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On this week's episode of Hell's Kitchen the chefs are feelingthe heat. When faced with a pasta challenge judged by pastaexperts and owners of the critically acclaimed Don Angie,Angie Rito and Scott Tacinelli, the pasta-bilities areendless. Then, one team dishes out a stellar dinner servicewhile the other must face Chef Ramsay's wrath.
Georgie digs into Mandy's past when he discovers she's beenhiding thousands of dollars of debt. Meanwhile, Mandy tries toright her wrongs by going back to work.
A student is accused of killing his teacher: when thesuspect's age puts the case in limbo, Price and Maroun put theschool's policies on trial; Shaw's attempts to connect withthe suspect backfire.
A young female entrepreneur hits the road with her carefullycrafted idea; a sports enthusiast pitches his idea in theDen; and a mompreneur works her deal into the Dragons' wombs;a mother and son duo pitch their slippery business.
The ghosts, seeking some excitement during a low-keyHalloween, join Patience in putting Sam on a witch trial.
Jenn returns from the Bahamas and announces her engagement:Alexis and Katie host a party; Gina and Travis discuss thefuture of their family; Ryan makes headlines when his name isinvolved in a national bombshell that sends shockwaves in theOC.
Marty battles the brutal Alaskan winter while running hiswildfire ravaged trapline in the Far North; Mike reclaims anabandoned set of solar panels to power his Kodiak Islandhomestead; Jake discovers a gruesome lion kill on themountain; Tom climbs aboard a drift boat and floats theKootenai River to trap beavers with his friends Sean and Hank;Paul hunts down buck near his cabin to fill his new smokehousewith meat for the winter.
Olympia tasks Matty with getting close to their client, who isfighting for justice in the wrongful death of his wife.
When a TV reporter becomes the victim of sextortion that couldruin her career, Benson helps her take back control whileVelasco goes undercover as a potential rich target.
Mark McKinney visits San Jose, Cali. to explore the world ofrobotics, where he shops for the parts required to build hisdream hockey bot.
It's the last chance for the four teams of friends to make themerge, where they will go head-to-head with the three teams offamily members who have already clinched their spot in thebattle for 0,000. A surprise bonus clue causes panic andhalf the teams to switch up their bake.... Then an eliminationround for the ages sees the bakers fighting to avoid being senthome.
When a former child star turned party girl Mac wakes up onHalloween after a wild night on the town with no recollectionof her whereabouts and afraid she may have committed murder,Elsbeth and the team retrace her steps to find the truth.Meanwhile, Captain Wagner must address low morale at theprecinct.
A friendship is put to the test as two villains campaign tobecome Supervillain; New York shakes things up with herroommate; Wes becomes an official Housewife; someone's pastcomes back to haunt them.
Margaret reopens a teenage girl's missing-person case after anunidentified 4-year-old boy appears in the D.C. area; Laceyrecalls a memory from her kidnapping that leads to a clue inthe manhunt for Sir; Gabi makes plans to right her wrongs.
1. Anthony Anderson ("Buy It Now"). 2. "Science Bob"Pflugfelder (science demo).
Battling his demons and unresolved grief over Lynn's death,Eli grapples with his connection to Noah but reaches abreakthrough.
Jennifer welcomes rapper and actor Ludacris to the show.They'll be discussing the new season of the music competitionseries "Rhythm + Flow."
Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!"Real Housewives of Potomac" stars Karen Huger& Gizelle Bryant tell Sherri about the new season. ActorSinqua Walls talks about starring in the new Netflix thriller,"Carry On."Plus, Sherri's Real Good Time Getaway continues.Tune in for the Word of the Day and find out how to enter.
They miraculously survived against impossible odds. First,when a woman is swept away by floods from Hurricane Helene,this North Carolina man literally jumped to the rescue, andit's caught on camera. Then, a DAYTIME EXCLUSIVE with ASHLEYPICCIRILLI, who was buried alive for more than 30 minutes, and how she survived. Later, a 28-year-old man who wastrapped for six days in his car after an accident shares hisstory. Plus, a DAYTIME EXCLUSIVE with 6-year-old JOHN-HENRYLEE whose video went viral after he learned he was getting aheart transplant.
Allen Stone Performs Cameo-oke: ‘Is This Love?' (Bob Marley)/Eva Longoria/ Eva Longoria Demo/ Isabella Rossellini/ WIL:James Morosini.
Gwyneth Paltrow is hitting the headlines including one aboutherself on set with Timothee Chalamet and explain the backstoryof the viral photo. She's also telling Drew about the craziestwellness trends she's tried, lacking confidence when shestarted Goop and all about her new show helping others growtheir business.Plus, Chef Mark Bittman is joining Drew andsustainability expert Danny Seo to make a twist on one ofDrew's favorite classic meals – tuna potato chip pot pie.
New host Michelle Visage presides as head judge as a fresh setof queens from across Australia and New Zealand enter thewerkroom to prove they are the best of the best.In this openingepisode, the queens meet each other for the first time, andfor their first icebreaker challenge they must double up ANDdouble down...
The Political View with ABC News political contributor andformer New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie; Patti LuPone (actor,"Agatha All Along").
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
It's the first quarter-final of the series, which will see theweek's best competitors don their chef whites to compete for aplace in knockout week. Two challenges stand in their way.
Jo Brand is host, with panellists comedian Nabil Abdulrashidand journalist Tom Peck joining team captains Paul Merton andIan Hislop as they delve into the news.
Adam Hills, Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker are joined bybroadcaster and media personality Carol Vorderman and Scottishsatirist Armando Iannucci for a comic review of the significantmoments of the past seven days. As usual, the hashtag #isitokpaves the way for the gang to round up, examine and explainthe leading and most entertaining news stories of the week.
Independence, Missouri Police find themselves in a slow-speedpursuit of a van used to shoplift a big screen TV, which canbe seen hanging out of the rear sliding door. Escambia County,Florida Deputies responding to a domestic violence call searchfor a female suspect who bit her boyfriend during an argumentover accusations of cheating. Deputies in Greene County,Missouri locate a stolen vehicle in a parking lot. The drivergives them a fake name and claims he received the car from arelative.
Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Malika Andrews hosts thispregame show with analysts Kendrick Perkins, Chiney Ogwumike,Richard Jefferson, and Brian Windhorst.
Joining Graham on his sofa are: comedy legend Billy Crystal,talking about his psychological drama series Before; Britishstars Hugh Bonneville and Emily Mortimer, together as Mr andMrs Brown in Paddington in Peru; and musical great PharrellWilliams, whose life and career are told in Lego-animated film'Piece by Piece. With music from singer-songwriter MichaelKiwanuka, performing his single The Rest of Me.
Hosted by comedian Aisha Tyler, cast members Ryan Stiles,Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie, along with guest Grace Byers.
20-Squad faces down a prison hostage situation, only to bethrown into deeper danger when a bomb explodes, freeingmaximum-security prisoners from their cells, including someonewith a personal grudge against Hondo.