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Events happening today

  1. 5

    25 August 2024 05:00 PM      06:00 PM

    Adoption Counselling. In the season finale, Noel tackles themost difficult dilemma of his adult life: should he orshouldn't he find his birth mother? Plus, Harley wantsto adopt Millie's eldest child.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  2. 7

    25 August 2024 07:59 PM      08:59 PM

    Lucian pleads with Constance to run away with him after Nish isdiscovered dead; Alice figures out that Carlo has beenmanipulating her; Jack and Cecil agree to a dangerous plan.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  3. 8

    25 August 2024 08:00 PM      09:00 PM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  4. 9

    25 August 2024 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    Nima needs more samples for his experiments, so Milius sendsWilford and the soldiers to collect; privately, Milius tellsWolf to kill Wilford; Layton wakes up on an abandoned floorand is approached by humans with toxic gas scars.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    25 August 2024 09:00 PM      10:00 PM

    After Charlie is kidnapped Lucy is left with a difficultchoice, Kira and Eleanor finally uncover the connectionbetween the 12 unidentifiable files and Darros' biggerplan but it may be too late to stop him.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  5. 10

    25 August 2024 10:00 PM      11:00 PM

    Eric, Yasmin, and Robert head to the COP Climate Conferencein Switzerland to display Pierpoint's confidence inpivoting to ethical investing. But when Harper pulls a stuntthat disrupts the status quo, market support for Lumi becomesthreatened.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
  6. 11

    25 August 2024 11:59 PM      26 August 2024 12:59 AM

    As Lieutenant Davis focuses on full-spectrum warfare againstforeign superpowers, she asks Bravo to target a factory inMyanmar that's tied to China and fentanyl production,per the DEA. The mission is to pull intel and destroy the plantwith explosives, disrupting China's traffickingoperations and hiding any U.S. fingerprints. Jason initiallyvies for a safer plan, and some on the team begin to questionhis decisions.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    25 August 2024 11:59 PM      26 August 2024 12:59 AM

    Coming Soon...

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    25 August 2024 11:59 PM      26 August 2024 12:59 AM

    After discovering that their older brother is responsible forhiding a valuable piece of information, Tal and Mariah trackdown a reluctant Addison for answers.

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    TV Calendar: Pogdesign

    25 August 2024 11:59 PM      26 August 2024 12:59 AM

    Ozzie tries to find his missing connection from the wrestlingconvention. Leia intervenes when Nate and Jay's feud goestoo far.

    Event details

    TV Calendar: Pogdesign
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