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Alphy discovers that a woman he knows has gone missing. Whenher friend is murdered, Alphy and Geordie race to find theanswers.
Anne takes on the herculean task of teaching teenagers.Meanwhile, Amanda gets a job at Kichen's Kitchens andBathrooms, while Della launches her new restaurant - DoubleShin.
Nic and Dan are worried about the effect their separation ishaving on Ollie, so they decide to try couples therapy. Nicshares a confession with Jen.
Lenox':s mentorship is put to the test. Asher helps areligious young woman with an ectopic pregnancy. Ripley'sself-destructive behavior continues to escalate.
When Chief Li and Max are trapped in a hostage situation,Ellis tries to save them without letting his emotions cloud hisjudgement.
Ken Jeong, Rita Ora, Robin Thicke, Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg,and Nick Cannon open the show in costume with a hilariousrendition of Rockstar by Smashmouth. The Masked Singer iscelebrating the 30th anniversary of the incredible animationstudio, DreamWorks, that brought the magic of Shrek to theworld! Then, Group A channels their inner fairytale byperforming songs from or inspired by the Shrek-cellent moviefranchise from "Accidentally In Love" to"Hallelujah", "I'm A Believer",and "Wide Awake".
When the Eden Vale Pharmacy is hit with a heist that becomes amurder investigation, police chief 'Big Hank'coaxes his estranged son Henry home to partner with hisdetective big sister Lou despite their wildly differentpersonalities and policing methods.
The winners of the first two City Food Fights return to proveonce and for all which is the best food city in the country.Playing games inspired by their city's legendarybasketball teams, Guy Fieri challenges the teams to preparethree winning courses. First, the chefs have 24 minutes tomake one of their city's signature sandwiches, butthey'll be dribbling a basketball while shopping. Then inthe second half, the chefs must make a winner's dinnerand dessert that feature the whammy ingredients chosen by thehoops. The team with the highest combined score wins anadditional ,000 and the GGG City Food Fight championtrophy!
After a daring rescue at an adventure park, Kidd asks Severideto create a ropes course for Girls on Fire. Violet'sformer nemesis returns, pleading for her help. Herrmanncreates a signature cocktail for Molly's.
A mounting street war threatens a community-center project thatAtwater is trying to get off the ground.
Poppy grapples with a discovery as Ian tries to help in his ownunique way. Dana runs into unexpected competition.
Pressured by her parents to move out of their apartment, Martabends the truth about Raúl.
The candidates turn crops to cash. It':s team tomatoesversus team potatoes. But over-promising and dicey decisionsmean that when they return to the boardroom, another candidateis given the chop.
Everton manager Sean Dyche joins the panel alongside comedianAlan Carr and Toffees superfan Tony Bellew, who makes a TomCruise inspired entrance into the studio. There's a halftime goalkeeper challenge at Goodison Park, Sean takes overthe show for Gaffer's Round, and Micah is forced to takepart in a very special forfeit.
A young lawyer with a secret past is found dead. Price andBaxter debate the pros and cons of prison as a punishmentversus alternative justice options.
Audrey':s past rears its head when Georgie leaves the tirestore to work for Fred Fagenbacher, Jim's longtimenemesis, and Mandy struggles to keep peace in the house.
Jay angers a local restaurateur when he uses a recipe at hisrestaurant that was given to him by Pete.
Velasco teams up with a community security guard eager to provehis mettle to find a suspect in the assault of two teens.
The Faithful must think like a Traitor in the mission: arivalry comes to a head at the round table.
As a full moon rises over Southern Louisiana, the swamp comesalive. Daniel and Zak try to cash in on a feeding frenzy withan open-water hunt. Ronnie and Timmy work to eliminate amassive nuisance gator threatening their friend'sproperty. Leron and Porkchop gear up for a showdown with theirelusive nemesis, Iron Jaw. Jacob and Little Willie try toreach a ten-foot average. Troy enlists Chase's help tofill his boat quickly, so he can officiate Pickle'swedding.
Reacher':s attempt to thwart a kidnapping brings him intocontact with mysterious businessman Zachary Beck.
While investigating the mysterious death of a collegeadmissions officer, Elsbeth finds herself fencing withLawrence Grey, an independent educational consultant whopromises an Ivy League future to high-paying clients and theirpainfully average kids. The case also causes Elsbeth and Teddyto question how well she prepared him for the real world, andmore news regarding the Judge Crawford investigation comes tolight.
When an elderly, blind man is accused of kidnapping hissister, M&A mounts an investigation to dig deeper.Tension around Jamie's identity causes friction amongM&A. A surprising death stirs suspicion around Sir'saccomplice.
Tasked with transporting cargo for his new employer ZacharyBeck, Reacher must juggle the involvement of the DEA and anosy new associate.
It':s the middle of spring and the Dutch are celebratingChristmas - again; the colonel and Katja are looking forwardto celebrating their first Christmas dinner together asgirlfriend and boyfriend.
Former President George Mullen':s comfortable retirementis upended after he's asked to lead an investigation intoa horrific cyberattack.
Maddie and the ghosts find a link between their scars. Tensionsrise between Simon and his team at a remote cabin.
Kim follows in Kris': footsteps and takes on the Momagerrole when North is presented with an opportunity. Kendall andKylie bring their new collaboration to Sin City, while Khloétries to help Scott find a new assistant.
Mark and Eve start a business and encounter a familiar face.Debbie worries that Oliver's growing up too quickly.
As a rising body count threatens his undercover position,Reacher makes a dangerous play to secure Beck's trust.
Father Brown investigates when his old friend, Blind'Arry, is arrested for murder at an almshouse.
A distillery owner is poisoned during a group tasting of hispremium rum. But the case is shrouded in mystery whenit's revealed that all the guests drank from the samebottle.
A stolen artefact becomes the centrepiece of a heist thatleaves a security guard dead. And with Jack's future onthe line, Kate must decide whether to fight for the man sheloves.
Rob Brydon hosts the award-winning comedy panel show. Teamcaptains Lee Mack and David Mitchell are joined by guestpanellists John Cooper Clarke, Lucia Keskin, Kadiff Kirwanand Sara Pascoe.