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Childrens Hospital (US) 7x2 - One Million Saved

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Terry &amp: Randy have to count more than 1,000 baseballs inan hour or less; then build a pyramid based on a complexequation.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Terry enlarges a classic logic puzzle and miniaturizes anancient weapon to catapult himself to a win.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Airtime is EST on IFC per IMDB.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kevin Simm, former member of hit pop group Liberty X hopes timpress the judges. 16 year-old ingénue HeatherCameron-Hayes, rockabilly singer Sammy-Jo Evans and duo actThe Dublin City Rounders are also featured.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The day of Dixie's disciplinary hearing arrives, but thingsget off to a bad start when she is held up by an incident, andwhen Jess asks her to move to Cornwall with her and Olivia,the paramedic must decide whether to follow her head or herheart. Lily desperately hopes to re-establish her bond withEthan by trying to convince him to stay, Connie tries to comeup with a meaningful gift to make up for missing Jacob'sbirthday, and Robyn's appearance on the cover of Holby Pulseonly serves to increase Big Mac's feeling of shame overabandoning Noel to his mystery mugger. Medical drama, starringJane Hazlegrove.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The host is joined in the studio by actress Brenda Blethyn,who discusses the return of Northumberland-set detective dramaVera. Also appearing is Craig David, and while the formerposter-boy of UK garage and R&B is currently enjoyingsomething of a career renaissance following the release of newsingle When the Bassline Drops, Jonathan will undoubtedly askCraig to discuss the impact Leigh Francis's merciless BoSelecta parody had on his reputation.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Paddy McGuinness hosts the dating show. This episode featuresbody double Paul, broker Harry, gardener David and hypnotistBen all of whom are hoping to impress one of the 30 singleladies in the lineup.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The guys begin the treacherous journey through the jungle,only to discover Jesus and their mission are not what theyseem. Back in Belize City, tensions sizzle between Lawrenceand Aaron, and a mysterious new figure (Ted Levine) arrivesasking searching questions about the boys.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Walrus crew is under threat from the elements. Teach andRackham fall out. Rogers and Eleanor agree terms for theirpartnership.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Can you flatten a car with explosives?Can you use a householdvacuum cleaner to lift a car?

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Dixie helps a man face up to the truth, but she's unsure abouta decision in her own life.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Cops 28x25 - Shaking Like a Paint Mixer

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Outrageous Acts of Science 5x4 - Epic Skills

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Walrus crew engages with the elements: Teach disagreeswith Rackham; Rogers and Eleanor determine terms for theirpartnership; and Bonny worries about her future with Max.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ghost Adventures investigate an iconic murder mystery: TheBlack Dahlia.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When it comes to destroying cars, the MythBusters areexperts, and in this episode, they're going out with a bang!First, Adam sees if you can really lift up a car with nothingbut a humble vacuum, before Jamie then tries to flatten a carusing nothing but an absolutely massive load of C4!

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Yankee Jungle 2x2 - New Beginnings

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Dead Files 5x24 - Gateway to Hell

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Sex Sent Me to the ER 2x5 - One Wild Ride

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A outbreak of typhoid erupts, and suspicion over who thecarrier could be threatens to break apart a closely knitfamily. Sister Winfred faces a personal dilemma when a localteacher is revealed to be pregnant by a married man. When thewoman takes matters into her own hands, Sister Winifred isforced to consider the role her own prejudices may have played.Meanwhile, Barbara inadvertently agrees to go to dinner withTom, but is wracked with worry about how Trixie will react.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Vera takes a look at the mysterious murder of a fifty six yearold grandmother, found by a young girl on the desolateNorthumberland moors.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Napoleon invades Russia and preparations are underway foranother huge battle with him. The French army marches east andMarya is scared to find out that her family is in danger andher father is refusing to listen to reason.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) 4x8 - The War For DimensionX

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Beowulf, Elvina, Vishka and Breca continue towards the Mere,having barely survived the first part of their journey. Howeveron the way new dangers await them, as they fall under ThaneGorrik's suspicion and unmask the Mere tribe's fatal secret.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Joel hurries to covertly complete Jesus' mission, while Gusand Cobi each deal with the authorities holding themaccountable for their crimes. Lex goes into surgery and has anethereal encounter, and all four boys make one last attempt toescape Belize once and for all.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A closely knit family may be broken apart when a outbreak oftyphoid erupts and there's suspicions over the carrier. SisterWinfred faces a dilemma when a local teacher reveals she ispregnant to a local man. Barbara goes to dinner with Tom, butis worried about how Trixie will react.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The body of Anne-Marie Richards is discovered by a young girlon the Northumberland moors. Anne-Marie had attempted toreconcile with her two daughters before her death. A 999 calland the state of the cottage in which Anne-Marie was stayingsuggests that she was in fact abducted. Vera is suspicious ofthe relationship between the woman and her family and comesacross online messages and a connection with a businessman fromNewcastle. Soon the case has a devastating effect on the entireteam.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


In their war against Valencia, all hope seems lost forIsabella and the people of Hortensia until Galavant arriveswith his zombie army. Meanwhile, Gareth abandons Madalenaafter he realizes that she betrayed him and is learning (andusing) the Dark Dark Evil Way.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After his father's death, Henry's family uncovers shockingsecrets that open old wounds for them, including his grievingsister Maureen, who blames Henry for not spending enough timeat home. Also, Russell keeps important information fromElizabeth's team at the State department.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Under Madalena and Wormwood's spell, the zombie army revoltagainst Galavant and company, until Sid arrives with anunlikely army of his own. Galavant, Gareth, and Sid's armybattle the Zombies while Isabella fights Madalena. Meanwhile,Richard goes after Wormwood, who attacks Tad Cooper, whichprovokes Richard to perform a (nearly) heroic act. Elsewhere,Gareth tries to reason with Madalena, but she is driven tolearn how to use her newly acquired dark magic. At the end ofthe day, who will get their happily ever after.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Napoleon invades Russia and preparations begin for anothergreat battle against him.As the French army marches east,Marya is terrified to discover that her family is in danger andher father is refusing to listen.Natasha falls ill and Pierrehelps care for her before making a decision that opens his eyesto the horrors of war. Andrei finds he cannot forgive Natasha,and vows to take revenge on his rival. Meanwhile, Helenestruggles to manage a compromising situation.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Alicia argues against Judge Schakowsky when she learns that aformer bond court client was wrongfully imprisoned. Also,Diane assists the student editor of a college newspaper whenthe school threatens to fire her for writing a politicallycharged article.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Patrick is confronted by Fiona about the eviction notice. Iancreates some cookies for the firehouse.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Kim leads the planning for a grand 60th birthday party for Krisbut is afraid she may have taken on too much at nine monthspregnant; Scott finally goes into rehab, but only time willtell if he is ready to change.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Papac Crew is moving on to the most remote and dangeroussite of their season. On the St. Johns River, Greg Chapman islosing money and desperately need to score big to get back intothe black. Down on the Mississippi Delta, Gary and Eddie's newventure is becoming a nightmare. In the Bayou, Shelby is underthe gun to fill his hundred thousand board foot order, buttime is running out for the Swampman.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When residents of New York City cannot reach the police whencalling 911, the Cyber team realizes this is an airbornecomputer virus that is infecting cell phones and must find thehacker responsible. Also, D.B. meets a woman after respondingto a mistaken text sent by her.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Chuck discovers that while he pursued Steven Birch, the rivalEastern District has made inroads in the Axe case and that heneeds to get it back. Chuck horse-trades to regain control of akey witness, Pete Decker, a hedge fund manager with ties toAxelrod. At the same time, Axe makes an activist play forYumTime, a family owned bakery corporation. This movereverberates back to Chuck by way of a very personal connectionbetween his father and YumTime. Wendy is thrown into a moraldilemma when she discovers via a confidential session that oneof the few female Portfolio Managers at Axe Capital is going tohave her career sabotaged. And Lara Axelrod tries to protectAxe's reputation from a potentially damaging "tellall" book.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Dr. Foster confronts his family's divided loyalties when hismother and wounded Confederate brother arrive. Alice is shockedto find her fiancé, Tom, deeply changed by war. Samuel andAurelia try to persuade a slave boy to seize a chance atfreedom.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Ventures move to a deluxe apartment in the sky.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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