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While Platt tries to manage a chaotic desk area, a manstruggling to get her attention takes a drastic action anddemands that the unit find his missing daughter. CommanderFischer informs Voight that Bunny is bringing up newaccusations on a case from his past. Lindsay urges her motherto fix the situation. Antonio is shocked to learn a secretOlinksy has been keeping.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The doctors work 36 consecutive hours in code black and mustdeal with a distraught mother of two sons who were in adevastating car accident. Meanwhile, Mario bullies Angus intoperforming an unnecessary operation and lets Angus take theblame when Leanne finds out.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Pete decides to run the Beer Mile with Taco as his coach. Kevintries to figure out where the gardener goes to the bathroom.Jenny's matchup with Andre means playing Andre and Meegan.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Rock star Marcus Keen makes demands on Rayna as she strugglesto tend to those around her. Layla and Jeff get into a lover'squarrel. Jeff arranges for a journalist to shadow Juliette ontour, but after another emotional setback, she leans on pillsand alcohol to get through her days, and Zoey returns to seeScarlett.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


There's a new kid in school and his parents have opened arestaurant in the recently gentrified part of town. Cartman nowconsiders himself the top on-line restaurant reviewer in SouthPark.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Fashion mogul Will Drake brings couture to the Hotel Cortez. Amodel catches The Countess's eye. John learns about the hotel'ssadistic first owner.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jimmy discovers Gretchen's been sneaking out of the house atnight and suspects she's having an affair. Lindsay's lifespirals as she discovers she doesn't know how to live on herown. Edgar takes Dorothy out on a date.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Thundermans 3x7 - Doppel-Gamers

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Stephen welcomes actor Jack Black, CEO of GoPro Nick Woodman,and tap dancer Michelle Dorrance performs.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When two convicted killers break out of a maximum securityprison, Laura and team join the manhunt, but their loyaltiesare called into question, since one of the escapees is theirformer captain.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Frankie is completely gobsmacked when Mike's brother Rusty(Norm Macdonald) pays an unexpected visit and offers him anopportunity to partner on one of his crazy business ideas --and Mike wants in. Meanwhile, Axl goes to extreme measures toprove to Mike that he can handle riding his dad's newmotorcycle; and unbeknownst to her parents, Sue tells Bradthat her college roommate is so horrible that she's resorted toliving in her car.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Romeo Section 1x1 - Episode 1

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TV Calendar: At My TV


In "Young &amp: Younger Brother Part 1," Elliot and Alan'swedding is right around the corner, and despite Elliot'smisgivings, the couple asks Gabi to make some whimsicalappetizers for their special day. When Josh's flaky youngerbrother, Jake, shows up for an unexpected visit and announceshe wants to be a chef, Josh hires him to help Gabi withwedding prep. But as sparks fly between the two, Josh realizeswhat he's done and goes to great expense to separate thebudding lovebirds. Elsewhere, Yolanda panics when shemisplaces Elliot's wedding ring while one of the grooms feelsleft out of his own nuptials.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Adam comes up with an excuse to not swim in class because he isembarrassed of his changing body, but Coach Mellor says hewill fail him unless he participates. So he comes up with aplan that could affect his friendship with Dave Kim.Meanwhile, Erica struggles to find an identity, so shecreates a club at school, but Barry ruins the experience forher when he joins the club as well.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Gabi is excited when Jake buys her a food truck, then learnsthe problems that come with running such a business; a rabbiis reluctant to give Elliot and Alan his blessing; Sofia andYolanda find romance at the wedding reception.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When Rosewood and Villa suspect a brilliant doctor has killedtwo of his patients, they must find a way to make their casewith limited evidence. Meanwhile, Villa spars with CaptainHornstock when he discourages her from pursuing an uncertaincase. Also, Rosewood receives an anonymous letter revealingsomething that could change his life forever.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A retired auctioneer and his daughter have bargaining in theirblood; Mike has eyes on a long-sought 1930s Cord convertible.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When an old family friend, Jessica Danforth, tells Oliver andThea that she is going to run for mayor, both Queens areconcerned considering the last three mayors have been murdered.Despite their protests, Jessica makes her announcement so theGreen Arrow and Speedy vow to protect her. Meanwhile, Theabegins to exhibit effects from the Lazarus Pit. In addition,Felicity is faced with a tough business decision and looks toone of her employees, Curtis Holt, for help.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Graveyard Carz 4x15 - Rallye Red Restored

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Claire has ideas for closets, but is apprehensive aboutpitching them to Jay and his creative team. Meanwhile, Philcreates a habitat for ducks while waiting for his eggs tohatch, though no one else shares his enthusiasm; Gloria andManny help out with each other's crushes; and Cameron becomesoverly friendly with the fraternity guys who are renting theirupstairs unit.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When the remaining celebrity recruits walk into Boot Camp,they find two huge boards with incomplete recipes. As a team,they work to fill in the blanks and cook the recipe. Then therecruits are tasked with making fresh pasta with seafood,pushing the culinary boundaries of the seafood-averse.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Teen Mom 2 6x15 - Unseen Moments

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Dual Survival 6x3 - Escape and Evade

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Three castaways leave it all on the beach in a gut-wrenchingchallenge, and two castaways plead for their lives in the gameat a heated tribal council. Also, Abi-Maria continues toruffle feathers with her tribe.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Allison and Devin uncover the shocking truth at the heart of aturf war in Crestview. Later, Allison and Matt take the entirefamily to visit Tim in prison and Jackie, feeling jealous ofthe way Cameron looks up to Allison, makes a tragic choice.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


After another lackluster Father's Day overshadowed bygraduation parties and summer vacations, Dre and hiscolleagues decide to come up with a holiday initiative entitled"Daddy's Day," celebrating everything that Father's Day isnot. When Dre meets Resheida, a friend of Zoey's who doesn'thave a Dad, they develop a bond after he is snubbed by Zoeyand she backs him up on the fact that Dads should be respectedand heralded. Meanwhile, Junior decides to help Bow around thehouse but ends up becoming more of a hassle than a help.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A reporter shadows Juliette, who has another setback and copesby turning to pills and alcohol. Meanwhile, Rayna struggles toplease a demanding rock star; Layla and Jeff have a fight;and Zoey returns to check in on Scarlett.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


In the pursuit of an SVU rape suspect, detectives from anotherprecinct shoot and kill an unarmed black man. As racialtensions rise in the city, Barba is tasked to indict threeofficers who claim they had no choice but to follow policeprocedure.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Lyons are still split into warring factions, but they alldecide to shoot a music video that will capitalize on Hakeemand Jamal's duet from Hakeem's leaked album, a collaborationthat will benefit both companies. Meanwhile, Lucious tradeshis real handcuffs for virtual ones. However, knowing he can'tfully control his company with a federal murder case hangingover his head, he sets out to find Vernon and make himpermanently disappear.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ghost Hunters 10x8 - Fortress of Phantoms

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kingdom (2014) 2x1 - New Money

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When brides-to-be in Savannah are killed on the eve of theirnuptials, the BAU suspects a jilted UnSub is at work.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Dallas Car Sharks 3x6 - Get Your Motor Running

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Cartman considers himself the top on-line restaurant reviewerin South Park.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Carbonaro Effect 2x11 - Catch the Flu

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Couples Therapy 6x3 - Texts, Lies and Tampon-gate

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Through startling, previously unreported detail, delve intothe chilling new reality of cyberwar, in which cyber weaponscan inflict physical damage on our factories, power plants andpipelines ... leaving us vulnerable to crippling attacks.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Dean helps Jenna, the nurse he met after the Darkness fell,get back home safely and then sets off to help Sam deal with atown infected by a mysterious and deadly gas. However, whenJenna falls into dangerous hands, she calls Dean for help andSam tells him to go back to her. Unfortunately for Sam, heisn't able to handle the townspeople turned monsters as easilyas he thought.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


While Platt tries to manage a chaotic desk area, a manstruggling to get her attention takes a drastic action anddemands that the unit find his missing daughter. At the sametime, Commander Fischer informs Voight that Bunny is bringingup new accusations on a case from his past. Lindsay urges hermother to fix the situation. Meanwhile, Antonio is shocked tolearn a secret Olinksy has been keeping.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Fashion mogul Will Drake brings couture to the Hotel Cortez. Amodel catches The Countess's eye. John learns about the hotel'ssadistic first owner.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


The distraught mother of two sons who are in a devastating caraccident. Also, Mario bullies Angus into performing anunnecessary operation but lets Angus take the blame when Leannefinds out.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Mystery Diners 11x12 - Skating On Thin Ice

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Pete decides to run the Beer Mile with Taco as his coach. Kevintries to figure out where the gardener goes to the bathroom.Jenny's matchup with Andre means playing Andre and Meegan.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Jimmy discovers Gretchen's been sneaking out of the house atnight and suspects she's having an affair. Lindsay's lifespirals as she discovers she doesn't know how to live on herown. Edgar takes Dorothy out on a date.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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