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  1. 12

    01 December 2016 12:35 AM      01:35 AM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 12:00 AM      12:15 AM

    The Bears have been invited to all their friends' Christmasparties. In an effort to have time to crash Nom Nom's hugestar-studded bash, the Bears first try to make quick stops atall their friends' parties throughout the night.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  2. 1

    01 December 2016 01:00 AM      02:00 AM

    When a million dollar casino heist takes a deadly turn, Riggsbefriends the only credible witness, an eight-year-old boy,and takes him into his care. On the flip side, Murtaugh pullssome dangerous stunts in an attempt to prove to everyone thathe can be a motorcycle guy. Meanwhile, Riggs contemplates whatto do with the money he received from selling his home inTexas.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 01:00 AM      02:00 AM

    Lethal Weapon 1x10 - Jingle Bell Glock

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 01:00 AM      02:00 AM

    Total Divas 6x3 - A Big Flippin' Deal

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 01:00 AM      01:30 AM

    Barry makes fun of Adam for wanting to be in theater, but hesuddenly becomes jealous when he discovers Adam and Lainey werecast in roles where they kiss each other. Barry joins the stagecrew to sabotage the production, causing a rift between Barryand Adam. Meanwhile, Erica is excited for it to be her mostrelaxed school year ever until Beverly substitute teaches hermost easy class and makes it a nightmare for her and otherstudents.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 01:00 AM      02:00 AM

    Another castaway is voted out of the game.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 01:00 AM      02:00 AM

    Oliver wakes up to a life where he never got on The Queen'sGambit. Robert and Moira Queen are alive and well. Laurel ishis loving fiancée and their wedding is imminent. Everythingseems perfect, but Oliver starts to notice small imperfectionsthat make him question this new reality. Meanwhile, Felicityand the recruits take on a new threat with help from The Flashand Supergirl.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 01:30 AM      02:00 AM

    Maya gets the family to help J.J. romance a girl at school: asthey're always running late, the DiMeo family practicesgetting to school on time for Ray's upcoming weekend fieldtrip.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  3. 2

    01 December 2016 02:00 AM      02:30 AM

    Hayley's plan for a fun-filled girl's day with Rainer Shine'steen daughter may be a little more angst-filled than expected.Meanwhile, Luke finds himself in a compromising position witha widow at the club and unwittingly helps his grandpa, Jay,with his petition. At the Pritchett-Tucker home, Gloria, Philand Cam have formed a secret alliance to ensure theirrespective "mistakes" are concealed from their spouses.However, their diabolical plan may be derailed when Mitchellstarts suspecting something just isn't right.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    Suburban scientists and their backyard shenanigans lead tosilly putty baths, flying bikes and backyard UFOs.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    Ragnar has returned to Kattegat and there are secrets to berevealed. He makes plans to return to Wessex to right pastwrongs but finds that those who were once his closest alliesnow have plans of their own. Even the Lothbrok sons refuse tojoin their father's mission – except one.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    Wolfgang spies on the attendees of a private conference: Algets a glimpse behind the curtain; and Norman acts as guineapig for an unorthodox test.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    Cookie looks to Candace for tips on how to plan an elaboratefamily dinner that will impress Angelo's mother, Diane (gueststar Phylicia Rashad). Meanwhile, old home videos cause Cookieto face secrets about her relationship with her father that shehad tried to hide from her kids, and Andre organizes anunlikely duet.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    Raimy and Satch discover a shocking connection to theNightingale's first kill. When Raimy shares this news withFrank, he works to dig up additional information. Meanwhile,Frank and Julie are forced to have an honest conversation, andRaimy has a surprise visitor.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 02:00 AM      02:30 AM

    Little Will decides to buy a motorcycle instead of a car afterWillie puts him on a budget; Jase and the guys get inspirationto design a revolutionary duck-hunting product involving ziplines.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    The BAU team opens an investigation when a man who fullybelieves he's Dr. Tara Lewis' brother arrives in town, knowingeverything about her and her family, and she is unable to makecontact with her real sibling.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    Salem 3x4 - Night's Black Agents

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 02:31 AM      03:01 AM

    Bow must address unresolved feelings about her own biracialidentity when Junior brings home his first girlfriend, whohappens to be white. Dre is handling a big project for a clientat work and relies on Charlie to teach him how to relate to thecampaign's white, female point-person. Meanwhile, Zoey needsextra credit for her design class, and asks Jack and Diane ifshe can remodel their room.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  4. 3

    01 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Ted Sr. seeks his own bliss. Janet and Daniel attempt to behonest with one another.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 03:00 AM      03:30 AM

    After Liza and Kelsey strike a deal for Colin's novel, anunexpected publicity hype leads to a bidding war. Emboldened byher therapist, Diana introduces herself to Richard, thetherapist who works next door.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 03:00 AM      03:30 AM

    After Liza and Kelsey strike a deal for Colin's novel, anunexpected publicity hype leads to a bidding war. Emboldened byher therapist, Diana introduces herself to Richard, thetherapist who works next door.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 03:00 AM      03:30 AM

    Wahlburgers 7x4 - Take Me Out to the Paul Game

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 03:00 AM      03:30 AM

    South Park 20x10 - TBA

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Ultimate Fighter 24x12 - Last Champion Standing

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Queen Sugar 1x13 - Give Us This Day

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Jay Leno's Garage 2x10 - Old School Vs New School

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    In 2074, where corporations govern all, one man must riskexposing his true identity to find his lost love.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Graveyard Carz 6x5 - Privilege to Drive a '68 GTX Concertible

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    On the eve of the country voting to elect a new House ofRepresentatives, an unexpected development forces Kirkman toconsider cancelling the elections entirely. Meanwhile, newshas leaked about Majid Nassar's death, and Kirkman has tohandle the fallout.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Willis, Leanne and Jesse put their lives on the line tooperate on an officer with an explosive bullet in her leg;Mario, Noa and Guthrie tend to a magician with breathingtrouble.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 03:30 AM      04:00 AM

    The FBI has a surprise plan for Buddy. Sheriff Graham finallydrops the hammer on the pastor. Dora suspects Buddy has afemale lover.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  5. 4

    01 December 2016 04:00 AM      05:00 AM

    Cutthroat Kitchen 14x10 - Mission Impastable

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 04:30 AM      05:00 AM

    @Midnight 255x152 - Dave Hill, Steve Agee, J Mascis

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  6. 10

    01 December 2016 10:30 AM      11:00 AM

    After the end of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Sasuke set offon a journey in order to atone for the sins he committed, andlater to pursue the mystery of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Sasukenarrates how he once desired revenge against his brother,Itachi Uchiha, for murdering their clan and then againstKonohagakure until he was stopped by his best friend, NarutoUzumaki. In addition to seeking retribution for his sins,Sasuke seeks out to establish a new path so he can decide howhe should protect the things most important to himIn theaftermath of the war, the five great nations are enjoyingpeace. Konoha and Kirigakure have recently introduced a newtraining course for rookie ninja, which the Mizukagecontributes to Naruto's desire to have the nations cooperateand spread cultural knowledge. The Mizukage, while contentwith the friendly relations among the nations, is only upsetthat she is approaching the age where she is too late to getmarried. The Mizukage, Mei Terumī, is impressed withChōjūrō's maturity and considers naming him as hersuccessor. A Kirigakure ship about to enter the Land ofLightning until another boat mysterious veers to close andalmost crashes into it until a mysterious person with red eyesattacks the occupants. Despite their efforts, the strangereasily defeats them. Kumogakure shinobi receive the ship andfind that the stranger has placed the Kiri shinobi undergenjutsu. They speculate that the stranger's red eyes is adōjutsu and are attacked.Sasuke is travelling near the Land ofWater and reveals he has been travelling for a few yearsalready, seeking atonement and to research the reason whyKaguya was creating a White Zetsu Army. Sasuke narrates how hereturned to Konoha after the war, but left soon after to starthis journey of observing things about the world he overlooked.Sasuke receives a message from the Sixth Hokage that more thana hundred Kiri and Kumo shinobi have disappeared and thevillages are requesting Sasuke's help. He accepts and decidesto go to the Land of Lightning. While in the Land of HotWater, he finds a bamboo village that appears deserted but hediscovers people hiding after using his Sharingan. He is thenattacked by an elderly villager named Iou, who accuses Sasukeof being a member of the Dark Thunder Group. Sasuke easilydisarms him. Chino and Nowaki diffuse the situation andapologise to Sasuke. Iou explains that the Dark Thunder Groupis an organization of rogue ninjas who killed his daughter andseem to admire Sasuke, who is displeased that a criminalorganisation is tarnishing his name. Iou, Chino, and Nowakiplead for Sasuke to stay so he can stop the Dark ThunderGroup, which he initially rejects but then silently relents.The Dark Thunder Group learns of Sasuke's whereabouts and itsleader, Karyū, decides to find Sasuke and kill him.InKonoha, Kakashi becomes increasingly worried about thedisappearances, despite the best attempts of Konoha, Kiri,and Kumo trying to solve the mystery. Kakashi reveals he choseSasuke to investigate due to his Sharingan and Rinnegan beingable to cast out genjutsu. Shizune, Sakura Haruno, Naruto andSai come into his office to inform Kakashi that Sai has been intouch with Sasuke and there are no updates on thedisappearances. Sakura reveals that she was doing some researchand discovered that there have been other disappearancesinvolving Konoha shinobi, including a regular patron of InoYamanaka's family named Tadaichi. They are alerted thatintruders managed to enter the village and explosions are beingset off, causing massive fires. Naruto, Sakura and Sai arejoined with Shikamaru Nara, Chōji Akimichi, and Ino, andthey converse on what information they currently have. Theyfind the Barrier Team ninja battling the intruders, and Inorecognises one of them as Tadaichi. Sakura also recognises theother intruders as the missing Konoha shinobi. Before they canengage in a fight, the intruders use an explosion to retreatand everyone suspects the missing shinobi were under agenjutsu. The missing shinobi explode due to the injuriesreceived from Tadaichi's explosion. Aoba Yamashiro arrives toalert them that there are more intruders, revealed to be someof the missing Kiri and Kumo shinobi. Kirigakure evacuates itsresidents after learning of the situation in Konoha. InKumogakure, Darui wants to bring Killer B for help but theRaikage refuses. As Naruto and the others battle theintruders, Naruto's wife, Hinata Uzumaki, comes to their aidand uses her Byakugan to see if the opponents are under agenjutsu, which she says it is unlikely. They suspect that adifferent type of chakra is controlling the opponents and theycan't injure them or else they will explode. Naruto uses ShadowClones to distract the opponents while Shikamaru uses hisShadow Imitation Jutsu and Hinata used her Gentle Fist to hittheir chakra points and render them motionless. Aoba uses hissensory abilities to enter a Kiri shinobi's mind but is caughtin a genjutsu trap, and Ino uses her Mind Body SwitchTechnique to save him, both passing out.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  7. 4

    01 December 2016 04:00 PM      05:00 PM

    After a leisurely morning in the house, the candidates areshocked when Karren and Claude appear at the front door to givea briefing that is 'out of this world'. For the next task, theteams have to push their imagination and design skills to thelimit to create a new virtual reality game, before pitching itto a huge audience of gaming enthusiasts at the world-famousComic Con exhibition.

    Event details

    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 04:00 PM      05:00 PM

    Kathy and Callum successfully prevent a war criminal fromleaving the country, but is he too important to prosecute?Callum is instructed to get rid of all information pertainingto individuals of interest, while also having to court theimperious Frau Bellinghausen who holds the key to an infamousperfume. Callum juggles these new demands as his relationshipwith Rachel intensifies and becomes more compromising. Victorand Kathy make the most of Callum's distractions to findwhatever his department has been hiding. Callum begins torealise that he is not the free agent he has always believedhimself to be. Callum's dealings inside the hotel bring himcloser to Harold, an ex-Foreign Office official and hotelregular, who reveals some startling truths about the outbreakof the war. Meanwhile, the friendship between Dieter andCallum is threatened as it is believed that Dieter may havestood by as innocents in labour camps perished under the ruleof the Nazi party.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  8. 6

    01 December 2016 06:00 PM      06:30 PM

    When Santa decides to quit, the Titans pitch in to saveChristmas.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 06:30 PM      06:45 PM

    In order to attend Nom Nom's celebrity Christmas party, thebears must stop by their friends' parties first.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  9. 7

    01 December 2016 07:00 PM      07:15 PM

    Greg tells Steven about their first winter together.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 07:30 PM      07:45 PM

    The guys celebrate their first Christmas in space by sharingstories and opening presents, but Benson gets annoyed that thestories have scary elements.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  10. 8

    01 December 2016 08:00 PM      09:00 PM

    Rosewood and Villa's tireless investigation of Gerald's caseleads them to Cuba, where they must solve two new mysteries:what really happened to Amelia's body, and what's the truthabout Gerald's daughter, Michelle? Meanwhile TMI brings in herold roommate, Dr. Daisy Wick to help the team decipher theevidence.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 08:00 PM      09:00 PM

    After learning the Dominators' plan for the world, the Legendsmust work together with The Flash, Supergirl and Green Arrowto kill them once and for all. Meanwhile, Stein figures out,with the help of others, how the team can terminate theDominators, but is distracted by the aberration he realizes hecreated in 1987.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 08:00 PM      08:30 PM

    Sheldon and Leonard must divide up their possessions and removePenny's things from 4B.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 08:30 PM      09:30 PM

    The celebrities face another day of hardship and hunger in thejungle, but the finish line is finally in sight.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 08:30 PM      09:00 PM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  11. 9

    01 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    Lucifer realizes that as rock star Vince Vincente, he can gethis fans to do whatever he wants. Thrilled with this power,Lucifer arranges to play a secret VIP concert in order to killall of them. Sam, Dean and Castiel enter the underbelly of themusic industry to try to stop him.

    Event details

    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    After a leisurely morning in the house, the candidates areshocked when Karren and Claude appear at the front door to givea briefing that is 'out of this world'. For the next task, theteams have to push their imagination and design skills to thelimit to create a new virtual reality game, before pitching itto a huge audience of gaming enthusiasts at the world-famousComic Con exhibition.

    Event details

    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 09:00 PM      09:30 PM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    Mike becomes the biggest news story in the MLB when rumorsstart about him waiving his no-trade clause. Meanwhile, Evelynand Will go in on a business venture together, but Amelia isconcerned that it relies too heavily on Ginny's fame.

    Event details

    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:30 PM

    The first-ever hybrid challenge tasks the clothiers to fashioninnovative avant-garde looks by using conventional fabric andunconventional metal-themed materials.

    Event details

    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 09:30 PM      10:00 PM

    John's plan to encourage Samantha to skip her ballet class andtake up boxing with his trainer, Troy, behind her motherHeather's back has unexpected consequences. Also, Jen tries todiscreetly seek a second opinion when Tim tells her she needstonsil surgery; Joan constantly scares Matt by hiding spidersaround him; and Greg grows a wiry beard that irritates Jen.

    Event details

    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  12. 10

    01 December 2016 10:00 PM      10:15 PM

    After a snow day saves Blossom from having to face a boy who'sasked her out, she decides to use her ice breath to keep itgoing even if that means plunging Townsville into eternalwinter complete with monstrous yetis!.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 10:00 PM      10:50 PM

    Tripped 2x1 - 1

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

    Taka and Tess are brought together by a blackout: Burton findsevidence that the Woman in Red exists in reality.

    Event details

    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

    Walter and the Bunker Hill surgeons must perfect arevolutionary remote surgery when someone on the InternationalSpace Station needs an emergency procedure. Also, the teamuses social media to locate the source of an E. coli outbreakin town; Scott's secret past is revealed; and Zoe and Malik'sflirtation heats up.

    Event details

    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  13. 11

    30 November 2016 11:00 PM      01 December 2016 12:00 AM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    30 November 2016 11:35 PM      01 December 2016 12:35 AM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    30 November 2016 11:59 PM      01 December 2016 12:59 AM

    Candidates find a tempting offer waiting for them in their newdorm rooms. Those who decide to stay face dauting individualtests.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    30 November 2016 11:59 PM      01 December 2016 12:29 AM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 11:00 PM      02 December 2016 12:00 AM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 11:35 PM      02 December 2016 12:35 AM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 11:59 PM      02 December 2016 12:59 AM

    A night of celebration turns chaotic as Process officialsrealize there's a traitor in their midst and begininterrogating the candidates.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 11:59 PM      02 December 2016 12:29 AM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 11:00 PM      11:15 PM

    When Santa decides to quit, the Titans pitch in to saveChristmas.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    01 December 2016 11:00 PM      11:30 PM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
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