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One Piece 11x29 - Sabo Returns - The Shocking Truth to Be Told!

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Even the closest of brothers fight eventually. Tempers flareduring a surveillance mission in Malaysia and Drew reveals whyhe's been so closed off.

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Milkshake! 255x245 - Episode 245

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The race is on to finish the contestant's main ensuites. Thereis both praise and disappointment from the judges. Who takeshome the ,000?

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Tonight's Blind Auditions showcase 7 more incredible artists.Natalie, a seasoned singer, is back from last year tohopefully turn a chair. And 16 year old Annie has plans to rockthe stage!.

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With only five days remaining, and four fugitive pairs stillon the run, HQ is intensifying the hunt.

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Amy confronts Joe about his treatment of Harry as the groupcontinue their break in Cyprus, and Elma and Jodie strengthentheir bond after confronting Diags.

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Dance Moms 9x22 - Rival Studios

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Gary's food win is diminished when he falls ill after eatingrotten meat. Fernando is in a power position after securing acritical tool. Aggressive elephants and a punishing stormthreaten the camp. Medics remove a survivalist from thecompetition.

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Ridiculousness 42x50 - Sterling and Lolo Wood LXXIV

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Dance Moms 9x23 - "I Forgot My Dance!"

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Ridiculousness 42x51 - Sterling and Lolo Wood LXXV

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Deeply in debt with a new home and baby, Rishi takes a massivegamble after a surprise visit from an old friend. Later, withhis luck running out both at home and work, Rishi engages inanother high-risk, high-reward opportunity that could threatenhis job at Pierpoint.

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Following the tragic events in 2003, The Judge looks to JackZiegler to exact a plan of revenge.

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Layton learns who was responsible for the experiments on Josieand Liana, before also finding out who froze the world; BigAlice approaches New Eden but can't cross the boobytrappedbridge.

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Host Eric Adjepong challenges Chef Alex Guarnaschelli with oneof the most versatile ingredients as three egg-loving chefsfrom Kansas, Washington, DC, and California hope theirskills with eggs will crack Alex's competition prowess. In ablind judging, Brooke Williamson and Michael Voltaggio see ifany of the challengers can leave Alex feeling scrambled in herown kitchen.

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The head of household nominates three fellow houseguests forpossible eviction.

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Ridiculousness 42x52 - Sterling and Lolo Wood LXXVI

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Dance Moms 9x24 - Brooke and Paige - Me and My Dance Mom

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Dance Moms 9x25 - JoJo's Journey

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Judy investigates a mysterious cloaked figure who's buying upall her art. Beef, Wolf, Ham, and Moon grow a giant cabbage.Honeybee and Jerry compete to see who can keep foam fingers onthe longest.

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Ridiculousness 42x53 - Sterling and Lolo Wood LXXVII

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Dance Moms 9x26 - Best Group Dances

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Dance Moms 9x27 - Maddie vs. Everyone

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Dance Moms 9x28 - Abby's New Teams

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Dance Moms 9x29 - Chloe - Me and My Dance Mom

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The Professor's fast-fashion clothes are a smash hit, but anenvironmental disaster.

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Dance Moms 9x30 - Brooke's Journey

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Richard brings in a business consultant to revolutionise thebusiness.

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Judy Justice 3x81 - Episode 81

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Daisy and Louis are forced to spend the night together whenthey're truck breaks down in the middle of nowhere, while Nicand Vic cope with the birth of their new babies.

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Dance Moms 9x31 - Jojo - Me and My Dance Mom

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Dance Moms 9x32 - Prop and Costume Chaos

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Dance Moms 9x33 - Epic Pyramids

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Dance Moms 9x34 - Our Favorite Special Guests

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Dance Moms 9x35 - Chloe's Journey

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Dance Moms 9x36 - Best of JoJo

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Dance Moms 9x37 - Best Guest Moms

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Dance Moms 9x38 - Cathy!

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Dance Moms 9x39 - Cringiest Dances

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Dance Moms 9x40 - Best of Chloe

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The hunters increase the pressure as Extraction Day approaches.

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With just a few spots left on each team, turning a chair ismore challenging than ever. A group of passionate artists,including a young flutist and a unique beatboxer seek toimpress the coaches.

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The expert's advice rattles Kylie. Find out why Jesse and Paigedon't like Mondays. Alisa and Lysandra share words of wisdom.

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Dance Moms 9x41 - Most Amazing Wins

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Strange & Suspicious 1x9 - Episode 9

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Police Interceptors is back with unrestricted access to a newforce: the elite crime-fighters of Northamptonshire Police.This all-action episode kicks off with interceptor Bertietailing a fail-to-stop driver thrashing it at over a tonne.With speeds ramping up and the country roads narrowing, thepursuit is only going to end one way: the suspect stacks it athigh speed and flips the car onto it's roof...

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10.50 AM Staffordshire. 64-year-old David has collapsed at workwith a suspected cardiac arrest. Critical Care Paramedics SarahFolley and Fay Pollock are immediately dispatched.On arrivalthey find an ambulance crew has restarted David's heart, butone in three patients who come out of cardiac arrest, go on tohave another. Now Sarah and Fay have got to do everything theycan to prevent this happening to David.
Over inWorcestershire, Critical Care Paramedics Kerry Hemus and LauraTaylor are rushing to the scene of a serious road trafficcollision.52-year-old Michelle is trapped in her car aftercrashing into a fallen tree. She's complaining of neck painwhich at worst could be a sign of a fracture and there's a riskof paralysis. Kerry and Laura have to think on their feet toget Michelle out of the car and give her the urgent treatmentshe desperately needs.Meanwhile over in Gloucestershire21-year-old international show jumper Faye has been kicked offher horse over a jump and is lying on the ground unable tomove. Critical Care Paramedics Will Meadows and Grant Salsbyrace to the scene, to find Faye complaining of chest andshoulder pain. And having hit the floor headfirst she may havesustained injuries that have life-changing consequences.

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Nearly two years since we last saw Sarah Collins, we catch upwith her as she is called to the brutal stabbing of a teenager.Her investigation soon finds itself at cross purposes with acovert operation led by Kieran Shaw, who is working withSarah's old partner, Steve Bradshaw, now deep undercover.Lizzie Adama meanwhile, is back at Farlow trying to balanceher new role as a Detective with a family life. Her path andKieran's are about to cross

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A look at the day's college football action, featuring news,highlights and game previews.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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