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  1. 12

    08 December 2016 12:35 AM      01:35 AM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 12:35 AM      01:35 AM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  2. 1

    08 December 2016 01:00 AM      01:30 AM

    When Adam attends a Globetrotters game, he falls in love withthe "theatrics" of the team and tries doing his own tricks onthe court. But when he cuts together a video that makes Barrylook like he lost a game to Adam and his friends, Barrydemands a rematch, culminating in an epic battle at the schoolgym. Meanwhile, it's Murray's 50th birthday, and, despitehis protests, Beverly throws yet another surprise party forhim but gets more than she bargained for.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 01:00 AM      02:00 AM

    After Prometheus attacks Curtis, Oliver realizes Prometheusknows all of Team Arrow's secret identities and is planning tocome for them one by one. Felicity and Detective Malonediscover a clue that links Prometheus to Oliver's past.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 01:00 AM      02:00 AM

    The whole precinct's holiday celebrations are cut short whenthey're called to examine a ruthless homicide linked to EddieFlores (guest star Raul Casso), the deranged nephew of anotable drug lord who has a previous history with Riggs. Theholiday season weighs heavily on Riggs, who flashes back topast Christmases with his former wife, Miranda. Murtaugh isalso a little preoccupied with his neighbor's obnoxious holidaydecorations.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 01:00 AM      02:00 AM

    Total Divas 6x4 - Gone Girl

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 01:00 AM      02:00 AM

    Another castaway is voted out of the game.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 01:30 AM      02:00 AM

    JJ instantly wants to join a sled hockey team made up entirelyof people with disabilities, but Jimmy is not thrilled andthinks it's dangerous. Meanwhile, Maya takes a CPR class withKenneth, and she sees how popular he is and realizes that sheneeds to be nicer in order to keep him as JJ's aide.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  3. 2

    08 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    Raimy and Frank make a startling discovery about theNightingale killer. Meanwhile, Frank is blindsided by ashocking betrayal.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    The Kattegat locals chide Ragnar that the gods have desertedhim as he struggles to crew his voyage to Wessex. It's Bjornwho has charisma now as he prepares to fulfill his long-helddream to explore the Mediterranean in a sleek new boat builtfor him by Floki. By contrast, Ragnar must accept weatheredboats and a crew he has bribed but when Aslaug foresees thatthe fleet will be lost in a vicious storm her warnings goun-heeded by Ragnar and her precious son, Ivar.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    Wolfgang is courted by Global Standard while Norman plots tobring the investigation to a close.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    The BAU team heads to Yakima, Wash., after the remains of adozen people are found along a creek bed.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    Andre sabotages Tiana's big appearance at a fashion event in anattempt to get Nessa into the spotlight. Meanwhile, Tariqworks with Leah to try to bring down Lucious, and Jamal workswith Philip to get over his PTSD

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 02:00 AM      02:30 AM

    Duck Dynasty 11x4 - Uneasy Rider

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 02:00 AM      03:00 AM

    Salem 3x5 - The Commonwealth Of Hell

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 02:31 AM      03:01 AM

    Bow urges Dre to use his connections and secure Zoey afellowship, but he doesn't want his daughter relying onnepotism. When Bow finds Zoey a place at the hospital, Drebalks at the idea and successfully pulls some strings at TeenVogue. Meanwhile, Junior loses his first job at an arcadepizza joint that the twins love after he reports their uncleanpractices to corporate, and they shut it down.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  4. 3

    08 December 2016 03:00 AM      03:30 AM

    Wahlburgers 7x5 - Bend It Like Wahlberg

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    08 December 2016 03:00 AM      03:30 AM

    Liza and Josh's future together is thrown into question afterhaving opposing reactions to a near miss.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 03:00 AM      03:30 AM

    Liza and Josh's future together is thrown into question afterhaving opposing reactions to a near miss.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Jay Leno's Garage 2x11 - Just Add Water

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    When classified government documents are leaked online,President Kirkman searches for the party responsible only tofind that they have taken refuge inside a foreign embassy andare behind even his reach. Meanwhile, Agent Hannah Wells racesfuriously to gather evidence of MacLeish's involvement in theconspiracy before he can be confirmed as the country's nextVice President.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    A 13-year-old girl who arrives at Angels Memorial following aseizure turns out to be Campbell's daughter; the team treats adeaf woman and her translator after they survive an automobileaccident.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 03:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Graveyard Carz 6x6 - TBA

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 03:30 AM      04:00 AM

    Buddy deals with the shocking arrival of Alexa's husband. Doramakes a frightening discovery. Schmidt's engagement party takesan unexpected turn.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 03:30 AM      04:00 AM

    Wahlburgers 7x6 - Great Scotland!

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  5. 10

    08 December 2016 10:30 AM      11:00 AM

    As Sakura cures Ino and Aoba while Sai takes everyone else tothe hospital, Naruto becomes aware of the hatred that's takingroot in the shinobi. Back at the Land of Hot Water, Sasukegoes with Chino, Nowaki, and Iou to search for the DarkThunder Group and Sasuke learns that Chino is actually olderthan him despite appearing as a ten-year-old. Sasuke thinksabout his brother and his clan; how Shisui Uchiha gave hislife to protect the village, only for Itachi to be blamed,and how Sasuke once dreamed of joining the Konoha MilitaryPolice Force as a child. Itachi's sacrifice for the village hadbeen the only thing on Sasuke's mind until he met with areanimated Itachi, who said he would always love Sasuke beforereturning to the afterlife. Chino asks Sasuke if he plans toreturn to Konoha, which Sasuke doesn't reply because he isunsure about it due to the guilt he feels for betraying hisfriends. She also asks him about his goal of restoring theUchiha Clan, which he again refuses to answer. They comeacross the village where Iou's daughter lived in and find itcompletely destroyed. Sasuke asks why the neighbouring villagesaren't helping to support the residents, and Nowaki repliesthat the other villages are afraid of the Dark Thunder Group.As Iou describes the group's activities, Sasuke notes howsimilar they are to his old self; someone who turned to hatredand darkness after losing someone he loved dearly. Sasukeadmits he still feels some darkness in him, but the purpose ofhim travelling alone is to repair the damage he caused tohimself and prevent another mistake. Chino senses movementunderground and suspect it is due to the Dark Thunder Group.They rush back to the village and find that the group isalready setting off explosions in the village. Sasuke engagesthem in battle and saves many of the villagers. Sasuke uses hisSharingan and deduces that many of the enemies are undergenjutsu. One of them realises who Sasuke is but is stabbed bySasuke with his lightning blade but not fatally. Karyū appearsand Iou tries to attack him but is defeated. Karyū revealsthat he has always wanted to meet Sasuke but he wants to killhim in order to surpass him. The two fight with Karyū usingLava Release, and Sasuke wins by stabbing him with Chidori.While being interrogated, Karyū explains that he was born ina small village outside of Kumogakure to a clan that had anaffinity for Lava Release but when his clan was destroyed,Karyū escaped and was found by the Lightning Group, which wasoperated and worked as a criminal for Kumogakure until thegroup dissolved after being betrayed by Kirigakure. When heheard about Sasuke attacking the Kage Summit, Karyū startedto admire him and formed the Dark Thunder Group to get revengeon those who wronged him, much to Sasuke's dismay, and Sasukesends a message of the events to Kakashi.Kakashi quicklyresponds to Sasuke's message and informs Sasuke of the attackon Konoha. Sasuke remains in the village to continueinterrogating Karyū and then turn him over to Konoha. Sasukethinks about Karyū's story about gathering other rogue ninjasto get revenge on those they despise and forcing a genjutsu onother shinobi to fulfil his goals. He spots a fire breaking outin the house where Karyū is being kept and learns from Chinoand Nowaki that Iou set the house on fire to kill Karyū. WhenSasuke confronts him, Iou says he did it to avenge hisdaughter's murder and he doesn't trust Konoha to punish Karyūbecause of the village's reputation of forgiving criminals.Iou's words make Sasuke remember the vengeful person he oncewas.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV
  6. 4

    08 December 2016 04:00 PM      05:00 PM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 04:00 PM      05:00 PM

    As the teams move into week 10, the remaining candidates aresummoned to the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich. Here LordSugar sets them the task of creating and producing the spiritof the moment - gin. With the final in sight, the candidatesare all desperate to impress. However, one team gets a littlecarried away with the taste testing, getting tipsy before theday has even begun, while on the other team, their pitcheshit rock bottom when a key retailer reveals they don't like thecolour, taste or branding of the gin. One candidate is leftwith a bitter taste in their mouth when the rest of the teamturns against them, and tempers reach boiling point. Who willbe fired?

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  7. 8

    08 December 2016 08:00 PM      09:00 PM

    When a new Time Aberration is discovered by the Legends, theyfind themselves headed to 1927 Chicago. The Legends quicklyrealize that they have been set up by Eobard Thawne, DamienDarhk and the newest member of the Legion of Doom, MalcolmMerlyn. While everyone is trying to help fix what they think isthe mission, Jax encourages a reluctant Stein to share hissecret with the other Legends. Stein is taken captive and Saramust make the tough choice of either stopping the Legion ofDoom or saving Stein. Meanwhile, Rory gets an unexpectedvisitor and is not sure how to handle it.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 08:30 PM      09:00 PM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  8. 9

    08 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    Lucifer's search for power and influence in a vessel lands himin the White House. The President of The United Statesunknowingly makes a deal with the devil, leading Sam, Dean,Castiel, Crowley and Rowena to band together to fight the DarkLord.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:30 PM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 09:00 PM      09:30 PM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    When Julia is mistakenly taken hostage by Mexican cartel leaderCarlos Mora, Jake and LHL take extreme measures to ensure hersafe return. Mora says he will release her and a fellowjournalist if she produces an interview that would advance hispropaganda.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    As the teams move into week 10, the remaining candidates aresummoned to the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich. Here LordSugar sets them the task of creating and producing the spiritof the moment - gin. With the final in sight, the candidatesare all desperate to impress. However, one team gets a littlecarried away with the taste testing, getting tipsy before theday has even begun, while on the other team, their pitcheshit rock bottom when a key retailer reveals they don't like thecolour, taste or branding of the gin. One candidate is leftwith a bitter taste in their mouth when the rest of the teamturns against them, and tempers reach boiling point. Who willbe fired?

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 09:30 PM      10:00 PM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  9. 10

    08 December 2016 10:00 PM      10:50 PM

    Festive special of Keith Lemon's outrageous comedy panel show.Joining team captains Fearne Cotton and Holly Willoughby andregular panellist Gino D'Acampo are Good Morning Britainpresenters Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

    Burton trails the Woman in Red: Taka loses his footing withSabine; Tess and BIll follow a lead on the Boy.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  10. 11

    07 December 2016 11:00 PM      08 December 2016 12:00 AM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    07 December 2016 11:35 PM      08 December 2016 12:35 AM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    07 December 2016 11:35 PM      08 December 2016 12:35 AM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 11:00 PM      09 December 2016 12:00 AM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 11:35 PM      09 December 2016 12:35 AM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 11:35 PM      09 December 2016 12:35 AM

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    08 December 2016 11:00 PM      11:15 PM

    Batman and Commissioner Gordon check in on various happeningsaround Jump City.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 11:00 PM      11:15 PM

    Batman and Commissioner Gordon check in on various happeningsaround Jump City.

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    TV Calendar: At My TV

    08 December 2016 11:00 PM      11:30 PM

    DJ Khaled, recording artist, social media star &amp: author- "The Keys"

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
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