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Events happening today

  1. 12

    02 December 2016 12:00 AM      12:15 AM

    The Bears have been invited to all their friends' Christmasparties. In an effort to have time to crash Nom Nom's hugestar-studded bash, the Bears first try to make quick stops atall their friends' parties throughout the night.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 12:35 AM      01:35 AM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    03 December 2016 12:00 AM      12:45 AM

    Facing an impossible choice, our heroes must use all they'velearnt to save Earth. But how far are they prepared to go? Andwill they have to pay a price?Unable to recover from the truthsthey have faced, the gang has splintered. Liberated fromenslavement, Quill prepares to take her revenge.
    But theymust reunite when the Shadow Kin return, raging a ruthless,unrelenting war.Resolute to claim April's heart and Charlie'sweapon, Corakinus threatens to kill their families until hehas what he desires - and the friends must fight to preventhim.This time, not everyone will make it out alive.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  2. 1

    02 December 2016 01:00 AM      01:30 AM

    Sheldon and Leonard must divide up their possessions and removePenny's things from 4B.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 01:00 AM      02:00 AM

    DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow 2x7 - Invasion!

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 01:00 AM      02:00 AM

    The First 48 15x36 - Dangerous Business

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 01:00 AM      01:15 AM

    The guys celebrate their first Christmas in space by openingpresents, eating peppermint bark and telling Christmasstories. Benson wants the stories to be more Christmas-y, butthe guys keep adding scary elements, which only infuriatetheir boss.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 01:00 AM      02:00 AM

    Rosewood and Villa's tireless investigation of Gerald's caseleads them to Cuba, where they must solve two new mysteries:what really happened to Amelia's body, and what's the truthabout Gerald's daughter, Michelle? Meanwhile TMI brings in herold roommate, Dr. Daisy Wick to help the team decipher theevidence.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 01:30 AM      02:00 AM

    Brooke steps in as Eddie's interim best friend when Jack isunable to help him through the pain of his divorce; a bigsecret is revealed when Clark, Emma and Mason face off in afitness tracker challenge to win concert tickets.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 01:30 AM      01:45 AM

    Greg tells Steven the story of his first winter with Steven.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 01:59 AM      02:59 AM

    Mike becomes the biggest news story in the MLB when rumorsstart about him waiving his no-trade clause. Meanwhile, Evelynand Will (guest star BJ Britt) go in on a business venturetogether, but Amelia is concerned that it relies too heavilyon Ginny's fame.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  3. 2

    02 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:30 AM

    Project Runway 15x12 - TBA

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 02:00 AM      02:30 AM

    An overprotective Christy keeps a constant eye on her12-year-old son, Roscoe, after discovering he has been usingdrugs and alcohol, and Bonnie finds herself in the strangeposition of being the calm and rational one.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    Chopped 30x16 - Jump For Bok Choy

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    Mysteries at the Museum 12x18 - Great Snake Hunt, MinneapolisSvengali And Swimming With Sharks

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    Lucifer realizes that as rock star Vince Vincente, he can gethis fans to do whatever he wants. Thrilled with this power,Lucifer arranges to play a secret VIP concert in order to killall of them. Sam, Dean and Castiel enter the underbelly of themusic industry to try to stop him.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 02:30 AM      03:00 AM

    John's plan to encourage Samantha to skip her ballet class andtake up boxing with his trainer, Troy, behind her motherHeather's back has unexpected consequences. Also, Jen tries todiscreetly seek a second opinion when Tim tells her she needstonsil surgery; Joan constantly scares Matt by hiding spidersaround him; and Greg grows a wiry beard that irritates Jen.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  4. 3

    02 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Mysteries at the Museum 12x19 - The Man Who Sold A MillionRocks, A Party That Started A War And The Umbrella Man

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 03:00 AM      03:30 AM

    Beat Bobby Flay 10x10 - You've Got To Be Kidding Me!

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Taka and Tess are brought together by a blackout: Burton findsevidence that the Woman in Red exists in reality.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Walter and the Bunker Hill surgeons must perfect arevolutionary remote surgery when someone on the InternationalSpace Station needs an emergency procedure. Also, the teamuses social media to locate the source of an E. coli outbreakin town; Scott's secret past is revealed; and Zoe and Malik'sflirtation heats up.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Eight new chefs face off against eight returning chefs inCharleston, S.C.; the new chefs enter the kitchen first tocook as many dishes as possible in one hour using a wholechicken; the veterans square off to re-imagine shrimp andgrits.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  5. 4

    02 December 2016 04:30 AM      05:00 AM

    @Midnight 255x153 - Mike Lawrence, Sam Morril, TBA

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  6. 5

    02 December 2016 05:00 AM      06:10 AM

    The Grand Tour 1x3 - Opera, Arts and Donuts aka The ReturnHome

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 05:30 AM      06:00 AM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  7. 7

    02 December 2016 07:20 AM      07:50 AM

    Nowhere Boys 3x4 - Episode 4

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  8. 3

    02 December 2016 03:30 PM      04:00 PM

    Mr Khan has been spending quality time with Alia's 'friend whois a boy' Scab. They are getting on famously and, after aone-to-one chat with Alia, Mr Khan suspects it won't be longbefore there is another Khan family wedding on the horizon. Butthen Scab takes fright at the prospect of the Khans meeting hisparents. The Khans believe it is because they are a bit snootyand object to the idea of having a Pakistani daughter-in-law.So Mr Khan and Amjad hotfoot it to the posh country club toconfront Scab's father in a sweaty sauna and give him a pieceof their minds.

    Event details

    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  9. 4

    02 December 2016 04:00 PM      04:30 PM

    Regular team captains Paul Merton and Ian Hislop are joined byguest host Tom Hollander and guest panellist Hal Cruttenden.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  10. 5

    02 December 2016 05:00 PM      06:00 PM

    Miranda Hart joins Adam Hills, Josh Widdicome and Alex Brookerto pick over the week's biggest stories.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 05:00 PM      05:30 PM

    Sandi Toksvig has a Night to remember. With Noel Fielding,Holly Walsh, David Mitchell and Alan Davies.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 05:35 PM      06:35 PM

    Graham is joined by Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence and JurassicWorld star Chris Pratt who both star in sci-fi romanticthriller Passengers. Plus celebrity chef, restaurateur andactivist Jamie Oliver. With music from Emeli Sande, whoperforms Breathing Underwater.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  11. 8

    02 December 2016 08:00 PM      09:00 PM

    History series. Dan Jones visits Lancaster Castle to exploreits grisly history of crime and punishment, including theinfamous Lancashire Witches trials and the martyrdom of theJesuit priest Saint Edmund Arrowsmith.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 08:00 PM      08:30 PM

    Mandy chooses local-celebrity Mike as the speaker for herbusiness school's graduation. After learning that the schoolrequires his speech to be PC and micro-agression free, Mikedecides whether or not to play by the rules. Meanwhile, Eve'sfriend Cammy is home from college, bragging about howfantastic her new life has been, leaving Eve feeling slightlyfruitless and discouraged.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 08:00 PM      09:00 PM

    When her children become the focus of the Siren's latest plan,Caroline takes drastic measures to ensure nothing gets in theway of keeping her family safe. In a race against the clock,Stefan pledges to do everything he can to save the twins,while tensions between Alaric and Caroline boil over, leadingthem to face some harsh realities about the future of theirfamily. Meanwhile, when Enzo finds himself unable to fight offSybil's latest move, Stefan dives into his subconscious andalong the way, sets off a chain of events that leaves himfaced with a life-changing decision.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 08:00 PM      09:00 PM

    While on the road to a vampire-controlled camp, Vanessa andMohamad find themselves in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouseagainst Sam. Sheema discovers a secret that can bring down theghetto-cell of the Resistance, while Julius takes aclandestine meeting with Dmitri. Ultimately, Vanessa andMohamad walk into a trap that places one of them in greatperil.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 08:30 PM      09:00 PM

    As Christmas approaches, Riley gets excited to celebrate herfavorite holiday, but for Maya, the holidays only bring backunhappy memories from her childhood.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 08:30 PM      09:00 PM

    When D.K. overhears Allison complain about him overstaying hiswelcome, he decides to move in with his girlfriend of threeweeks. Meanwhile, Pat wants Dave to pretend he's his adoptedson; and Allison is convinced Molly wants to talk aboutsomething when she suggests they do a spa day, but the tablesturn when Molly is the one doling out the advice.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 08:30 PM      09:30 PM

    The competition is ramping up and jungle life isn't getting anyeasier, but who has their sights set on the Jungle Crown?

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 08:30 PM      09:00 PM

    Sitcom following the trials and tribulations of self-appointedMuslim community leader Mr Khan and his long-suffering family.Mr Khan has been spending quality time with Alia's 'friend whois a boy' Scab. They are getting on famously and, after aone-to-one chat with Alia, Mr Khan suspects it won't be longbefore there is another Khan family wedding on the horizon. Butthen Scab takes fright at the prospect of the Khans meeting hisparents. The Khans believe it is because they are a bit snootyand object to the idea of having a Pakistani daughter-in-law.So Mr Khan and Amjad hotfoot it to the posh country club toconfront Scab's father in a sweaty sauna and give him a pieceof their minds.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  12. 9

    02 December 2016 09:00 PM      09:30 PM

    Regular team captains Paul Merton and Ian Hislop are joined byguest host Tom Hollander and guest panellist Hal Cruttenden.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    Todd digs deeper than ever before in a desperate quest forgold; Tony heads down the Yukon River; and Parker's priceywash-plant begins to shake apart.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    When an entrepreneurial team from Santa Cruz, California,leaves the Tank to discuss an offer for their electricskateboard business, they get a surprise from the Sharks upontheir return; an MIT grad from San Francisco, California,gave up a high-paying consultant job to focus on makinghuman-quality pet food delivered fresh to your door; a duofrom San Francisco, California, has a new generation ofchewable coffee products made to optimize physical and mentalfunction; and a former restaurateur and her husband designed aproduct that makes gourmet at-home cooking a breeze. Also, afollow-up on the mother-daughter team from the Denver,Colorado, and their Simply Fit Board, which Lori Greinerinvested in during season 7.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    Warren leads an attack against Murphytown to extract its smugleader.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  13. 10

    02 December 2016 10:00 PM      10:15 PM

    When the girls disobey the Professor and swing all the way overthe swingset, they must deal with unexpected consequences.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 10:00 PM      10:30 PM

    Sandi Toksvig has a night to remember with Noel Fielding,Holly Walsh, David Mitchell and Alan Davies.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    02 December 2016 10:00 PM      10:30 PM

    Reggie Watts returns to the show just in time to try to preventa disaster; Weird Al has a surprising announcement; AdamScott tries to give Scott some assistance.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 10:30 PM      11:00 PM

    Scott receives some disturbing news that may mean the end ofComedy Bang! Bang! forever, but before the end, old chumsLord Andrew Lloyd Webber and Fabrice Fabrice stop by to wishthe gang goodbye.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 10:35 PM      11:25 PM

    Graham is joined by Oscar winner Jennifer Lawence and JurassicWorld star Chris Pratt who both star in sci-fi romanticthriller Passengers. Plus celebrity chef, restaurateur andactivist Jamie Oliver. With music from Emeli Sande, whoperforms Breathing Underwater.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  14. 11

    01 December 2016 11:00 PM      02 December 2016 12:00 AM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 11:35 PM      02 December 2016 12:35 AM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 11:59 PM      02 December 2016 12:59 AM

    A night of celebration turns chaotic as Process officialsrealize there's a traitor in their midst and begininterrogating the candidates.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    01 December 2016 11:59 PM      02 December 2016 12:29 AM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 11:35 PM      03 December 2016 12:35 AM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 11:59 PM      03 December 2016 12:59 AM

    On the morning of the Purification Ritual, startingrevelations and shifting loyalties leave the fates of fourcandidates hanging in the balance.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    02 December 2016 11:59 PM      03 December 2016 12:59 AM

    Friday 2nd December 2016 The Grand Tour traveling tent pitchesup on the quayside in the English coastal town of Whitby fromwhere Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May introducea modern take on the traditional gentleman's tour of Italy.With Jeremy in an Aston Martin DB11 and James in a Rolls-RoyceDawn, the pair are set for a leisurely trip of culture andfine dining until a noisy and unwelcome guest arrives.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
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