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When a Russian biochemist is assassinated for trying to defectwith his highly sensitive biotoxins research, the Fly Teamsprings into action to protect his daughter, whosefather's last wish was that she get his research to atrusted American microbiologist. Meanwhile, Mitchell staysbehind to help Vo during her recovery, and Booth clashes withSmitty when he finds out she could jeopardize his promotion.
The evidence is building, and the team believes they arefinally zeroing in on the elusive Treasure Vault; withconfidence at an all-time high, the Fellowship prepares toretrieve it as they call in the caissons...
After discovering a strange barrel of mash, Mark and Diggerscramble to reproduce a game-changing liquor run. Tickle andthe Laws employ an old moonshiner tactic as cold weather stallstheir apple brandy mash. Mike and Jerry rebuild after flooddamage.
Amy and Sonya endeavor to help a teen in need of a bone marrowtransplant and his younger brother whose own health issuesjeopardize his disability to donate. Jake deals with a faintingbride and her worried groom. Michael struggles with a secrethe's been keeping.
After witnessing a murder in broad daylight, the Fugitive TaskForce must hunt down a team of killers competing in a twistedonline game. Meanwhile, Remy and Abby struggle to get on thesame page.
The FBI joins the investigation into the murder of acontroversial tech magnate, forcing Karadec to reunite withhis former partner. Meanwhile, Ludo becomes overwhelmed withhis increasing childcare duties.
Renee seeks Alec':s help after she has a dream containingdetails about a murder that actually happened. The case growsmore intriguing when they realize the victim was Renee'sheart transplant donor. Marisa is surprised by a visitor fromher past.
Jimmy welcomes philanthropist Bill Gates, actress LaurenGraham, and a musical performance by Japanese Breakfast.
The citizens of Paradise celebrate at the annual carnival.Xavier and Billy delve deeper into their investigation.
Forced to pivot when an operation goes sideways, Owen mustrely on new allies, old friends and his own resourcefulness toeven the odds.
A murder at Esme':s office sends shockwaves through theKeating family. Alphy's meeting with the bishop fails togo as planned.
A revelation shocks the family and sends Nic spiralling intopanic. Have her worst fears come true. Is everythingunravelling, or will she get away with murder?
Max':s childhood bestie visits, pulling her into her oldcon ways. While Ellis investigates the murder of a formertennis pro, the BFFs go undercover to find the killer.
Goodwin struggles with the psychological aftermath of herattack. Ripley treats a patient with helicopter parents. An EDstaffer makes a mistake that may cost them their job.
Riley':s estranged husband, Jimmy, shows up to win herback, much to Matt's dismay. While Matt struggles to getthrough to him, Riley finds support in an unexpected place.
Herrmann investigates the rise in missing fire hydrants andteams up with Kylie to track them down; Kidd's cousincomes to town, revealing surprising family history; Violetand Novak treat the victim of a birthday cake smash gone awry.
Guy Fieri invites two powerhouse culinary duos from Los Angelesand San Francisco to prepare three-course feasts designed toprove which city's food is best. First up, the teamsmust make a 15-minute cold appetizer and 30-minute hotappetizer featuring iconic food items from both cities. Then,in a game inspired by each city's legendary sportsteams, the chefs must score footballs to decide how manyingredients they can include in their regional entrees. Thecity team with the highest combined score wins ,000 andGolden State bragging rights.
While supervising the kids making their science fair projects,the teachers' competitive sides come out.
Intelligence makes a gruesome discovery that leads Torres to goundercover at the juvenile detention center where he servedtime as a teen.
Peter deals with the fallout of his secret revealed.Meanwhile, Lonnie's perfect life falls apart.
Peter and Norman work through creative differences, whileLonnie undergoes a loyalty test.
Raúl navigates heart health... and heartbreak. Martainterrupts an awkward celebration. A sudden loss sparks anunusual connection.
Jimmy welcomes actress Christina Ricci, actor Ke Huy Quan,the cast of "Cobra Kai", and a musical performanceby Gigi Perez.
Stephen welcomes actors Damon Wayans &: Damon Wayans Jr.,chef Daniel Boulud, and Valentine's Day "FirstDrafts" with Evie McGee Colbert.
After months in solitary, Nando meets other inmates. Doniturns a rap battle into a business opportunity, whileRita's speech opens new doors.
Ed digs deeper for clues at the institute. Andrea navigatesdevastating news in Baghdad. Taylah reconnects with leadership.
Ian, David, and Jo embark on a day of self-discovery. Bradteaches Dana and Rachel about financial responsibility.
When a billionaire is found dead in his bathtub, Sabrina andZak's investigation has them navigating the world of the.01 percent, feuding sisters, and people living on themargins.
Peter makes a new friend. Meanwhile, Lonnie finds himself inthe sights of a dangerous gang.
After seeing Helena, Juan spirals. Montes' extradition planfor Baldor moves forward with a new ally, as Gandaacute;ndaraplaces a hit on Calancho.
As Gandaacute:ndara flees, Bautista infiltrates the prison,and Calancho makes a life-altering decision. Juan settles intoa new kind of freedom.
Juan finds his freedom comes at a high price, while a bloodywarning from 25 erupts Calancho's anger. Gov. Montes' citywidecurfew impacts Helena.
After Juan's secret is discovered, he faces a brutalinitiation into prison life. In Ciudad Juandaacute;rez, aprecarious situation threatens civilian lives.
As Juan tries to blend in, he learns the ins and outs of theprison's factions. While Gandaacute;ndara tries to regaincontrol, Calancho holds Baldor hostage.
Marta grapples with what comes next. Edu urges Raúl to loosenup. Things take a turn on a romantic night out.
A meeting with a client goes awry for Juan, a human rightslawyer, who finds himself embroiled in dirty prison politicsafter a riot traps him inside.
This week, candidates create a new virtual pop star and musicvideo before pitching for sponsorship. Dodgy design andmediocre music leads to one candidate being declared a flop.
Superstar striker Ollie Watkins, the man who gave England fansthe moment of last summer, joins the ALOTO regulars alongsidecomedians Kevin Bridges and Maisie Adam. Micah takes apunishment for his harsh punditry of Ollie's Englandteam, we find out what happened between Ollie and Ed Sheeran,and there's the return of Pop Star Penalties.
Georgie discovers that Jim':s annual tire convention tripisn't what he says it is. Back ar home, Mandy has doubtsabout the strength of her and Georgie's marriage.
Matty and Sarah pose as grandmother and granddaughter in orderto gather information at a senior living facility facing awrongful death suit.
It is the season finale of Hell':s Kitchen: HeadChef's Only and it is down to the finale two head chefs.With the help of some old friends, the finalists will competein a final dinner service with their very own custom menutailored to their unique tastes and signature dishes.