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Events happening today

  1. 12

    28 December 2015 12:00 AM      01:00 AM

    The apprehension of the notorious Boston crime boss WhiteyBulger; John Gotti Jr. discusses his infamous father, JohnGotti Sr.; an FBI agent who infiltrated the Gambino family.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  2. 2

    27 December 2015 02:00 AM      02:30 AM

    Ash battles someone all too familiar, and later hears amessage from the Necronomicon. Meanwhile, the deadliestDeadite attacks.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  3. 3

    27 December 2015 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Investigations in Texas and Missouri are updated by Steve andAmy.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    27 December 2015 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Railroad Alaska 3x7 - Trapped In Ice

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  4. 1

    27 December 2015 01:30 PM      02:30 PM

    Olalla wakes in the Jezequiel house to discover that Robert hastaken her there to lie low. Unbeknown to him the spectralcreature that escaped at the end of episode 5 has been stalkingthe house. It is a Siren, able to take the form of the belovedto anyone who looks at it. It is also driven by the need tosuck the life out of its victims with a kiss. Olalla quicklysenses something amiss in the house and she's right. The Sirenknows they are there and sees them as fresh prey. MIO lead afailed raid on Jekyll's to capture Robert and Olalla, but ofcourse they're not there. Lily fares no better when she triesto wheedle the information of their whereabouts out of Garson.Robert shares the news of his proposal with Maggie but Maggieis unimpressed. She is certain that Robert cannot keep the lidon his Hyde side. Olalla agrees and Robert argues with them.Alone and brooding he discovers Lily has arrived... but itisn't Lily. It's the Siren. Robert is mesmerized as 'she' tellshim she knows all his secrets - but will he kiss her? Tenebraesoon pick up the Siren's energy on their radar and Fedora istasked with tracking it down. Legend has it that the Siren ispowerful enough to release the dark power of Lord Trash andfree him from beyond the seal where he is trapped. RevivingDance is no longer Tenebrae's priority. Still unaware of theSiren, Robert tasks Ravi with finding Dance, using thevestiges of his psychic parasite-vision. Inadvertently Ravisees Renata conversing with the Siren and the team race to saveher before she is killed by a kiss. The Siren escapes andRobert pursues... only to find Lily again. This time they kisswith unexpected consequences. Now it is Renata's turn toconfess. She has allowed this thing to escape from the Templethrough the ancestral portal she is tasked with guarding. TheSiren seduced her by taking the form of her dead husband. Nowshe knows she must make amends. The team also learns that theSiren must reach full strength before it can break the seal forLord Trash. During this time it is vulnerable and they resolveto destroy it.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  5. 2

    27 December 2015 02:30 PM      03:30 PM

    Robert is travelling back to London with Maggie and Ravi whenFedora ambushes them on the road. Fedora's goal is to retrievethe Incubus and she does so at gun-point with the aid of asupernatural extraction box. Garson and Bella turn up to rescuetheir friends but Fedora makes her escape. Robert now knowsthat Tenebrae have the demon - and that can only mean a finalreckoning. Before that happens he resolves to make a cleanbreast of everything to Lily. At Lily's house, Robert canfind no sign of her but he does find Hannigan from MIO. Itinfuriates him. He explores the house, searching for Lily anddiscovers Bulstrode, Lily and Sir Marian Carew together. Theshock flips him into Hyde and the scales fall from his eyes ashe realizes Lily has been an MIO spy all along. Sackler knockshim out with a monocane dart before Hyde can do any damage.Meanwhile, Fedora resuscitates Dance by channelling theIncubus into his rotting body. Dance is completely rejuvenated- and then horrified to discover the demon's power has beenwasted on him. Fedora persuades Dance it is a win-win outcome:he is alive and he holds the Incubus' power inside him. NowDance can open the stone Calyx, containing Lord Trash'sheart, by himself. All they have to do is retrieve it from MIOHQ. Then they can resurrect the apocalyptic Lord Trash... Atthe Jezequiel house Renata finds Olalla in the temple trying todecipher the story of the battle book. Renata is dying andOlalla has realized the importance of the portal. When Olallaoffers to become the Jezequiel guardian, Renata feels able toshare her last secret. If Robert finds the Calyx first there isone way he can thwart Dance... Robert wakes in his Jekyllguise and forms an uneasy truce with Lily. The urgency offacing a common enemy binds them together and they head for theJekyll house, intending to use Ravi's power to track downDance. At home Robert receives a crucial phone call fromOlalla, giving him the information he needs to destroy thecontents of the Calyx. The Cutter and Silas' men launch asurprise attack on MIO. They release the captured monsters fromthe cells, and trap the MIO troops and staff in the basementwhile they steal the Calyx. A major battle ensues, while theCalyx is hastened away to Captain Dance. Fedora and Dance thenlaunch their attack on the Jekyll house, trapping Robert andhis team inside. Dance opens the Calyx, holding everyoneexcept Hyde in suspended animation as Lord Trash's heart startsto beat. Only Hyde is able to force his way through the Calyx'sparalyzing power and he plunges his hand into the stone jar -unleashing a devastating explosion... Who lives? Who dies?.

    Event details

    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  6. 3

    27 December 2015 03:00 PM      03:30 PM

    Bucket pays a visit to his old enemy Fagin, convinced thecriminal had a part to play in the murder of Jacob Marley. Theencounter sets him on the trail of Fagin's old partner in crimeBill Sikes, whose wooden cosh could provide the vital cluethat will solve the case. Meanwhile, Frances comes up with anidea to ruin her sister's plans.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    27 December 2015 03:30 PM      04:00 PM

    The Havishams throw a New Year's party. Amelia is delighted tobe reunited with her brother Arthur, but is troubled when anunexpected guest joins the celebrations. Meanwhile, FrancesBarbary rekindles an old friendship and allows herself to hopethat it may develop into something more.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  7. 4

    27 December 2015 04:00 PM      05:00 PM

    As the sun rises and sets on the island and its solitarymansion, the number of guests is whittled down by theirinvisible enemy - to seven, to six, to fiveandhellip;

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  8. 6

    27 December 2015 06:30 PM      07:30 PM

    Robert seeks sanctuary in Jezequiel House, taking Olalla andRavi with him. Bulstrode is searching for the hidden party,whilst Lily manages to find them with ease, to Robert's shock.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  9. 7

    27 December 2015 07:30 PM      08:30 PM

    Robert and the rest of his team are ambushed by Dance's crewwho take the Incubus out of Maggie and revive Dance with it.Robert realises his enemies are mobilising, so beginssearching for Lily. Dance launches his attack by stealing thejar which holds Lord Trash's heart. Olalla and Renata have someidea about how to destroy the heart, before it destroysRobert.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  10. 8

    27 December 2015 08:00 PM      08:30 PM

    Granville decides to have a cut-price sale but only on stock hewants to get rid of. Mrs Featherstone takes a shine to newneighbour Mr Newbold. Mavis decides to invite Granville over afor a coffee.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    27 December 2015 08:00 PM      09:00 PM

    The Librarians discover that Prospero's renewed magic iswreaking havoc with the technology of the world. He isrecreating an idyllic forest utopia, whether we want one ornot. In order to stop him, Flynn and Baird must travel back to1611, while the rest of the team battles Prospero in thepresent. Little do they realize that they can only defeatProspero in each time by finding a way to work together -separated by five centuries.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    27 December 2015 08:00 PM      09:00 PM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  11. 9

    27 December 2015 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    27 December 2015 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    Production is ramping up with the newest generation of Rygaardon the job, however the day may take a turn for the worse withan ominous blood red sun in the sky. David Zitterkopf and hisson Levi take on their biggest job yet, but with David'shealth scare last year, will he be able to still remain theself proclaimed alpha predator? In Alaska, Papac's new unitcalled "The Longest Yard" will put their crew andequipment to the ultimate test as they plan to string a mile ofskyline across the mountainside. Back in Louisiana, theSwampman is on a hot streak after he delivered a sixteenthousand board foot order, but today he must finish a big jobfor a pint sized client. Still searching for the Legendary LostLog Train, Greg Chapman has found two more sites to search onthe St. Johns River.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  12. 10

    27 December 2015 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

    Kiira's decision throws opening night into disarray. Daphnefinds herself in the spotlight while Claire rises to artistictranscendence and Romeo's prophecy is revealed.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    27 December 2015 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    27 December 2015 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  13. 11

    26 December 2015 11:59 PM      27 December 2015 12:59 AM

    Steven's trial is over, but a new one is just beginning. Willthe jury find the suspect's confession or his conflictingstatements more believable?.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    27 December 2015 11:00 PM      28 December 2015 12:00 AM

    Neil deGrasse Tyson interviews physicist Brian Cox anddiscusses communicating science to the public with co-hostMaeve Higgins and guest Jason Silva.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    27 December 2015 11:59 PM      28 December 2015 12:59 AM

    In the years after Steven and Brendan's very public trials,the various members of the Avery family struggle to mend theirbroken lives.

    Event details

    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
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