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Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Malika Andrews hosts thispregame show with analysts Kendrick Perkins, Chiney Ogwumike,Richard Jefferson, and Brian Windhorst.
Squidward's prankster dad visits and brings all sorts of gagswith him, much to Squidward's annoyance.
Plankton tries to get a taste of the secret formula byattaching himself to SpongeBob's tongue.
Marketplace investigates the murky world of home heating dealsto reveal how consumers who sign up for savings are gettingsurprises instead, locked into onerous loans that come withbroken promises of rebates, energy savings and free service– as calls grow for better consumer protection.
After the iconic Reading challenge, the queens rock out withtheir frocks out, as they create a look worthy of a BetseyJohnson fashion collection. The fashion icon herself, BetseyJohnson, guest judges.
The magicians featured in the episode include Spencer Scurr,Markus Tervo, Adrian Vega, and Simone Turkington.
Brennan confronts Kevin about a lack of equipment. Tony comesdown hard on Mike when a side dumper crashes in a ditch. Parkerbrings in monster dirt haulers, hoping to get 1,000 ounces ofgold weekly.
This trip, Guy Fieri's loading up on tots, turkey and tons inbetween! In Tennessee, a Memphis BBQ joint is still smokin'hot, plating over-the-top turkey legs and the-bomb beefbrisket fries. Then in New York, a premiere Polish spot inSyracuse is going strong, dishing out unbelievable blueberrypierogies and melt-in-your-mouth meatballs, and an Irish pubin Buffalo has really taken off, serving top-notch tots andcheddar-y chicken.
After 25-year-old Chantay Blankinship's remains are found atan abandoned building that locals call the Haunted House,investigators sort through dead-end leads until a stunningconfession during a church service changes everything.
The Landry women pick up the pieces of their past, eachwishing they could read Colton's mind. Jacob may have a secrethe's keeping from them too.
Magicians featured in this episode include Lucy Darling, TriggWatson, Andi Gladwin, Carisa Hendrix, Dreygon, MaxenceVire, and David Goldrake.
Ancient Aliens is counting down ten of the mostastonishing--and unexplainable--technologies in history. Frommysterious golden orbs discovered in Mexico, to a sacredwooden box that could communicate with the heavens, and anancient tomb that is said to depict an astronaut, might thesesensational artifacts be evidence of otherworldly contact?
Station 42 responds to a fire in the dugout before the annualcounty clash baseball rivalry game. Meanwhile, Vince'sex-girlfriend returns.
A mother plunges from a cliff in a fatal fall while hiking onher anniversary. For the first time, her daughter speaksout.
During a hiking trip, Powell and Gamble stumble upon anillegal weed farm and find themselves taking on a dangerouscartel.
This week features a one-on-one interview with Hon. ChrystiaFreeland, former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and PrimeMinister of Canada candidate. This week's panel discussionincludes Rahm Emanuel, former U.S. Ambassador to Japan,former mayor of Chicago, and former chief of staff toPresident Obama; and Fareed Zakaria, author, columnist forThe Washington Post, and host of the CNN podcast "FareedZakaria's GPS."
Will a vulnerable Faith relapse, and has Stevie blown herchances of becoming clinical lead? Meanwhile, Jodie seekscomfort in all the wrong places.
2025 NFL Scouting Combine – Quarterbacks, Wide Receivers andRunning Backs – Live.
Ant and Dec host as more performers take to the stage to try toimpress the judges and secure their place in the livesemi-finals.
The BRIT Awards 2025 with Mastercard can announce that theaward-winning comedian, actor, presenter and writer JackWhitehall will be back to host this year's ceremony
Shane Gillis will host "Saturday Night Live" for the secondtime on March 1. Gillis is the star and co-creator of theseries "Tires," which returns this year for its second seasonon Netflix.Tate McRae will take the stage as musical guest forthe second time. Her highly anticipated third album, "So CloseTo What," is set for release Feb. 21.
Commitment Ceremony. A dramatic night on the couch sees onecouple leave and one groom's story shocks the experts.
The semi-finalists stare into the mouth of hell as they createHellmouth fireplaces. Who'll set the judges' hearts on fire andclaim a place in the final, and who'll fizzle out?
November, 1970. The challenges of midwifery hit close to homewhen a mother and baby home is evacuated. Nancy's wedding planstake a surprising turn, and Sister Catherine takes her firstvows.
Emotions run high when Jodie and Diags discuss their split,tensions rise when Dani and Harry bump into Junaid andFreddie, and Dan invites his mum to meet Ella.
Conan O'Brien takes the stage to emcee the event as guestsgather at the Dolby Theatre at Ovation Hollywood. The 97thAcademy Awards ceremony, presented by the Academy of MotionPicture Arts and Sciences, honors achievements in film, andis broadcast to more than 200 territories worldwide. Scheduledperformers include Doja Cat, Cynthia Erivo, Ariana Grande,LISA of Blackpink, Queen Latifah and RAYE.
Ukraine-US – During his campaign, President Donald Trumppromised to bring peace to Ukraine. That hasn't happened yet.However, he has changed how the United States deals withRussia. Correspondent Scott Pelley travels to Washington, speak with members of Congress who argue America should notabandon Ukraine. Henry Schuster and Sarah Turcotte are theproducers.Death Flights – 60 MINUTES reports on how theflight logs found in a plane in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.uncovered Argentina's notorious death flights during itsdictatorship in the mid-1970s – serving as key evidence ofthat country's lethal scheme that "disappeared" thousands ofinnocent citizens who they viewed as a threat. CorrespondentJon Wertheim revisits this dark and traumatic period inArgentine history, meeting the pair of investigators whodiscovered the plane, and families of the victims who werethrown to their deaths. This is a double-length segment.Michael Gavshon is the producer.
While tracking the son of a prominent New Jersey cupcake chainfounder, Colter gets thrust into the middle of a violent mafiawar.
Host Guy Fieri kicks off the sixth year of the biggest and mostintense competition in the culinary world. Top-scoring chefsfrom last year are back, and a handful of newcomers with thepotential to win it all are stepping into the arena for thefirst time. Plus, now that all four TOC champs have hung uptheir aprons, there will be a guaranteed new champion thisseason! Who will win the belt, the coveted title and the0,000?
After nepo baby Otis the Kid Detective is put on the force perpressure from the Mayor, Flute makes it his mission to get thekid to quit the force. But his plans to scare Otis away go toofar, just as Flute grows a soft spot for him. Harmony stayshome from work and drinks a lot of cough syrup to get over acold, which causes her to start seeing Mr. Flesh. They bondover their relationships with Stan and Mr. Flesh even helpsHarmony learn to listen to herself and her body.
Ham starts performing at Yet-E-Cheddar's and develops a strangerelationship with an animatronic Freddie the Yeti, that putshis relationship with Crispin in jeopardy. When the new TobinBoat turns out to have a cursed name, the kids battle,Succession-style, for naming rights. Ham and Crispin break up.
When Saxon also starts getting calls from the office, Timothydecides the family should adhere to the resort's no phonespolicy. After tagging along with Rick into town, Chelsea findsherself in another perilous situation. Meanwhile, Jaclyn triesto convince Laurie to have a vacation fling with Valentin, andGaitok worries about getting reprimanded by his bosses.
The Garrison Gang comes for their gold with Hope Valleyresidents in the crosshairs. Angela visits the SchwartzmanSchool and Rosemary uncovers the truth about Ava.
Bodie's wedding celebrations take an unexpected turn, forcingthe SkyMed flight crew to race to save one of their own.