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  1. 4

    18 December 2016 04:00 PM      05:00 PM

    The acclaimed drama concludes. In the aftermath of the Silotragedy Karen feels she and Sam have no future and takesmatters into her own hands. Niska and Astrid prepare to returnto Berlin, but can Niska really walk away from her family? Joeleaves Laura shell-shocked with a frank admission. Hester seeksrevenge and will stop at nothing to hurt Leo.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  2. 8

    18 December 2016 08:00 PM      09:00 PM

    The librarians investigate a traveling carnival where theydiscover the sinister secret of a magician who has beencorrupted by the use of real magic.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    18 December 2016 08:00 PM      09:00 PM

    Sam partners with Anna and Callen with Deeks as the teaminvestigates the disappearance of a Navy Lieutenant Commanderwho is working with the NSA on foreign cyber threats. Also,the team celebrates the holidays together

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    18 December 2016 08:00 PM      10:00 PM

    The village of Little Auburn has stood abandoned since WorldWar Two but plans are afoot to restore it to its former glory.However, the grand reopening takes a grisly turn when a man ismurdered. DCI Barnaby and his new partner, DS Jamie Winter,are soon on the case, and must unravel a web of liesconnecting past and present to bring the killer to justice.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  3. 9

    18 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    Daniel leads the Berlin Station crew in piecing togetherevidence that will illuminate Langley's role in the Iosavarendition. Meanwhile, Hector takes a new approach to atoningfor bad behavior. And as the episode draws to a close and thetruth comes into focus, the Shaw mantle is passed.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    18 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    18 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    18 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    In 2037, a devastating tragedy in the colony forces everyoneon Mars and Earth to question the mission. While the OlympusTown settlement tries to cope and continue its mission,controlling groups back on Earth struggle with a potentialdecision to end the mission. In the present-day documentary,commercial space company SpaceX again attempts to pioneer therocket technology that would help mankind reach the red planet.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    18 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    In the aftermath of the Silo tragedy Karen feels she and Samhave no future and takes matters into her own hands. Niska andAstrid prepare to return to Berlin, but can Niska really walkaway from her family? Joe leaves Laura shell-shocked with afrank admission. Hester seeks revenge and will stop at nothingto hurt Leo.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    18 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    The two finalists receive a call summoning them to London'sCity Hall. Lord Sugar informs them that their final task is tolaunch their business by creating a brand and unveiling theircampaign in front of a packed audience full of industryexperts. A few old faces return as the two finalists choose keycolleagues to try to help them secure the รบ250,000investment, and it is straight to work as they set out tobuild a brand, make a TV advert and create a company fit forLord Sugar. In the boardroom, business plans are evaluated andad campaigns are assessed, but there can only one winner. Itis heartbreak for one and ecstasy for the other, as Lord Sugarfinally picks his next business partner.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  4. 10

    18 December 2016 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

    Rhod Gilbert meets the series winner and runner-up as well asLord Sugar himself to discuss the tears, triumphs and mostmemorable moments of the past 12 weeks. They are joined byformer candidates and special guests on the panel.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    18 December 2016 10:00 PM      10:50 PM

    First of two special festive editions of the popular realityseries. There is fun and drama aplenty as some of the gang headoff to Liverpool for a very Mersey Christmas. How will Lockiereact when Danni reveals all about her new love interest? Peteand Megan are back on, but for how long? Dan also faces up tothe fact that his ex is moving on, but is he really ready tolet Kate go for good? Back in Essex, some of the girls hit asecret Santa singles night, while Gemma organises a festiveextravaganza with the help of Bobby, Lauren and Chloe S. Aftervisiting a turkey farm in search of Christmas dinneringredients, can they face the reality of what might end up ontheir plates?

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    18 December 2016 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

    Alison is motivated to spend a memorable day with Noah on BlockIsland for an unusual reason. Noah is left wistful by theirprofound connection, until the problems from which he wasescaping return with a shocking force.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    18 December 2016 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

    When Watson is implicated in a DEA investigation into doctorswriting illegal prescriptions, she and Holmes search for theperson using her medical license to sell drugs.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    18 December 2016 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    18 December 2016 10:00 PM      10:30 PM

    At a Republican convention, Graves enlists Isaiah's help toquell dangerous rumors about Margaret's relationship withJonathan Dalton. Margaret manages infighting among her team asshe prepares to officially announce her candidacy at theconvention. Olivia and Jeremy feel the pressure as the FBIstarts asking questions about their connection to Arturo.Treadwell escapes his security escort and leaves his mother'shospital room on a mission.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    18 December 2016 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

    Helena gets hooked on a reality television program: Thepaternity of Liam and Eleanor is revealed.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  5. 11

    17 December 2016 11:59 PM      18 December 2016 12:29 AM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    17 December 2016 11:59 PM      18 December 2016 12:59 AM

    After narrowly escaping death, Juliana discovers a familysecret that could have global implications - and leads her tomake a life-changing decision. Kido, Tagomi, and Frank alltake dangerous risks, while back in New York, Joe settlesinto a normal routine, only to have it turned upside down whenSmith gives him the opportunity he's waited for his whole life.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    17 December 2016 11:59 PM      18 December 2016 12:29 AM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    18 December 2016 11:59 PM      19 December 2016 12:29 AM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    18 December 2016 11:59 PM      19 December 2016 12:59 AM

    Fighting to acclimatize to the strange new world of Nazi NewYork, Juliana seeks out the one person she thinks she cantrust: Joe Blake. Angry and defiant after Juliana's departure,Frank is drawn to the Resistance movement and its charismaticleader. Joe confronts his own identity when he finally meetshis father.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    18 December 2016 11:59 PM      19 December 2016 12:29 AM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
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