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Parker comes face-to-face with a pack of wild jaguars beforeheading to the Brazilian hard rock mecca of Pocone, where hediscovers a game-changing type of mining.
With the truth of their treachery uncovered, Dru and Diana areon the run. Tariq and Monet are on the hunt but find themselvesinterrupted when Detective Carter and Kamaal Tate show up withquestions.
In tonight's word game, new champs look to defend their titleas they face off against best friends, and then it's a familyshowdown when brothers take on a mother and son duo.
On the final leg of their road trip through the America West,the Fieris check out food-truck pizza and ice cream, and acamp breakfast becomes a cooking battle to see who makes thebest sweet and savory dishes. Plus, there's a survival contestand a campground carnival featuring Lebanese and Mediterraneanfood.
Considered by many to be the greatest civilization in thehistory of the Americas, the Maya thrived for more than 2,000years. Now, new evidence is being discovered that completelyupends our understanding of this ancient culture… and mightprovide evidence that the Maya came in contact withextraterrestrial visitors.
Hunter treks into the tundra to prospect for new paydirt beforethe Lost Cut runs dry. Todd secretly ships Jack's 1980s-erawashplant to Alaska to fulfill his dad's original gold-miningdream, but reassembling heavy steel on-site brings its ownsurprises.
This week features a one-on-one interview with RayKurzweil, inventor, futurist, and author of the New YorkTimes bestseller "The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge withAI." This week's panel discussion includes ChrisMatthews, longtime broadcaster, journalist, and authorof "This Country: My Life in Politics and History;" andTulsi Gabbard, four-term Hawaii congresswoman, 2020presidential candidate, and author of "For Love Of Country:Leave the Democratic Party Behind."
Lois and Jimmy recruit mercenaries and mad scientists to helpthem steal a spaceship out from under the nose of Task Force X!
The Kitchen shares the best summertime dishes you can eat withyour hands -- no utensils required! Jeff Mauro amps up aclassic with Maple Pepper Candied Bacon BLT Sliders withGiardiniera Aioli, Katie Lee Biegel puts a seasonal spin onZucchini Basil Hush Puppies and the whole crew checks out thelatest hot dog trends. To celebrate Shark Week, GeoffreyZakarian pours a Great White Negroni, while Sunny Andersonbreaks up some Shark Bark!
Michael Symon amps up summer parties with some of hisfavorites! He starts with Coney Dogs, a classic American treatthat's perfect for summer gatherings. Then, Michael grillsBarbecue Corn Ribs, a fun way to enjoy corn on the cob, andcools down with Orange Strawberry Cream Pops, an easy anddelicious treat.
Danger erupts when Iris confronts her past. The Mayor finds anew chess piece as Bunny and Konstantin's rivalry reaches newheights.
There's something special about a seafood spread in thesummertime. It can feel casual, yet elevated, and just rightfor the season at hand. In this episode, Jo shares her go-torecipe for Lobster Rolls, inspired by her honeymoon with Chipon the East Coast, along with other dishes that are rich inboth flavor and experience.On the side, Jo pairs classic HushPuppies and a delicious Wedge Salad drizzled with Blue CheeseDressing, one of Chip's all-time favorites. To end on a sweetnote, she makes Cherries Jubilee, a classic combination ofcherries, sugar, orange juice, and rum. It's flambéed,then served over creamy vanilla bean ice cream.
Lucy forces Jules to go to Settlement House where she enlistsCraig's help in a haphazard interrogation. Kira receives anunexpected visit from a family member. Billionaire Paul Darrosraises alarm with his team in his search for Lucy.
Contestants bid against one another, trading time foringredients in a MasterChef classic. Four contestants competeto cook a dish that helps them avoid elimination and securetheir place in the top 6.
Grandma Jo and her neighbors are throwing a block party! KardeaBrown cooks up some party favorites to celebrate summer,including her Summer Veggie Pasta Salad, Chopped ItalianSliders, Grilled Kielbasa Kebabs and Spicy Mustard DippingSauce, and Southern-Style Ambrosia Salad.
In week five, the islanders face plenty more surprises to keepthem on their toes while the fun and flirting continues.