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Sam tries to halt Jon's shaming campaign. Ethan and Lisa take astroll down nostalgia lane. Nick makes an effort to act hisage.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Egged on by Maeve - and finding that dispensing sex tips istougher than he thought - Otis tries offering free advice at aclassmate's house party.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As spring arrives, Nonnatus House welcomes two new nuns, theexperienced Sister Hilda and newly qualified Sister Frances,who must acclimatise to the changing East End. A complicatedmultiple birth tests the skills of some of the midwives to thelimit, but Trixie has to face her fears and Valerie deals witha shocking case that arrives unexpectedly.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Manipulated by Javert, Jean Valjean is ready to turn himselfin, but he makes a promise to Fantine that changes everything.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Revolution sweeps across Europe and pressure builds on Victoriawith new arrivals at the Palace.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jack tags along on Amy and Ty's romantic trip to Pike River.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Lisa spots a new best friend from the window of the bus,she gets a taste of what life could be like with a different,more cultured family, and proceeds to try and live a doublelife.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jamie, Claire and Young Ian embark on a long uncertain journeyto rescue Roger, while Brianna forges a friendship with one ofJamie's old friends as she fends off Aunt Jocasta's attempts tosecure a husband.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Miles is shocked when the God Account sends him 76 simultaneousfriend suggestions. Also, Ali moves in with Miles while herapartment is being fumigated, and Rakesh receives surprisingnews at work.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Wolf is mistaken for Torque (the Wolf in this timeline) and hegoes with it - learning about the NAG, and its 6-­?parentfamilies and hatred of technology. Wolf tries to escape but theappeal of this new, strange world makes it hard for him toleave.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Belchers make it their mission to help Teddy get his dreamgirl, but Tina is convinced she's found a better match forhim.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The disappearance of a young Arkansas boy and his sister in1980 triggers vivid memories and enduring questions for retireddetective Wayne Hays, who worked the case 35 years ago withhis then-partner Roland West. What started as a routine casebecomes a long journey to dissect the crime and make sense ofit.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Griffins move to Washington D.C. where Peter is hired asthe new White House Press Secretary.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


While trying to gain momentum for a potential IPO, Andreessenand team take the ever-expanding Netscape on a Road Show insearch for potential investors, proving the internet is realand here to stay. Paternot and Krizelman struggle to securefinancing for their virtual community platform, TheGlobe.com.Fenne changes his appearance as he travels through southernCalifornia searching for new opportunities.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The NCIS team works with the Global Criminal Tribunal when aSyrian seeking justice, David Sarraf, is brutally attackedwhile delivering evidence that would prove chemical weaponswere used on civilians. Also, Kensi stays at the crime sceneand comforts Sarraf who is pinned behind a vehicle.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ray settles his final scores and revisits the past with hisfather. The Donovans clean up their mess. Smitty gets a crashcourse in what it means to be a part of the family.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


First into the tank are brothers from Provo, Utah, whointroduce their fun and adventurous treasure hunt gameexperience for cities across the country; entrepreneurs fromCedarburg, Wisconsin, and New York City present their line ofaffordable and ethical streetwear that donates a school uniformto a child for every purchase; cousins from Dallas, Texas,present their eco-friendly product that helps wipe away yourbum; entrepreneurs from San Jose, California, pitch theirhands-free pet tool that makes bath time easier.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Rel takes a trip to Cleveland after hearing his daughter gotinto some trouble at school. Meanwhile in Chicago, Brittanyhelps Nat with some goal-setting, by making him create avision board.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Elizabeth must salvage a deal with a military contractor bysupplying fighter jets to Taiwan, but she risks triggering awar with China in the process. Also, Daisy gets frustratedwith Matt for failing to help take care of her dog like hepromised.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Hays looks back at the aftermath of the 1980 Purcell case inWest Finger, AR, including possible evidence left behind atthe Devil's Den, an outdoor hangout for local kids. Asattention focuses on two conspicuous suspects - Brett Woodard,a solitary vet and trash collector, and Ted LaGrange, anex-con with a penchant for children - the parents of themissing kids, Tom and Lucy Purcell, receive a cryptic notefrom an anonymous source.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Sam, Nick and Marianne put on their dancing shoes. Lisa makesa surprising find. Max pushes Ethan to dip his toe into thedating pool.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Otis' clinic achieves liftoff, as does his attraction toMaeve, who unexpectedly asks him for help. Eric swings off onhis own and fields a come-on.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the opening second-round match asthe Poptimists take on the LARPers. The contestants must usepatience, lateral thinking and sheer inspiration to makeconnections between four things that may appear at first not tobe linked, with one set of clues consisting of Cadabra,Backrub, Quantum Computer Services, and Jerry and David'sGuide to the World Wide Web.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Wedding bells ring for one of the gang, while Jenny and Petecan't get enough of each other, until some unexpected newssends her into a tailspin. Meanwhile, David and Karen lockhorns when it comes to parenting, and Adam hears some hurtfulhome truths.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After a teenage boy is killed in a meth lab explosion, hisinspirational head teacher Noah Taylor resolves to confront thedrug dealers preying on his community. Dangerous batches of newdrugs are hitting the streets, and the effects are evident toNikki, Jack, Clarissa and Thomas as they deal with the risein both violent and accidental deaths linked to the narcotics,while tragedy strikes at the heart of the Taylor family.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After an emotional funeral for Colin's Dad, he and Cathy havethe neighbours round. Understandably Colin is not his usualupbeat self.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Dave and Gemma's elaborate plans for Grover's 7th birthdayparty go awry, Malcolm and Marty come to the rescue. Also,Calvin's choice of gift winds up sending one person to thehospital.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Lane Hunter's victims and their families become outraged whenshe is released from prison. Bell, although responsible forposting Lane's bail and getting her released, continues to betortured by her manipulation. Meanwhile, Conrad uses work tocope with the news about his father, and he teams up withMina, Kit and the Raptor to treat a patient who is sufferingas a result of Lane's dangerous treatments. Then, Devon growsworried when he doesn't hear from Julian, and Nic sets hersights on a primary physician for their new clinic.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As Tiger gets to know her doppelganger Ty-­?Anne, Wolfacclimates to the NAG, and Josh wanders the desert. Josh isbrought to the NAG and remanded to indentured servitude as atechnology smasher. Tiger sneaks into the NAG and wants out ofthis timeline.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


An axe murderer escapes during her transfer to a prison to seekrevenge on the people who testified against her.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jake and Claire decide to leave the comfort of their cozy bedfor a wild night out as Cooper performs an intimate concert todebut new music.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Frost introduces Torres to an old friend, whose new identityhelps them infiltrate the Russian elite. April and Kirsch workto initiate a hostage swap.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As an imminent flu epidemic threatens the U.S., Federal AgentBrad Wolgast is tasked with bringing in the experiment's latestchosen test subject, a ten-year-old girl, Amy Bellafonte.But, after meeting Amy, Brad's loyalties to Project NOAH aretested.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The racers push themselves and their cars to the limits as theymovie into round two of the first No Prep Kings race of theseason.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Jenny is called to a luxe condo to investigate the deathof cannabis mogul Vic Stenton, she enters an alternate worldwhere nothing is as it seems. Jenny starts to figure out whatit means to live life as a widow, including the good and bad.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The hospital is still in quarantine as Dr. Shaun Murphycontinues to be overwhelmed by the chaos and noise in theemergency room; Dr. Morgan Reznick struggles to keep herpatients alive, and Dr. Audrey Lim fights for her life.Meanwhile, Dr. Neil Melendez and Dr. Claire Browne must find away to complete their patient's bone marrow transplant,despite the quarantine.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Bull and his on-again, off-again romantic rival, DianaLindsay, join forces to create two separate but collaborativedefense teams when Diana's niece and her husband are chargedwith armed robbery. As the trial gets underway, Bull's reunionwith Diana is strained by his new post-heart attack regimen.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Willing to follow any lead to keep his son safe from TheMajor, Ben heeds Cal's calling to help Captain Daly clear hisname for what happened to Flight 828. The journey uncovers aseeming conspiracy that stems all the way back to the day theplane disappeared. Meanwhile, Michaela assists Autumn in herown journey of redemption - but has Autumn truly set out toredeem herself, or is she still working against thepassengers?.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Stephen welcomes actor James McAvoy, actress SonequaMartin-Green, with musical guest Kane Brown.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Max wants a bachelor party that's, you know, classy. But Maxought to know - you can't always get what you want.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Eric realizes Otis has fallen for Maeve. But the young sextherapist finds himself torn when hot guy Jackson seeks helpwith his secret crush.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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