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The ghosts, seeking some excitement during a low-keyHalloween, join Patience in putting Sam on a witch trial.
When a former child star turned party girl Mac wakes up onHalloween after a wild night on the town with no recollectionof her whereabouts and afraid she may have committed murder,Elsbeth and the team retrace her steps to find the truth.Meanwhile, Captain Wagner must address low morale at theprecinct.
Margaret reopens a teenage girl':s missing-person caseafter an unidentified 4-year-old boy appears in the D.C. area;Lacey recalls a memory from her kidnapping that leads to a cluein the manhunt for Sir; Gabi makes plans to right her wrongs.
Suspicions grow as the group realizes one of their own poses adeadly threat to Arlo; Donald joins Ruben on a mission tosettle unfinished business at the Navarro farm; Maggiecontemplates the unthinkable.
Jimmy welcomes actor Anthony Mackie, comic Sarah Sherman, andmagician Shin Lim.
Schemes and secrets come full circle as Horace connects thedots behind the robbery, Mallory asserts her dominance, andKimmie hits her breaking point.
On Seven':s birthday, he leads a chocolate factoryheist, navigates complex relationships and plans his futureamid growing tensions in Candelária.
Fleeing from the city, Varee moves back into her childhoodhome with her 5-year-old daughter Min - only to encounter aforeboding presence there.
The Nautilus and the Dreadnought both become lodged in theArctic ice. Nemo offers to tow the Dreadnought out, if he canuse their forge to repair their broken U-bolt. It's theonly way any of them will survive. Millais, in factNemo's childhood friend Billy, knows that Nemo isheaded, ultimately, for London and the Company'soffices.
During mindfulness training, criminal defense lawyer Björnlearns to deal with his main client in a new way - a brutalgangster boss who demands too much of him.
Oskar presents his sister with a peace offering. An attempt tokick off his dating life leaves him feeling vulnerable onceagain.
Breaking news prompts Álex to restart his investigation andimmerse himself in his visions. The police get involved whenthings get out of control.
After discovering who among them is after Arlo, Maggie andJames resort to the unthinkable to save their family andneighbors.
After Sarah':s disappearance, Sabrina immediatelyorganizes a search party, generating suspicions.