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The battles get underway as the judges need to decide theartists that they want to take to the Knockouts.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Big Mac does his best to apologise to Noel after he learns thetruth as Lofty tries to deal with the pressure of his newresponsibilities.

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Jonathan is joined on the show by Ronan Keating, JohannaKonta, Taylor Lautner, Rob Brydon and Lukas Graham.

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Paddy McGuinness hosts the dating show. This episode features adebt collector, Louis, tugboat skipper Patrick, choristerThomas and stunt man Jon all of whom are hoping to impress oneof the 30 single ladies in the lineup.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Lofty is asked to run the nursing team for a day and struggleswith the pressure of his new position. He steps up and asks adisruptive patient to leave, but this soon backfires when thepatient is brought back in as an emergency case. They soonmanage to save her, but another silly mistake causes a agencynurse to receive a shock from a defibrillator. Big Mac triesmaking up with Noel, but he's having none of it. Louise triesgetting to he bottom of what's going on, but he is soonpopping painkillers again.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Flint and Teach fall out the future of piracy. Someone isarrested by Rogers. Rackham gets a new purpose. Madi comes toSilver's aid.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Adam and Jamie put MythBusters in the hands of redditors,choosing from several thousand of their suggestions. In Fartingon FLIR Jamie and Adam address the reddit community's requestto know if a viral video purporting to show a flatus show up onan infrared camera is real or fake. Then in Ball Fall, Busterhelps test whether a person would survive a 1,000-foot dropinside an inflatable ball. Paper Bag Punch sees Adam explorehow easy it really is to punch your way out of a paper bag. Andfinally the most popular request was a gratuitous spectacularexplosion. So in Snoo Boom the MythBusters oblige by blowing upreddit's mascot.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When the big day comes for Stephanie and Kimmy to join theFuller house, Jackson feels outnumbered and takes drasticaction.

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Gus gets exciting news at work, but a surprise visit fromMickey sends the day spiraling in a new direction.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Flint and Teach clash over the future of piracy: Rogers makesan arrest; Rackham finds new purpose. Madi comes to Silver'said.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


On the season 4 finale, Charlie's condition proves moredangerous than initially thought, as Alex and Shahir struggleto save his life.

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Ghost Adventures 12x5 - Chinese Town of Locke

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A count down the best builds on the web: a seafaring supercar; bees that can 3D print, jet powered wings that make manfly.

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MythBusters 16x8 - Rocketman

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Sex Sent Me to the ER 2x9 - Motivated Patient

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Comics artist, John Romita, Jr., draws an original piece forthe Stash; Bryan shows interest in an Evel Knievel toy fromhis childhood.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When Doc Ock and Baron Mordo use the Siege Perilous to pull inthe Goblin from another universe, Spider-Man enlists the helpof Miles Morales and Doctor Strange to try to keep reality fromcollapsing.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Doc Ock and Baron Mordo use the Siege Perilous to pull inthe Goblin from another universe, Spider-Man enlists the helpof Miles Morales and Doctor Strange to try to keep reality fromcollapsing.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Guardians get caught up amongst the Inhuman Royal Familyand must help save the City of Attilan from Ronan.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


There is danger lurking in every corner which is threateningthe Shieldlands and Herot's Huskarla patrol the forests lookingfor the enemy. Elvina's decision to enter the forests without aguard causes Beowulf to down tools from fortifications andenter the forest after her. Enjoying their newfound romance,the pair become distracted from the threats around them and andup being held captive by some Mudborn creatures.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Doc Ock and Baron Mordo use the Siege Perilous to pull inthe Goblin from another universe, Spider-Man enlists the helpof Miles Morales and Doctor Strange to try to keep reality fromcollapsing.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When Doc Ock and Baron Mordo use the Siege Perilous to pull inthe Goblin from another universe, Spider-Man enlists the helpof Miles Morales and Doctor Strange to try to keep reality fromcollapsing.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The introduction of the contraceptive pill is welcomed by DrTurner, but some of his colleagues are less keen on the idea.Patsy tries to help a bargee who wants to give birth among herown community rather than in a maternity ward. Nurse Cranedeals with an emergency during a storm, and a familiar facereturns to Nonnatus House - but has been changed by her timeaway.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Roper is at his grand villa in Mallorca, where he and hisentourage are getting ready for a lavish meal on the island.They are later confronted by a couple of robbers who kidnapRoper's son, Daniel. A mysterious man lurks in the shadows andnot everything is not what it seems.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Herot's Huskaria patrol takes to the forests to look for signsof the enemy. Elvina decides to enter the forests without aguard, worrying Beowulf who comes after her. The pair enjoytheir romance and soon become distracted from the threatssurrounding them, they are soon captured by a band of Mudborncreatures. Beowulf learns a dark secret about Elvina as thepair try and escape.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Times are changing in Poplar, as Autumn is around the corner.Dr Turner shares his excitement over the release of the firstcontraceptive pill, but some of the other staff at Nonnatusaren't as pleased with the impacts the release of the pill willhave. Patsy struggles to help a transient Bargee woman. NurseCrane is called in to assist a post-natal emergency. SisterEvangelina makes her return to the house.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


An erratic roommate causes Fran to move in with Hannah. Hannahreceives an urgent call from her father.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


At a record producers' banquet honoring Maury Gold, Richie isembarrassed when the emcee, rival record exec Jackie Jervis,makes a joke about the failed German Polygram deal. Later,Maury and mob cohort Corrado Galasso pay a visit to AmericanCentury to probe a detective's recent inquiry, and Joe Corsodrops by to pitch Richie a demo by his banquet date, Nora.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After Rick comes to the realization that Alexandria might notbe as safe as he thought, decisions must be made about whereto go from here.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When the people of Hope Valley learn that Frank is a wantedman, they quickly turn on him. Abigail sets out to prove thatthe mistakes of the past don't define the future.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Roper and his entourage are preparing for a lavish meal on theIsland. Following their dinner, the group find themselvesconfronted by two robbers who kidnap Daniel. However all is notas it seems, as there's a mysterious man lurking in theshadows. A flashback to six months earlier, shows Pine andBurr meeting in Zermatt, as they discuss how they want tobring Roper down. Pine begins to leave a trail of criminalactivities, to try and gain Roper's trust and inflitrate hisclose-knit group.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


With only two weeks remaining in the season, the Ax Men aresprinting to the finish line. The Rygaards are back in fullforce with all three generations of loggers on the site,fighting to regain the King of the Mountain crown. Papac Alaskais moving on to their final section, dubbed "The MotherLode", but will this be the ultimate test for the wornout crew? Down in Louisiana, Gary and Eddie are about to seeif their gamble to try swamp logging has paid off. Just acrossthe swamp, Shelby is trying to finish his hundred thousandboard foot order, but only has a few hours left. He must callin reinforcements to come up with his plan of attack.Meanwhile, David Zitterkopf must come up with a unique plan tohit the bullseye and finish his job. Down in Florida, GregChapman is not ready to call it a day and is back on the huntfor the Lost Logging Train.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Guardians get caught up amongst the Inhuman Royal Familyand must help save the City of Attilan from Ronan.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Michelle works on her plan to make the charter school areality; Tina clashes with Alex's new girlfriend at hiswelcome home party.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A super-widow surfaces and makes Dr. Mrs. The Monarch's jobdifficult while a criminal genius tries to arch Dr. Venture.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Stephanie, Kimmy and DJ have a girls' night out and leaveJoey in charge of the kids, things get wild out on the townand at home.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Troubles keep mounting for Gus as he gets a taste of life inthe writers' room. Meanwhile, a new crisis pushes Mickey tothe breaking point.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Legendary comics artist John Romita Jr. draws an original piecefor the Stash. Bryan's interest is piqued by an Evel Knieveltoy from his childhood.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


An African-American museum on the National Mall in Washington,D.C.; Italy's fashion industry helps preserve the nation'sarchitectural treasures; the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona,which has been under construction for more than 130 years.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The townsfolk turn on Frank when they learn he's a fugitive,but Abigail tries to help him by reminding them that a personcan change.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Dead or Alive - Thousands of errors to the Social SecurityAdministration's Death Master File can result in fraudulentpayments -- costing taxpayers billions -- and identityheadaches. Face Blindness - Imagine you couldn't recognizepeople's faces, and even your own family looked unfamiliar.Lesley Stahl reports on face blindness, a puzzlingneurological disorder, for 60 Minutes.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ax Men 9x14 - Back in Black

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Jason Silva visits New Orleans where a series of games andexperiments show how the brain has an evolutionary predilectiontoward doing the wrong thing.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Richie is embarrassed at a record producers banquet honoringhis mentor, Maury Gold, when a rival ribs him about thePolygram snafu. Later, Maury and a mob associate come lookingfor information about a detective's inquiry; Clark aims tosign Alice Cooper to a solo deal; Olivia envisions an old barnin the suburbs as a home for the arts; and Richie's idea forsome of Lester's old material is not well received.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


After Rick comes to the realization that Alexandria might notbe as safe as he thought, decisions must be made about whereto go from here.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Talking Dead 5x11 - Knots Untie

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TV Calendar: At My TV


In New York, an erratic roommate leads Fran to move in withHannah. Later, Hannah gets an urgent call from her dad, whois trying to navigate a new type of dating. After a run-in atan AA meeting, Adam and Jessa spend the day together. Rayfears that the new cafe across the street is hurting hisbusiness. Elijah is hit on by a famous news anchor.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Catching up with a woman profiled in a previous episode of"Intervention" who suffered family tragedies and turned to thebottle.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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