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As the first Siberian storm slams the grounds, Sig sets into40-knot winds, risking capsizing when his tank floods. Sophiamust prove she can drive a boat and lead her crew in severeweather while Jake battles insubordination from his own newcrew.
Hosted by Steve Harvey, Daughtry and Papa Roach face off:Earth, Wind & Fire go up against The War And Treaty fortheir selected charities.
Cases feature feuds between exes, a former employee seekinglost wages, and a neighbor's damaged mailbox.
In Regina, racers hit the gridiron in Riderville and find thepressure hard to swallow, while they dig deep during a SwitchBack featuring a classic challenge with a twist, touching downin host Jon Montgomery's hometown of Russell, Manitoba.
Since the Holocaust, Germany has worked to overcome its Nazihistory. But over the past decade, Germany has faced a risingwave of far-right violence and plots against Jews, Muslims,immigrants, and politicians. Amid accusations that thefar-right Alternative für Deutschland party (AfD) has provokedviolence, which it denies, filmmaker Evan Williamsinvestigates the rise of far-right extremism in modern-dayGermany.
When cops pull a man over for an unregistered vehicle, hereports police, to the police. In Florida, a chase ensuesafter the driver, a local rich girl, fails to stop. InWisconsin, police investigate reports of dogs being kept inpoor conditions.
London, 1888. The city is gripped by a string of murders,each more gruesome than the last. Experts delve into one ofhistory's most notorious mysteries.
The Bandits pose as dragon slayers in England and feel thewrath of a wicked sheriff. Saffron embarks on her own searchfor answers.
Kevin and the Bandits run for their lives during New York'sHarlem Renaissance. Saffron and an ally work to outwit enemiesin Japan.
Amanda Antoni's husband finds her body in their basement withblood everywhere. The scene confounds police: Was it foul play— or a tragic accident?
After a teen finds an embalmed head in the woods,investigators uncover a possible connection to a black-marketorgan trade as they try to ID the victim.
Sigrid Stevenson's chilling murder on the stage of a lockedcampus theater still haunts a New Jersey college as newtheories about her killer emerge.
Amid eerie sightings of a tall, winged humanoid creature withred eyes, paranormal investigators explore the Mothman'sseeming link to major disasters.
Bluebottles swarm at Bondi, so Harries devises a magicaltreatment for the stings.
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
A young Mum dies after attending a local dance music festival.After it's established she has taken ecstasy, the team mustinvestigate whether the drug was the primary cause of her deathor if other factors played a significant role. With her familydevastated and her partner trying to cope with what hashappened, the investigation throws up serious questions aboutthe provision of water at the festival and whether that had anypart to play in this unexplained death. The coroner calls uponDr Mark Clayton as an expert witness to broaden theinquiry.Also in this edition, a man is found in his flathaving been dead for a considerable time. With no immediateidentification available, and no clues to family of friendsthe team must conduct advanced fingerprint and DNA testing toconfirm the identity of the deceased, as well as determine howhe died.