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The International Response Team heads to Belize to search for acouple who disappears while on their honeymoon in what appearsto be a targeted abduction.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


George gets in a twitter war with an angry groupie and faces atough choice between the lawn he loves and a chance to buildhis brand.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Exes go out on the road with Autumn Chase: Maddie'scloseness with Cash causes tension with Deacon; Juliette comesup with a plan to get Glenn back.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The road takes its toll on August: at the same time, therunners are trapped in a floating coffin; and Ernestinestruggles to maintain her influence.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A tattoo model whose online relationship went sour after acrazy night in Vegas seeks help in finding her former flame andmaking things right.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Alicia has some campaign damaging skeletons in the closet thatshe reveals. Boyce needs to decide whether to fire a member ofhis church staff.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ken Jeong, actor - &quot:Dr. Ken&quot:

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Frankie is thrilled when Sue invites her for lunch at thecollege. But lunch becomes awkward when Sue brings her newboyfriend along - Jeremy, the school activist - and the two ofthem begin bombarding Frankie with everything she and theworld, in general, are doing wrong. Meanwhile, Axl informs avery disappointed Mike that he wants to quit football, andBrick overly obsesses over filling out a satisfaction surveyafter ordering some graph paper online.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Rosewood investigates the suspicious death of a man withmedical issues similar to his own, which forces him toslightly adjust the tint on his Rosie-colored lenses andconfront his own mortality. Also adding to his stress, hefinds himself trapped between Donna and hisgirlfriend/cardiologist, Dr. Erica Kincaid (guest star JoyBryant), and their dueling opinions over what's best forRosewood - medically and personally. Meanwhile, Hornstockenlists the help of Villa as he attempts to reconnect with oneof the witnesses linked to the case..his estranged teenagedaughter, Sophie.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A separation in tribes leads to the ultimate sabotage. Also, aschoolyard pick draws a line in the sand at a tough rewardchallenge.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Voice 10x16 - Live Playoffs, Results

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When Beverly gives Adam a "best son" trophy, Barry brings toher attention that she always favors Adam. Appalled, Beverlydecides to ignore Adam (much to his delight) and smother Barry(much to his dislike), but it backfires. Meanwhile, Ericastarts dating a boy who gets her to love the band Rush as muchas he does and whom Murray doesn't approve of.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Tensions between Lucious and his sons continue to rise. Back atLyon Dynasty, Lucious aims to direct his most emotional andhonest music video yet and recreates a traumatic interactionwith his mother for the new single. Meanwhile, on the Mirage aTrois tour, Tiana and Laura begin viciously fighting over thespotlight, forcing Hakeem to mediate between the two divas.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A houseguest wins the Power of Veto.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The BAU searches for an UnSub who is purposely disfiguringvictims. Also, Rossi has an awkward reunion with his ex-wife,Hayden Montgomery, who kept his daughter, Joy, a secret fromhim for nearly 30 years.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Claire brings home a stray dog and gets the kids to help herhide it from Phil while she tries to find its owner.Unfortunately, her evasive behavior only makes Phil try evenharder to shower her with more attention. Elsewhere, Gloriainvites a new couple over even after Jay has made it clear hedoesn't want to make any new friends, but when the husbandturns out to be a real guy's guy, Jay might be eating crow.And Cameron rents out their upstairs apartment to a Christianrock band.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Join investigators as they untangle the cause of Alzheimer'sand race to develop a cure.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Before Shawn can head to the Bluff, he must contend withanother setback on the Christine Rose. While Derek finds outwhat the baddest dredge in Alaska can really do, Vernonhatches a plan to steal a boat from an old enemy.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ethan and Mia learn the identity of the assassin. Marlonconsiders starting over and forgoing illegal activity. Martyfights the court of public opinion regarding Talia's death.Harper harasses Marty's clients for dirt on him.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Face Off 10x14 - Sinister Showdown: Part 2

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Dre's sister, Rhonda, is getting married to her girlfriend,Sharon, and the upcoming nuptials lead to a conversation ontradition. Dre finds out that Bow is against the patriarchalconvention of taking the man's last name, but he never knewthis because Bow's maiden name is also Johnson. Meanwhile,Jack and Diane want to be the ring bearer and flower girl butworry they've aged out of the gigs, and Junior and Zoey prepRuby to embrace her daughter's relationship.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Exes find navigating their newfound fame tricky businesswhen they go out on the road with Autumn Chase (played byAlicia Witt). Meanwhile, back in Nashville, Maddie continuesto grow closer with Cash, causing tension with Deacon as hequestions her motives and interest in his daughter. Juliettemisses her manager, Glenn, and devises a plan to get him backwhile Will finds himself working with Kevin again.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Abbi and Ilana are going on a trip, but getting to the airportproves to be much harder than they expected.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The International Response Team heads to Belize to search for acouple who disappears while on their honeymoon in what appearsto be a targeted abduction.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Jennie ends up being reminded that she is getting older withHalloween, and her 42nd birthday just around the corner.Donnie attempts to take Jennie's mind of growing older.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The road takes its toll on August: at the same time, therunners are trapped in a floating coffin; and Ernestinestruggles to maintain her influence.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Restaurant: Impossible 13x5 - Ambush: Out of Control

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Philip must consider his life with Martha and make a crushingchoice from which there is no coming back.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


While working in an art supply store, Michael astounds acustomer with a forceful framing device, shocks a patron whocan't see the whole picture, and becomes a piece of art.Then, as a bank teller, Michael brings new meaning to instantcash, and horses around when a guard is stunned by anunexpected deposit. And later, a woman goes haywire whenMichael literally loses his head.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Tattoo model, Joanna, was about to meet her online love inthe flesh, but a crazy night in Vegas caused the wholerelationship to go sour. Now she's enlisted Nev and Max to helptrack down her former flame and make things right.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Big Al makes one last effort to keep sluicing: Karl brings inhelp to hit his goal; Chris and Nika check their gold haul.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Soul Man 5x3 - Hangin' with Mr. Cupper

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TV Calendar: At My TV


MTV Suspect 1x8 - Dimitri & Brian And Alicia & Chaz

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Senator and Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The suspicion on Karen is quickly transferred to Major SimonHamilton & continues to mount due to his missing Ferrari,abusive reputation, no alibi for the night of Todd's murder& a shipping container full of handguns.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Naruto: Shippuuden 21x6 - The Darkness of Akatsuki

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Following a nightmarish run in with some otherworldly beings,a man wakes up in a field insisting that his wife has beenabducted by aliens.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Fresh testimony launches AC-12 back on the trail of the Caddy,a corrupt officer with links to organized crime. But newdisturbing evidence suggests the Caddy may reside within AC-12.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The team travel to Nethermoor to investigate the case of amissing woman, believed to be the victim of an alienabduction. The case causes painful memories to resurface forHoudini as the duo undergo a surprising reversal - Houdiniappears to believe the account of the missing woman's husband,citing science as his belief for extraterrestrial life, whileDoyle is the sceptic, attributing the fantastical story to adrunken confabulation.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Line Of Duty 3x4 - Episode 4

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Hodgins is eight weeks into his rehabilitation and forced tonavigate life in a wheelchair. Meanwhile, Brennan and Boothinvestigate the death of a public defender who had multipledefendants from previous cases with motives to kill her.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Legends travel back to the Old Wild West and gain the aidof a true legend, a morally ambiguous gunslinger with apenchant for danger, Jonah Hex, who has been battling outlawsand gangs and happens to know a thing or two about time travel.Hex warns the Legends to be extra careful in their journey tothe small town of Salvation.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After a missing child forces the hospital into lockdown, Bendecides to operate on a pregnant mother without the propersurgical equipment. Miranda, as Chief, is faced with therepercussions of the event and whether or not Ben's impulsiveactions were justified.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


With the help of Murph, Oscar decides to throw a big partywhen Felix finally agrees to spend the weekend away. Also,Felix and Emily have their first sleepover.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Miranda continues to deal with the aftermath of Ben's recklessdecision and forms an advisory committee to recommend properdisciplinary action against him. Meanwhile, April and Jacksontry to put their differences aside for the sake of their baby,and Arizona makes a decision that could affect her relationshipwith Callie forever.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Alie forces Raven's dark side to come out, and Jasper's angercontinues to grow. Meanwhile, Octavia wrestles with her placein the world, and Monty is forced to make a split seconddecision.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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