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28 August 2024 12:00 AM 01:00 AM
From the Chicago Bears training camp in Lake Forest, Illinois.
TV Calendar: At My TV
28 August 2024 12:00 AM 01:00 AM
Mother Nature blows back as the four remaining captains battleto tank their fall quotas. Landon prays for deliverance on hisfirst solo mission, while Sig persists in fishing in 20-footseas. Ferocious tides risk washing a Time Bandit crewmanoverboard.
TV Calendar: At My TV
28 August 2024 12:00 AM 02:00 AM
It's a night of confrontations and emotions as Jenn reuniteswith 14 of her memorable men to address the season's mostunforgettable moments. Meanwhile, Devin seeks clarity onJenn's feelings as she faces the tough decision of sending oneman home.
TV Calendar: At My TV
28 August 2024 12:00 AM 01:00 AM
Four brave chefs prioritize flavor over fear as they take onoutrageously daring ingredients to make killer dishes for thejudges. The heat is on in the appetizer round withfrighteningly difficult ingredients and just twenty minutes tocook. Then, the chefs prove they have the chops to make aswamp-loving chomper tasty in the entrée round and try not bestung by a shocking sweet in the dessert basket.
TV Calendar: At My TV
28 August 2024 12:00 AM 02:00 AM
Eleven acts take the stage live: America can vote for two actsto advance to the semi-finals.
TV Calendar: At My TV
29 August 2024 12:00 AM 01:00 AM
The houseguests compete to win the power of veto: the winnerof the competition can save someone.
TV Calendar: At My TV
29 August 2024 12:00 AM 02:00 AM
America's votes reveal which two acts from the previous night'sshow move on to the semi-finals.
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29 August 2024 12:00 AM 01:00 AM
The twelve remaining chefs work in pairs and switch off cookingback-and-forth during the infamous tag team challenge.
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29 August 2024 12:00 AM 01:30 AM
After the elimination, the eras must work together to keeptheir team safe from elimination.
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29 August 2024 12:00 AM 02:00 AM
AEW Wrestling 6x35 - #256 - State Farm Center in Champaign, IL
TV Calendar: At My TV -
28 August 2024 01:00 AM 02:00 AM
A wild ride shows up at the villa and whisks the housematesaway to Comuna 13 - a colorful and chaotic Colombian community.They take to the streets and discover a larger-than-lifesurprise!!! Macy and Johnny plan and epic bachelor party forTyler.
TV Calendar: At My TV
28 August 2024 01:00 AM 02:00 AM
The Race continues in Cornwall, Ontario and reaches a feverpitch before alpaca poop hits the fan and a Detour leavesracers off-kilt; it's game on as teams bank on scoring a spotin the semi-final.
TV Calendar: At My TV
28 August 2024 01:30 AM 02:00 AM
When Efe's foundation offers free D.N.A. tests, Karenparticipates and discovers something; Leah employs Two Hunksand A Trunk to spur Jeremy into action to complete his"honey-do" list.
TV Calendar: At My TV -
28 August 2024 02:00 AM 02:30 AM
Police in Marathon, Florida, find an unruly woman who willcome neither quietly nor easily. In La Crosse, Wisconsin,officers engage in a dangerous late-night pursuit. InLakewood, Washington, a drunk driver first causes a crash,then a real stink.
TV Calendar: At My TV -
28 August 2024 04:00 AM 04:50 AM
A flashback reveals Eve and Nick's origins, how Yancy gotsuspended, and Nick and Izzy's nefarious business dealings.
TV Calendar: At My TV
28 August 2024 09:30 AM 10:36 AM
The teams are up against it as they try and create luxurybathrooms in their resort style homes. One team is knocked downagain and again. Will a visit from Scotty and Shelley help?
TV Calendar: At My TV -
28 August 2024 01:00 PM 01:30 PM
Al treats a family dealing with grief, but it looks as if thepast is coming back to haunt them.
TV Calendar: At My TV -
28 August 2024 07:00 PM 07:47 PM
First in the barn are mother and daughter Halina and Lesleywith a treasure from World War II in desperate need of jewellerRichard Talman's expertise. The broken, silver ring belongedto Halina's mother, Janina, who was born in Warsaw, orphanedat just 13 years old and taken in by a convent close to theJewish ghetto in the city. She was given the ring as a thankyou from a Jewish woman after she risked her life passing foodthrough the fence to families imprisoned in the ghetto. Thering, Janina's most treasured possession, stayed with herthroughout her life, and was given to her daughter, Halina,when she passed away. Now broken, and severely worn, it'sHalina's wish that the ring be turned into a pendant, so shecan keep her mum, who displayed remarkable courage in the faceof great adversity, close to her heart. Next to arrive isGordon Craik with his sons, James and Ross. They've broughttwo intriguing pieces of sporting history for the attention ofsilversmith Brenton West. The pair of heavy, outdoor curlingstones, complete with their wicker baskets, originallybelonged to Gordon's grandfather and were famously used byGordon's father in his team's victory of the Grand Match of1979 – a huge outdoor curling match held on the Lake ofMenteith near Stirling. Having sat outside for many years, thestones are worn, their handles bent, and the wicker basketsaren't fit to hold their weight. It's Gordon's dream to handthe stones that hold so much sporting and family history to hissons, both of whom are champion curlers in their own right.Brenton sets to work, bringing in the skills of leather expertSuzie Fletcher and basket weaver Sarah Hatton to get thesestones back to their best. Next, woodworker Will Kirk isgiven the task of repairing a cherished character fromchildhood. Tracey Emery has brought in a wooden chef figurinethat's sadly been fire-damaged in an unfortunate accident athome. The wooden chef used to sit on the counter of hergrandparents' pub - it reminds Tracey of her beloved grandad,Ralph, and a happy childhood full of family Sunday lunchesgathered at the pub. Tracey's dad, knowing how much thefigurine meant to Tracey, was full of guilt after the accidentand tried to have the wooden chef repaired, but it was the onething he was unable to do before he sadly passed away. Willsets to work, to see if he can complete the task Tracey's dadso desperately wanted to finish, restoring the wooden chef'splace in Tracey's kitchen and preserving memories of herbeloved grandad and dad. Last in the barn today is SonamBatra, hoping paper conservator Angelina Bakalarou can give apiece of cinematic and family history the red-carpet treatment.Sonam has brought a vintage film poster of Bollywood filmSholay. It's a reminder of the Sundays Sonam happily spent withhis dad and cousins at the local cinema in Leamington Spa, andit's also where he learned to speak Hindi and Punjabi, simplyby listening to Bollywood actors on the silver screen. Now tornand faded, Sonam discovered the poster whilst clearing out hisdad's house after he passed away. Angelina sets out to restorethe film poster's star quality, reviving Sonam's memories ofhis dad and the many happy hours spent with his family in daysgone by.
TV Calendar: At My TV -
28 August 2024 08:00 PM 09:00 PM
The teams race from the charming, cobblestoned town ofLençóis, Bahia, to the gigantic metropolis of São Paulo,via Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Seguro and Brasília.
TV Calendar: At My TV
28 August 2024 08:00 PM 09:00 PM
When a 34-year-old is found at home unconscious after sufferingheart palpitations, her sister immediately calls anambulance, but sadly the paramedics declare her deceased atthe scene. Lancashire Coroner Dr James Adelely and his team tryto determine the cause, investigating if her neurofibromatosiswas a factor. Plus, Lancashire Police look into the death of aman found collapsed in his flat.
TV Calendar: At My TV