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Oliver and Felicity's blissful getaway is cut short when Theaand Laurel pay them a visit and tell Oliver they need his helpback in Star City. The city has been attacked by"Ghosts", assassins led by a dangerous man namedDamien Darhk. However, when Oliver returns, Diggle makes itvery clear that he doesn't want Oliver on the team.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When a technology wunderkind is murdered in a seeminglyimpenetrable high-security building, Laura and team mustunravel the puzzling murder before someone steals the victim'sbillion-dollar ideas.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A series of mysterious deaths pulls Rosewood off the glamorouspromenades of South Beach when a troubled young genius standsaccused of murder, and the only one who believes in hisinnocence is Rosewood. He must contend with a colorful newadversary, escalating health problems and a burgeoningromantic relationship, while Villa's inability to connect withpeople hampers her own ability to investigate the case.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Doctor Foster 1x5 - Episode 5

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Just days into the game, castaways drop their buffs and switchfrom two to three tribes. Also, a castaway's future in thegame is in jeopardy when they're caught sending a message toanother tribe.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Homebound Kevin has a black-and-white dream about Audrey andhis work-related troubles; Roxie tries to secure the servicesof a handsome male nurse; Patti tags along on Audrey's dateswith Brock.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Frankie is shocked when Mike trades in his flannel for aHawaiian shirt; and Sue accidentally tells Devin that Axlloves her, leading Devin to question their relationship.Meanwhile, Brick gets overambitious while cleaning thebathroom.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Michele and Michael want to transform a derelict 100-year-oldblacksmiths in County Antrim, on a tiny budget and by hand.But the odds and the weather are stacked against them.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Murray's attempt at bonding with Adam goes awry when the twoend up fighting over the robot they are building; and Barrymakes a huge mistake when he accidentally tapes over Beverly'sbeloved video of his 5th birthday party.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When a Los Angeles bus is attacked with sarin gas, the BAUmust act quickly to find the suspect before a larger-scaleincident occurs.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Anika secretly work together behind Lucious' back to pull off asurprise performance that catches the eye of Pitbull.Meanwhile, Lucious tracks down Frank Gathers' daughter, YoungMa, to try to convince her to sign with him at Empire, whileHakeem is hard at work on his girl group, Ménage a Trois.Also, Andre and Rhonda hope their baby-on-the-way will be thekey that unlocks Lucious' cold heart and opens the door forAndre to return to the Empire fold.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The TAPS team travel to Woonsocket, R.I., to investigate atheater owner's claim that spirits are traveling between twobuildings.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A starving toddler found wandering the streets alone leadsdetectives to the home of Manuela Ozuna and another child ingrave condition. The police question Department of ChildServices caseworker Keith Musio, whose vague and backdatedreports on the family suggest he hadn't checked on the childrenin months. When the overworked Keith accuses his supervisor,Janette Grayson, of orchestrating the false reports, ChiefDodds promises to conduct an internal investigation. But whenneglect leads to death, Barba takes matters into his own handsand arrests them for manslaughter. Meanwhile, Dodds indicatessome changes coming to Benson's squad.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Being the cool dad that he is, Phil helps Haley convinceClaire to allow Dylan to move in temporarily, but after seeinghow intimate living together means, Phil is having majorsecond thoughts. Mitch takes on a much needed consulting jobthat just so happens to be for Jay's biggest rival - Closets,Closets, Closets, Closets! - which doesn't go over well withJay, and elsewhere, Gloria and Cameron disagree on how tohandle Manny's girl problem at school.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A team of historians and expert boat builders investigates thefascinating Noah's Ark flood legend and sets out to rebuild atantalizing, ancient forerunner of the Ark.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Picking up where the finale left off, Sam and Dean must dealwith the Darkness that has been unleashed. Castiel deals withthe effects of Rowena's spell and recalls his brutal battlewith Crowley.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After Dre gets his yearly physical and comes home traumatized,Pops explains his generation's strong aversion towardshealthcare and admits that he hasn't seen a doctor in years.Shocked by this disclosure, Dre and Bow try to convince Popsto get a check-up and he begrudgingly agrees. When Pops findsout he has a clogged artery and needs a small procedure, therest of The Johnson family handles the news in different ways.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Christa saves a woman's life and then pleads with Neal toperform a surgery that will save the patient's reproductivefuture.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


While pursuing a gangbanger, Burgess and Roman come across thebody of an eight-year-old boy who was reported missing.Intelligence launches an investigation to find the killer andAntonio and Lindsay question a prime suspect. Meanwhile,Burgess confides in Ruzek about Roman's suspicious behavior andBunny heads to the Ivory Tower with a statement that could bedetrimental to Voight's career.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Detective and family man John Lowe investigates a chain ofgruesome murders in Los Angeles. A mysterious tip points him tothe enigmatic Hotel Cortez.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Kevin is uncomfortable with Ellie's new sex-ed class. Tacostarts a Little Eskimo Brothers program at the EBDBBnB.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A second aneurysm leaves Beverly brain dead and Deacon consumedwith guilt, while Scarlett is forced to decide whether or notto keep Beverly on life support. Meanwhile, Juliette continuesa destructive pattern of erratic behavior, pushing Avery tomake the heart-wrenching decision to file for divorce.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jimmy questions his ability as a writer but finally zeroes inon his next project. Meanwhile, Gretchen and Lindsay discoverall they do is talk about men and set out to change thestatus-quo. Edgar gets close to his improv teacher, Dorothy.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Phoebe's allegiance is torn when she learns that herboyfriend's father might be plotting a return to evil.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Homebound Kevin has a black-and-white dream about Audrey andhis work-related troubles; Roxie tries to secure the servicesof a handsome male nurse; Patti tags along on Audrey's dateswith Brock.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Frankie is speechless when Mike -- whose entire wardrobeconsists of long sleeved flannel shirts -- decides to wear ashort sleeved Hawaiian shirt when they go out to dinner withsome friends. Meanwhile, while Sue excitedly finds herselfsigning up for as many no-cut college clubs as she can, sheaccidentally tells Devin how much Axl loves her, which scaresDevin and leads her to question their relationship; and Brickgets a little too ambitious while tackling his chore ofcleaning the bathroom.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When a technology wunderkind is murdered in a seeminglyimpenetrable high-security building, Laura and team mustunravel the puzzling murder before someone steals the victim'sbillion-dollar ideas.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Murray attempts to help Adam transition into adulthood bybuilding a robot, but their creative differences drive themapart, the opposite of what Murray was trying to achieve.Meanwhile, Barry makes a huge mistake when he accidentallytapes over Beverly's beloved video of his 5th birthday party.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kevin tires of being "Mr. Nice Guy" and decides to takeadvantage of Audrey and Brock's relationship difficulties.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When a new gang, the Ghosts, hit the newly renamed StarCity, Diggle, Thea, and Laurel find themselves in over theirheads. Laurel and Thea interrupt Oliver and Felicity's quietsuburban lifestyle to ask them to come back and help.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Haley convinces her mom to let Dylan move in, on a temporarybasis, with her dad's help, but Phil has second thoughts whenhe sees just what living together means. Meanwhile, Mitchellgets a consulting job with Jay's biggest rival; and Manny hasa girl problem at school, but Gloria and Cameron are at oddsover how he should handle it.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Picking up where the finale left off, Sam and Dean must dealwith the Darkness that has been unleashed. Castiel deals withthe effects of Rowena's spell and recalls his brutal battlewith Crowley.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Just days into the game, castaways drop their buffs and switchfrom two to three tribes. Also, a castaway's future in thegame is in jeopardy when they're caught sending a message toanother tribe.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Allison and Devin investigate the death of a high-powered CEO.Meanwhile, Cameron and Mariah's mother, Jackie comes homefrom rehab.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Graveyard Carz 4x14 - Commando Cuda vs. Magnum Force

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A series of mysterious deaths pulls Rosewood off the glamorouspromenades of South Beach when a troubled young genius standsaccused of murder, and the only one who believes in hisinnocence is Rosewood. He must contend with a colorful newadversary, escalating health problems and a burgeoningromantic relationship, while Villa's inability to connect withpeople hampers her own ability to investigate the case.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Chelsea dismisses Adam's argument to get more time withAubree; Leah opens up about her treatment and works things outwith Corey and Miranda.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Matt and Joe take on one of the most common and deadlyscenarios in the wilderness: an injury that requires medicalintervention. Caught in a thick jungle, this worst-casebecomes a test of will in the struggle to get out alive.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


After Dre gets his yearly physical and comes home traumatized,Pops explains his generation's strong aversion towardshealthcare and admits that he hasn't seen a doctor in years.Shocked by this disclosure, Dre and Bow try to convince Popsto get a check-up and he begrudgingly agrees. When Pops findsout he has a clogged artery and needs a small procedure, therest of The Johnson family handles the news in different ways.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Mystery Diners 11x11 - Tour Bust

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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