Events happening today
17 February 2025 12:00 AM 01:00 AM
Fatal Family Feuds 2x1 - A Long Island Love Triangle
TV Calendar: At My TV
17 February 2025 12:00 AM 01:00 AM
28 Days – Correspondent Scott Pelley reports fromWashington, D.C., on whether President Trump's dismantling ofthe U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) withoutCongress' approval is legal. Pelley speaks with aconstitutional law professor and with a former USAIDadministrator for President George W. Bush, who raisequestions about the president's legal authority and expressconcern about the effectiveness and role of the Department ofGovernment Efficiency or DOGE. Maria Gavrilovic and Alex Ortizare the producers.Policing The Internet – In the UnitedStates, most of what anyone says, sends, or streams online,even if it's hate-filled or toxic, is protected by the FirstAmendment as free speech. However, as correspondent SharynAlfonsi reports, Germany is trying to bring order to theunruly World Wide Web by policing it in a way most Americanscould never imagine. Michael Karzis is the producer.TimothéeChalamet – When Timothée Chalamet was offered the chanceto play Bob Dylan in a film based on the legendary musician,many people told him not to take it. Chalamet didn't know muchabout playing the guitar, harmonica, or Dylan himself. 60MINUTES spends a couple of days with the 29-year-old actor tofind out how he prepared for over five years to play one of themost enigmatic and revered musicians of our time for his film AComplete Unknown, which earned him his second Oscar nominationfor best actor. Correspondent Anderson Cooper visitsChalamet's childhood home and Dylan's old haunts in New YorkCity and discovers some of the parallels between the twoartists. Nichole Marks is the producer.
TV Calendar: At My TV -
16 February 2025 05:00 AM 05:51 AM
Rowan, Moira, Cortland, and Lark search for Lasher inScotland; Sip is questioned by the Talamasca.
TV Calendar: At My TV -
16 February 2025 07:00 AM 08:00 AM
Dale embraces his success, hosting a lavish birthday party.Meanwhile, Helen is struggling personally and professionally -Public Eye's ratings are dire but when offered anexclusive, she sees an opportunity to save her show.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign -
16 February 2025 08:00 AM 09:31 AM
Second Commitment Ceremony. The couples face the experts againand decide whether to stay or leave the experiment with onepopular pair in crisis.
TV Calendar: At My TV
16 February 2025 08:00 AM 09:30 AM
I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! 11x21 - Finale
TV Calendar: At My TV
16 February 2025 04:00 PM 04:50 PM
Eliza faces a conflict of interests when she hired to look intothe personal life of Police Commissioner Fitzroy.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign
16 February 2025 04:00 PM 05:00 PM
The team discover Asif, Mel, and Marty':s connections tothe deceased, and bring Marty in. Secrets from thedeceased's past come to light, and Jess reaches out toher sister.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign
16 February 2025 04:00 PM 05:00 PM
At Kintbury, Cassandra':s fever is raging. In herdelirium, she nearly lets slip that she is in possession ofJane's letters, but manages - just - to keep Mary fromfinding them.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign -
16 February 2025 07:00 PM 08:59 PM
The biggest night in film has arrived! Hosting once again ismulti-award-winning actor David Tennant, who'll guide usthrough a spectacular celebration of the year's best films.With a star-studded audience of nominees from Wicked,Conclave, A Complete Unknown and more, who will take home thecoveted BAFTA mask? The night also features an exclusiveshow-stopping performance from Take That and a special musicalmoment with Jeff Goldblum. The stage is set, the awards areready - now all we need is you!
TV Calendar: At My TV
16 February 2025 07:45 PM 09:00 PM
The potters take on a sculpting challenge and hark toStoke-on-Trent with bird bath creations. Who'll soar into thequarter-finals, and who's flying the nest for good?
TV Calendar: At My TV -
16 February 2025 08:00 PM 09:00 PM
After a young girl is the victim of a shootout in herneighborhood, the team races to find out if a gang war isafoot and whether the crime is connected to a shipment ofstolen guns McCall is chasing down. Meanwhile, love is in theair when Aunt Vi and Delilah prepare for their respectivedates.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign
16 February 2025 08:00 PM 08:30 PM
The action heats up as the Valley':s top fighters pittheir courage against their rivals' speed and strength.But one last surprise changes everything.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign
16 February 2025 08:30 PM 09:00 PM
Everyone knows The Fates, but what about their brother, JohnFate? Deliria's clairvoyant ex comes to town and givesthe family some bad news.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign -
16 February 2025 09:00 PM 10:00 PM
Eight celebrities are still on the run but one of them issurrounded by ground hunters in a house in south London. Havingnarrowly escaped capture, one celeb is eager for revenge. Butwhile taunting the hunters she inadvertently leaves a preciousclue. In a busy street in London's Soho, two fugitives arehiding in plain sight. With extraction on the horizon, someof the celebs tucked away up north head for London for details.Are one couple about to accidentally lead the hunters straightto all of the celebs?
TV Calendar: At My TV
16 February 2025 09:00 PM 10:00 PM
When three of the flight crew are stranded on a plane with abomb that will explode if they try to land, everyone on theground races to try to save them.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign
16 February 2025 09:00 PM 10:00 PM
Elizabeth and Nathan':s date night leads to an undercoveroperation at a glamorous party. Lucas and Edie grow closer overcards. Rosemary holds auditions for a play.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign
16 February 2025 09:00 PM 10:00 PM
As a new round of guests arrives at the White Lotus Thailand,Timothy balks at the resort's digital detox policy whilesecretly fielding calls from back home, Piper and Lochlanvisit a monastery, and Saxon goes hunting for a hookup.Meanwhile, Belinda settles in, Chelsea deals with apreoccupied Rick, and friends Kate, Laurie, and Jaclyn kickoff their long-awaited girls' trip.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign
16 February 2025 09:00 PM 10:00 PM
Rowan, Moira, Cortland, and Lark search for Lasher inScotland. Sip is questioned by the Talamasca.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign
16 February 2025 09:00 PM 10:00 PM
A new lead in Colter':s white whale case, thedisappearance of Gina Picket, brings him and retired copKeaton back together to track down a serial killer.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign
16 February 2025 09:00 PM 10:00 PM
When the lucrative Bass divorce is derailed by allegations ofhusband Connery's embezzling, Abby and Daniel race toget their client, Sabrina, clear.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign
16 February 2025 09:00 PM 10:00 PM
Watson and the fellows investigate the perplexing case of afamily man with a bullet lodged in his head who insists he is aScottish soldier and seems to be hiding something nefarious.Meanwhile, Watson looks for clues to whom his estranged wifeMary is dating, and Ingrid tries to work out what her"tell" is when Watson calls her out for lying.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign
16 February 2025 09:00 PM 10:00 PM
Summer inspires the Yellowjackets to ditch soccer for a morecontact-intensive sport and revive an old pagan tradition. Inthe present, a cringe-worthy funeral flows organically into abar therapy session.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign
16 February 2025 09:30 PM 10:00 PM
Peter and his friends star in their own adaptation of"Top Gun".
TV Calendar: Pogdesign -
16 February 2025 10:00 PM 11:00 PM
The Yellowjackets are stuck deciding whether to track down amissing teammate or just trip out on mushrooms. Shauna securesa spot on the world's most unsupportive partner list.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign -
15 February 2025 11:30 PM 16 February 2025 01:00 AM
The award-winning sketch show celebrates its groundbreaking50th anniversary live from New York, featuring musicalperformances, former cast members, special guests andall-time favourite sketches.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign
16 February 2025 11:59 PM 17 February 2025 12:29 AM
Harmony pushes Flute to move out, resulting in him moving intoa house haunted by a doting housewife. Things soon go awry whenFlute invites everyone for an adult party at his house, andFlute's disregard of the ghost prompts her to threatentheir lives. Also, Flute clashes with new child detective OtisVolcanowitz.
TV Calendar: Pogdesign