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THE FIRES –Correspondent Bill Whitaker reports from LosAngeles, the site of what could be the most destructive andcostliest firestorm in its history. Whitaker surveys thedevastation with the Quick Response Force from the air andmeets first responders on the front lines, many of whom facepersonal losses in their community while making significantsacrifices to protect their city. Nichole Marks, MarcLieberman and Heather Abbott are the producers. THE FBIDIRECTOR – As Federal Bureau of Investigation directorChristopher Wray prepares to step down before President-electDonald Trump takes office, correspondent Scott Pelley speakswith him for his only broadcast exit interview. Wray, whomTrump nominated in 2017, reflects on his decision to departearly, the Bureau's future and the threats America faces.Aaron Weisz and Pat Milton are the producers.THE GAZA POLICY– Correspondent Cecilia Vega interviews former StateDepartment officials who quit their jobs and are speaking outabout their concerns with the Biden administration's policy insupport of Israel's war in Gaza, raising questions about thedirection of U.S. foreign policy and the values it represents.Ayesha Siddiqi is the producer.