to win million and become the next American Ninja Warrior.
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19 August 2024 01:00 AM 02:00 AM
Host Eric Adjepong brings in chefs from California, Texas andNew York to show up Chef Alex Guarnaschelli in a battle ofMediterranean specialties. These experts take their shot atblowing Alex out of the water as they hope their ingredientchoices will put them in favor with judges Gabriele Bertacciniand Einat Admony.
TV Calendar: At My TV
19 August 2024 01:00 AM 02:00 AM
Following a bumpy IPO launch, Eric scrambles to maintaincontrol over the floor. Meanwhile, Harper forms a new workalliance, Robert suffers a devastating loss, and Yasmin'singenuity wins Henry's attention.
TV Calendar: At My TV
19 August 2024 01:00 AM 02:00 AM
The head of household nominates three fellow houseguests forpossible eviction.
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19 August 2024 01:00 AM 02:00 AM
Tal's distractedness and frustrations lead to an unexpectedoutburst that threatens his career and his marriage. Mariahuses her husband to chase a new lead.
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19 August 2024 01:00 AM 02:00 AM
A controlling marriage ends in a grisly murder which issecretly recorded.
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19 August 2024 01:00 AM 01:30 AM
On this episode of "Ridiculousness," Rob, Steelo, and LoloWood try and cheer up some people with the "Winter Blues,"find out what happens when one falls "Face to Fence" and ruin aperfect moment with some "Sorry Engagement Shoots."
TV Calendar: At My TV
19 August 2024 01:00 AM 02:00 AM
A sculptural new transportation hub for New York's World TradeCenter is beset by challenges. Amsterdam gains a strikingbuilding inspired by a mountain valley. And a new launchpad forspace travel prepares for liftoff in the New Mexico desert.
TV Calendar: At My TV
19 August 2024 01:00 AM 02:00 AM
Layton hears the deal: Liana for Big Alice: he agrees and thetrains dock at the silo; while Layton, Ben, Till, Ruth,and Alex stew in a holding room, Josie is taken to Headwood;Milius introduces his partner in crime: Wilford.
TV Calendar: At My TV
19 August 2024 01:30 AM 02:00 AM
On this episode of "Ridiculousness," Rob, Steelo and LoloWood suffer from "Concert Confusion," get a taste of "SleeperTreats" and run away from "Charged Encounters."
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19 August 2024 02:00 AM 03:00 AM
Alex vs America 4x6 - Alex vs Ultimate Fruits
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19 August 2024 02:00 AM 02:30 AM
Watch What Happens Live 21x139 - Mickey Guyton, Julianne Hough
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19 August 2024 03:00 AM 03:30 AM
How end of life care is supposed to work, and what's happeninginstead.
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19 August 2024 04:00 AM 04:45 AM
We return to Oakley Wines with Daisy Monroe and Louis Oakleytrying to legally oust the annoying William who claims he ownshalf the vineyard.
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19 August 2024 04:00 AM 04:29 AM
Bender becomes a matador in the sport of "Bug Fighting".
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19 August 2024 04:35 AM 05:35 AM
Guests include Jessica Alba (Honest Renovations), RaminSetoodeh (Apprentice in Wonderland: How Donald Trump and MarkBurnett Took America Through the Looking Glass) and LangstonKerman (Bad Poetry). Craig Finn sits-in with the 8G Band.
TV Calendar: At My TV
19 August 2024 04:45 AM 05:30 AM
In an effort to get William out of the house, Daisy challengeshim to a winner-takes-all game of ‘Texas Hold ‘em', butcan she and the Oakley team beat a former professional pokerplayer?
TV Calendar: At My TV -
19 August 2024 09:30 AM 11:02 AM
It's the first night of the Blind auditions. New coaches AdamLambert, LeAnn Rimes & Kate Miller-Heidke come outswinging. Will a school teacher and a FIFO worker convince themto turn a chair?.
TV Calendar: At My TV
19 August 2024 09:30 AM 10:50 AM
The hunters are closing in fast. And even in a foot-chase, howlong can the fugitives out run them and keep hold of the stolencash?
TV Calendar: At My TV
19 August 2024 09:30 AM 10:36 AM
The Blockheads are busy planning both their kitchens and guestbedrooms. Steph and Gian make a guest appearance and who doessomething very dodgy?
TV Calendar: At My TV -
19 August 2024 07:00 PM 08:00 PM
In the middle of the night in Sunderland, PC Will Hunter spotsa BMW with a bust tyre, spitting out plumes of smoke. As heturns around to follow it, the driver decides to ditch the carin the middle of the road and make a run for it. Will chaseshim on foot, but he disappears into thin air. Will searchesthe car, which looks like it's been in an accident. The driverhas left his mobile phone behind and checks reveal he livesnearby. Time for Will to pay the driver a home visit and seewhat he has to say!In Newcastle PC Brian Camsell's on the huntfor an uninsured driver. After tracking her down, the driveris adamant she's insured the car on a day policy, but can'tproduce her policy claim because she has no phone signal.Luckily Brian has great reception on his mobile, and a quickcall to the Motor Insurance Bureau reveals the driver has beentrying to take out a policy while in the back of Brian's policecar!On the nightshift, police receive reports of a massiveunauthorised car meet taking place on an industrial estate.When Brian gets there he's confronted with boy racers buzzingthrough the streets while dozens of people watch on. As Brianprepares to disperse the crowds, a car noisily draws hisattention. He pulls over the young driver, who gets a lessonin tyre standards in front of a jeering audience!
TV Calendar: At My TV -
19 August 2024 08:00 PM 09:00 PM
Davina McCall and Nicky Campbell present two more stories,beginning with 66-year-old Charlotte's search for the baby shegave up as a teenager, a quest given greater urgency by herrecent cancer diagnosis. Jenna was donor-conceived and has gotabsolutely no idea what or who she might find, and is seekinganswers to many questions including if she has any siblings outthere.
TV Calendar: At My TV
19 August 2024 08:00 PM 09:00 PM
Fay Pollock and Sara Folley arrive on the scene whereforty-two-year-old Mark has collapsed in his bathroom. A headon collision between two motorcyclists issues a code red callout for Dr Mark Nash and critical care paramedic Will Meadows.An emergency response team administrates pain management to56-year-old Della, who is suffering from a broken leg afterslipping on her steps.
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