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While Elizabeth oversees a mission to track down the culpritsbehind a uranium heist in Eastern Europe, she also contendswith highly sensitive issues in Saudi Arabia, including theapprehension of two American teenage girls who intended to joina terrorist group, that threatens to dismantle an importantarms deal.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kenya confronts Cynthia: Peter introduces the group to hisfamily in Jamaica; NeNe plays peacemaker; Kenya's new beau,Matt, clashes with Peter; Kenya's cold behavior threatens thecommercial shoot; Kim is taken aback by gossip about herhusband.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Lonely Professor Fink uses science to turn himself into a manwhom women find attractive. Then, overwhelmed by theattention, he invents an algorithm to perfectly pair thelonely men and women of Springfield, realizing that scientificexploration is his true love. Meanwhile, Marge, Bart, andLisa visit Grampa for Valentine's Day and try to rescue the oldfolks from a drug-induced hallucination that allows them torelive their happiest memories.

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Cooper faces the ultimate, life-halting devastation when heloses his phone, and the guys stop at nothing to help him getit back. Meanwhile, Leslie and Kelly's karaoke duet turns intoan all-out bar brawl.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ian's relationship with Caleb gets more serious. Meanwhile,Lip is called to appear before a faculty disciplinarycommittee, but Helene accepts the blame for the scandal andtells the committee she will no longer teach or see Lip.

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Peter learns about phone apps and overloads his phone withthem. He buys a new phone with more memory and gives his oldphone to Chris, which causes a series of horrible events.Meanwhile, Stewie joins a tennis club and invites Brian to behis tennis partner.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Alicia has trouble adjusting when she returns to work atLockhart, Agos & Lee with Lucca. Their first case,involving a secret new computer tablet, causes a rift withinthe firm.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Long Island Medium 8x8 - Wisdom Teeth

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Ax Men 9x12 - Take This Log And Shove It

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New York City, 1973. Together with his partners, RichieFinestra, president of American Century Records, is on theverge of selling his struggling company to German Polygram, ina deal that includes an impending distribution agreement withLed Zeppelin. But after a disastrous meeting, it's clear thatthe sale is in jeopardy.

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Keeping up with the Kardashians 11x12 - Family First

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Worst Cooks in America 8x7 - Final Food Fight 8

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Get ready to meet your brain. It will engage you, amaze youand help you understand yourself like never before.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Walking Dead 6x9 - No Way Out

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Bud becomes the high school football coach after the previouscoach is forced out of the job by the local redneck fans. Bud,desperate to win, discovers a secret weapon - an illegalimmigrant whom he sees gracefully and skillfully run across theborder. Of course, this kid also happens to be the No. 1 drugmule in Mexico.

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Long Island Medium 8x9 - Remembering Petey

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Axe orders his traders to unload their positions, and heunceremoniously disappears from Axe Capital, plunging the firminto chaos. As Axe questions his life choices and plans a tripon his new yacht, Wags and Wendy struggle to maintain orderand morale. In response to Axe's disappearance, Chuckintensifies his investigation, which leads him to a farm inIowa, where he discovers a key witness to a questionabletrade. Armed with the damning evidence, Chuck sends the FBIinto Axe Capital to make a surprising arrest.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Avery and the Cyber team attempt to work with black hat hackerStella Kaine, to track down the hacker who took identity theftto a new level and digitally "killed" Avery's ex-husband.

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A Haunting 8x6 - Tunnel of Death

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The unexpected visit of a hospital inspector throws the staffinto disarray. Mary feels empathy for a deserter, while Silasmakes Samuel pay for his arrogance. A family tragedy forcesJames Sr. to take a risky step to earn his family's respect.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Atz Lee plans a surprise ceremony to renew his vows with Janeat the head of the bay; the other Kilchers struggle to preparefor the event.

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Castle finally gets his day in court when he takes the stand asthe key witness to a murder from five months ago. But when newinformation suddenly arises, he and Beckett must race againstthe clock to prevent a miscarriage of justice.

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Talking Dead 5x9 - No Way Out

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Cutthroat Kitchen 10x20 - Chocotage Xxl

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Last Week Tonight With John Oliver 3x1 - TBA

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The Venture Bros. 6x3 - Faking Miracles

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TV Calendar: At My TV


An English teacher travels back in time to prevent the Kennedyassassination, but discovers he is attached to the life he hasmade in a bygone era.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Anthony and Lulu attempt to fins Kate and they see their searchtaking a series of unexpected turns. Kate and Fred attempt todrown their sorrows and are given some valuable advice fromJessica.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After Callie and Jude discover Jack is being abused by otherboys in his group foster home, they turn to foster careadvocate Justina to get him help. Jesus attempts to get to knowGabe at work even as Nick urges him to tell Gabe the truthabout who he is. Meanwhile, Mariana is surprised when Nickasks her out.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After Jonah claims that he would date Dina if she wasn't hissupervisor, she decides to ask for a demotion.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After a horrible start to the season, Troy is desperate anddoes the unthinkable by bringing in outside help, despiteobjections from his sons and brother. Meanwhile, Ron isdetermined to turn his puppy into a gator dog; and anunorthodox duo known as "Salt and Pepper" enter thefray and hope to get their piece of the action.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


An art gallery that's showing potentially offensive artwork isbombed, and Mulder and Scully try to communicate with thecomatose bomber to prevent a future attack. A pair of youngerFBI agents on the case push Mulder and Scully to examine theirown beliefs.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After Ana finds out that Xavi has a girlfriend, she attemptsto help him by trying to fix all the things about him thatannoyed her when they were married. A pregnancy story line onthe show makes Rodrigo begin to think about having children.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A fancy dress bonanza is staged and it gets the whole townwanting to dress to impress. Rob, Joey and Tiger all dress asnuns. Les is really missing Liam, so Amber and the rest of theteam hatch up a plan. Troy thinks Gavin is stalking him, butwhen Kenneth discovers that Gavin is in Venice, the threatbecomes ever more sinister. The Dawsons holiday is coming to anend, but Billy still hasn't told Sheron that his Dad is movingin with them.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Steve finds the N.S.A. whilst at work with Stan. Hayley comesto the decision to eat meat for just one day.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


In an effort to get over his infatuation with Chloe, Luciferdecides that he must seduce her. Meanwhile the two team up on amissing girl case and Amenadiel confronts Maze about hisconcerns about Lucifer.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The students deal with some personal matters that have beenpreventing them from focusing on the upcoming Welter'sTournament.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A young woman and her 3-year-old son are shot to death whiledriving through gang territory in the wrong colored car, andthe gun used in the murder is quickly connected to the mosttroubling series of unsolved homicides in LAPD history. AsCaptain Sharon Raydor and the rest of her division attempt tosolve the mystery, Amy Sykes begins an uneasy alliance with adisgraced former LAPD detective with a novel theory and acorrupt past.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When the residents of an upscale rehab facility have totemporarily move into Springtime Meadows, Vern is elated thathis favorite actress Olivia O'Brien is among them. But Oliviaisn't what Vern expected. Maddie is feeling left out of herhigh school life and decides her boyfriend Zach's birthday isthe perfect opportunity to reclaim her place. But when thecelebration turns into a wild party, Maddie is faced withtemptation to slip back into her old ways. Flashbacks highlightVern's addiction and Cynthia's efforts to help her best friendget clean.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


With only two weeks left on the ranch, Bob welcomes thecontestants at a challenge that will tempt the winner with aprize that could change the course of the entire competition.Not only will they win a one-pound advantage for themselves,they'll gain the ultimate power in the game with the ability togive a one-pound disadvantage to one of their remainingopponents. THE FINAL CUT The five remaining players gather fortheir final challenge, a time-honored tradition of contestantsputting back on all the weight they've lost over the course ofthe season and then shedding it one last time at differentstages. The winner receives a coveted prize that could securetheir spot as a finalist as the competition goes from fiveplayers to three, before next week's live finale when theBiggest Loser and winner of the 0,000 prize will be chosen.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Auction fever hits the garage as the Monkeys have less than aweek to build a '69 Riveria to sell at the Leake Auction alongwith motorcycles from their big chopper build off to determinewho will win Richard's big prize.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jimmy and Kim's relationship takes a new turn. Mike decidesit's for the best to sever his affiliation with an unrestrainedassociate.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When the son of a Russian diplomat turns up murdered, Beckettand Castle find themselves in a dangerous game of internationalcrime and punishment, with Castle having to entertain a jovialRussian security officer who winds up more involved than anyoneplanned.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ford discovers Bill's true motives and a final confrontationwith Bill leads to the Pines family's ultimate fate andgreatest sacrifice.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Willie buys a vineyard, sight unseen, in an effort to expandthe Duck Commander brand; Phil and Si take over babysittingfor the granddaughters.

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Willie, Jase and Uncle Si try to capture a beehive loaded withdelicious honey; Korie and Jessica get into trouble whiletrying to find duck decoys for a carnival game.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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