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Chris Evans welcomes guests including former Girls Aloudmember, now X Factor judge Cheryl Fernandez-Versini to hislively entertainment show. Plus, music by Eagles of DeathMetal and Foals.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Actor David Tennant assumes the role of guest host, invitingartist Grayson Perry and comedian Katherine Ryan to join forceswith regular eam captains Ian Hislop and Paul Merton to pokefun at the week's events.

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Guests: Bill Bailey, Sue Perkins and Romesh Ranganathan

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Joining Graham on the sofa is Dame Maggie Smith, making herfirst British chat show appearance in 42 years, starring innew film The Lady in the Van with Alex Jennings, who joins heron the sofa, along with four-times Oscar-nominated BradleyCooper and British star Sienna Miller, co-starring in new chefmovie Burnt, and fashion icon and supermodel Cindy Crawford.Plus chat and music from Justin Bieber, who performs thechart-topping single What Do You Mean?

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Teams travel to Paris where Racers soar high above the Frenchcountryside and "drop mics" with a popular Frenchrapper.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


During a challenge event in Las Vegas, an overconfident modelloses focus and fails to impress. Meanwhile, one of the modelsseem more focused on romance than winning the competition

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


On Halloween, Mike and Chuck decide to spend the eveningwatching football instead of passing out candy with theirwives. But when Vanessa and Carol start pranking them, thecompetition is on to see who can out-prank who. Kyle dresses uplike his hero, Ed, but Ed has a surprising response to Kyle'simitation of him.

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Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The episode opens with a flashback to Ken's botched marriageproposal on Halloween. Now 20 years later, Ken tries toarrange the perfect re-proposal for Allison. Meanwhile at theoffice, which is decorated for Halloween, Damona and Julieaccidentally drug Pat and then take advantage of their boss'suddenly giving mood.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A neighborhood girl witnesses Russell taking a shower,prompting the gang to debate how much she saw and what theyshould do about the situation. Meanwhile, Tracy tries toimpress the other moms by enlisting Angie to help throw abirthday bash for Sadie.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Citizen Khan 4x1 - Episode One

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Todd encounters big issues as he attempts to move his 50 tonwashplant. Tony's dredge finally starts producing gold. Parkerpiles on the pressure and it proves to be too much for one ofhis young crew members.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


It's Halloween in O'ahu, and Five-0 must track down a serialkiller inspired by Frankenstein. Also, Jerry calls Five-0 forhelp when an armed gang raids a blood bank, and Danny musttrack down Grace who lied and snuck out to a Halloween party.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Mount Pleasant 5x8 - Episode 8

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Silicon Valley venture capitalist, Chris Sacca, joins theTank as a Guest Shark. He finds himself in a heated battle withLori over a tech education business; two sports fans have ahome rental website; an entrepreneur with a unique twist oneveryone's favorite hot drink; and an inventor has developed adevice that can inflate objects in mere seconds. Also, anupdate on SWAG Essentials, which did not get a deal in theTank during season 6.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Nick must look inside himself and decide who he wants to bewhile also dealing with fathering a child with Adalind.

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Have I Got News for You 50x5 - David Tennant, Grayson Perry,Katherine Ryan

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Kennedys 1x5 - Wedding

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Thackery enlists Edwards to help him test a new hypothesis.After rejecting Robertson's advances at The Knick, Lucy learnsthat confession isn't always good for the soul. Youngjournalist Genevieve Everidge works on a story about one ofThackery's rivals. Cornelia is dismayed by the limits of herhusband's sympathies; Barrow faces a new adversary at TammanyHall; Gallinger is intrigued by a discussion of eugenics at aclass reunion; Edwards deals with a surprise visitor.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Jamie is caught on camera committing what could beconstrued as police brutality at an anti-policy demonstration,Frank is forced to turn the case over to Internal Affairs.Also, Danny and Baez investigate a rape case involving a civilrights attorney who claims the charges were drummed up inretaliation for the investigation into Jaime.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Aitor ponders leaving Hemlock Grove and asks Shelley to joinhim. Roman manipulates Peter into turning on Milan.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Murphy is captured by an unbalanced zombie fan, who is eagerto add him to a zombie museum, so he must match wits toescape.

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QI 13x3 - M-Places

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Neil and Simon come to a tenuous business alliance: Adrian ahelps Grace expand her business boundaries.

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Coming Soon...

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David Spade, Tulsi Gabbard, Grover Norquist, ChrystiaFreeland, and Roger Stone.

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Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Graham Norton Show 18x6 - Maggie Smith, Alex Jennings,Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Cindy Crawford, Justin Bieber

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Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Stephen welcomes &quot:CBS This Morning&quot: co-host CharlieRose, author Stacy Schiff, and a musical performance byGhost. Also: The Zombies sit in with Jon Batiste and StayHuman.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Justin goes overboard with Halloween, and his overly romanticgestures drive Candace crazy, prompting Danny to try to teachJustin how to take criticism.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Amazing Race 27x6 - My Tongue Doesn't Even Twist That Way

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TV Calendar: At My TV


On Halloween, Mike and Chuck decide to spend the eveningwatching football instead of passing out candy with theirwives. But when Vanessa and Carol start pranking them, thecompetition is on to see who can out-prank who. Kyle dresses uplike his hero, Ed, but Ed has a surprising response to Kyle'simitation of him.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A neighborhood girl witnesses Russell taking a shower,prompting the gang to debate how much she saw and what theyshould do about the situation. Meanwhile, Tracy tries toimpress the other moms by enlisting Angie to help throw abirthday bash for Sadie.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ken tries to make amends for botching his marriage proposal toAllison 20 years ago on Halloween. Meanwhile, Pat isaccidentally drugged at the office by Damona and Julie, whodecide to cash in on their boss's sudden generosity.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Gold Rush: Alaska 6x3 - Moving the Monster

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TV Calendar: At My TV


America's Next Top Model 22x12 - The Guy Who Closed The Deal InVegas

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TV Calendar: At My TV


In the wake of his mother's beheading and Juliette's death,things have never been more chaotic for Nick. Having lost somuch, Nick must dig deep and decide what type of person hewants to be, while also coming to grips with fathering a childwith his once sworn enemy, Adalind. His search for the truthleads him to FBI Agent Chavez and puts him at odds with thoseclose to him.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Shark Tank 7x6 - Week 6

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TV Calendar: At My TV


It's Halloween in O'ahu, and Five-0 must track down a serialkiller inspired by Frankenstein. Also, Jerry calls Five-0 forhelp when an armed gang raids a blood bank, and Danny musttrack down Grace who lied and snuck out to a Halloween party

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Crossing Lines 3x7 - Lost and Found

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When Jamie is caught on camera committing what could beconstrued as police brutality at an anti-policy demonstration,Frank is forced to turn the case over to Internal Affairs.Also, Danny and Baez investigate a rape case involving a civilrights attorney who claims the charges were drummed up inretaliation for the investigation into Jaime.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Thackery enlists Edwards to help him test a new hypothesis.After rejecting Robertson's advances at The Knick, Lucy learnsthat confession isn't always good for the soul. Youngjournalist Genevieve Everidge works on a story about one ofThackery's rivals. Cornelia is dismayed by the limits of herhusband's (Tom Lipinksi) sympathies; Barrow faces a newadversary at Tammany Hall; Gallinger is intrigued by adiscussion of eugenics at a class reunion; Edwards deals witha surprise visitor.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Bill's special guests tonight on the show are TBA.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Neil and Simon strike a tenuous business alliance while Adrianahelps Grace expand her sexual boundaries.

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The Soup 12x41 - Paul Feig

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Tanked 7x6 - Boyz Ii Men To Atm

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Z Nation 2x8 - The Collector

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Black Jesus 2x7 - Thy Neighbor's Strife

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Brains has invented a self-constructing luxury hotel whichorbits around Earth. Unfortunately for its guests, theluxurious hotel in space begins to malfunction and theInternational Rescue team have to step in to avert a majordisaster.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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