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Oscar learns that Felix was nationally ranked chess player as achild and convinces him to return to the game to make money.Also, Emily investigates why Felix is acting strange since hebegan playing chess again.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


After an abandoned baby is found with a tattoo identical to oneof Jane's, the team races to piece together the child'sidentity and save dozens of infants. A furious Jane confrontsOscar about the outcome of his secret missions.

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With their best lead in hand, Castle and Beckett are ready totake on LokSat. But an unforeseen twist puts their case – andtheir lives – in jeopardy.

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Anthony visits the 50-room Colonial Mountain Inn intourist-friendly Branson, Mo. With a family feud, acontractor clash and a utility closest that is a death trap,will Melchiorri be able to fix the Colonial Mountain Inn?

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The ETU's discovery of the name and suspected location of aHigh Value Target, dredges up old memories for Jackson.Meanwhile, Flynn, Regan and Briggs attempt a daring raid on aTurkish prison.

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Shaw escapes her captors, but the team is unsure of her mentalstate when she begins to act paranoid and reckless.

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Barbara and David face off over Jenelle, leading to a 911call. Aubree gets a new accessory. Kailyn and Javi strugglewith his deployment. Leah gets troubling news about custody.

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Fat n' Furious: Rolling Thunder 3x3 - Go Gto Go

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Turn 3x4 - Hearts and Minds

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Sam sitsdown with a Super PAC donor to discuss hiscontributions.

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When Mindy's old flame Casey (Anders Holm) returns to NewYork, Mindy is confronted with the dangerous temptation ofsliding back into a relationship with an ex-boyfriend.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The three best performers in the invention test must create adish using popcorn as the core ingredient. The winner will thenneed to out-cook the professional guest chef for immunity.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Feeling betrayed, Vera takes steps to have Bridget dismissedand expose her relationship with Franky, but is forced tobacktrack and enlist Bridget s help instead, when Fergusonmakes a bid to be released into the general prison population.The three unlikely allies devise a plan in which Bridgetattempts to entrap Ferguson into exposing her psychopathy. Kazstages a protest with the women in the yard in an attempt toforce Vera s hand on the conjugal visits program.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The three best performers in the invention test must create adish using popcorn as the core ingredient. The winner will thenneed to out-cook the professional guest chef for immunity.

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Wentworth 4x2 - Poking Spiders

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Zosia manages to overstep the mark and accuses a patient of amedia leak forcing Oliver to deal with an unwelcome dilemma.Zosia comes to a gut-wrenching decision as Serena discoversBernie is working on AAU, Dominic has to face his fears.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


An anonymous package offers Karl with his biggest breakthroughin the case yet. The team receive a clear and violent warning.

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In her desperate hunt for Matthew, Marcella questions Henry athis home. Meanwhile, the pressure mounts on Jason as Tim'sinvestigation into the murder of Andrew Barnes gathers pace,and the killer is finally revealed, causing shockwaves amongthe entire team.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Storage Hunters auctioneer Sean Kelly continues his tour of theUK and this weekthe hunters are off to Leeds and there's a newpair of bidders in town who aren'tafraid to throw their weightaround. Old hands Nat and John aren't moved easilywhile Sam andIone re-ignite their feud. Someone should call the cops...

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When Zosia oversteps with a patient, Oliver faces an unwelcomedilemma. As his suspicions spiral out of control, Zosia makesa gut-wrenching decision. Still bruised from the impact of hersuspension, Serena returns to find Bernie helping out on AAU.However, Serena's gratitude is short-lived when she discoversthe real reason for Bernie's presence on the ward. As Arthurembarks on a soul-searching daytrip, Dominic leaves him to goit alone. But when Arthur struggles, Dominic makes a rashdecision.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


After Zoom unleashes an army of Earth-2 meta-humans on CentralCity, Barry is shaken when he sees their leader is the BlackCanary's Earth-2 doppelganger, the Black Siren. Meanwhile,Wally takes to the streets to help The Flash stop themeta-humans, which worries Joe. Iris and Henry are concernedabout Barry taking on Zoom.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


An anonymous package gives Karl his biggest breakthrough in thecase yet. Plus, the investigating team receive a clear andviolent warning.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


With Diane worried about baby Hope's development, Rick offersto hold the fort while she takes Hope to her assessment. Butwhen Rick is left on his own with a house full of babies thingsgo terribly wrong - and the future for Diane and Rick is throwninto question.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


America will vote to keep the top three artists in thecompetition. After these finalists are revealed, the bottomtwo artists will be sent home immediately, while the middlethree artists will compete in the Instant Save for the lastspot in the finale.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


NCIS, FBI and MI6 continue an international manhunt for anescaped British spy who is targeting current and former agents.

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Eddie's girlfriend is determined to try and impress Jessica.Emery asks Louis for help with his graduation speech.

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After realizing Pat left his police badge at home, Jimmyconvinces Kenny and Shannon that he should use Pat's badge topretend he's a police officer so they can receive free perksaround town. Meanwhile, when Pat tells Eileen about anupcoming date he's going on, she takes matters into her ownhands when it comes to a potential suitor in her dating life.

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Geordie Shore 12x10 - Episode 10

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Dr. Rhodes tends to the care of Dr. Downey while Goodwin isforced to deal with personal issues. April bears the brunt of apunch while attending to a disorderly patient, but theincident could actually prove to be a blessing in disguise. Dr.Halstead discovers Goodwin has a trick up her sleeve, and Dr.Manning finds her past catching up with her. Sarah's graduationday finally arrives, but she remains conflicted about mappingout her career plans for the future. Meanwhile, at the urgingof Dr. Charles, Dr. Choi turns to an unlikely source for help.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Tensions between Lex and Dr. Lommers reach a boiling pointafter they disagree over how to execute a much-needed food dropinside the cordon. With limited resources on his side, Jake'sattempt to control a desperate and hungry crowd leaves himrattled after a group of thugs show up and a stand-off ensues.Meanwhile, when the timeline of events leading up to theoutbreak doesn't add up, Katie sets out in search of thetruth.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


It's a showdown a season in the making as S.H.I.E.L.D. takes onHive. With Hive's master plan finally revealed, the team mustspring into action. Who will live and who will die?

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The NCIS team discover that they have a mole among themselvesas they assist the Department of Homeland Security locate 900pounds of missing explosives that are a threat to New Orleans.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As the fall season is coming to an end, a massive arctic stormblasts the fleet with hurricane force winds and monster seas.Every captain will be tested when they must decide how muchtheir boats and crew can handle.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After their wild home date turns into a tearful breakup, Izzydecides she needs to move back home to Colorado to deal withher issues. Unaware, Jack and Emma continue to deal with thefallout of what's beginning to feel like a blur of bad choices.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Is there a civilian vehicle tough enough to serve in the U.S.military? To find out, the guys each pick a vehicle they thinkcan survive combat, and meet at one of the U.S. Army's premiertraining facilities. They test themselves and their vehicles inthe most realistic combat training available, including racinga tank, evading sniper fire, and assisting a large scalerescue mission during a firefight with live explosives.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Mitchell Blair directs Kirsten to shut down all investigationinto finding her father. But Kirsten has finally made contactwith someone she thinks can lead her to him. To gain hersource's trust, she tries to explain her role in the Stitchersprogram, without actually revealing the program's nature.Treading carefully, Kirsten recounts the team's current case,in which a series of murders is tied to a wildly popular newapp.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Chief Boden and Jimmy find themselves at odds in dealing withthe aftermath of recent events while Kidd is forced to dealwith her unstable and volatile ex, Grant. With the help offirehouse 51, Dawson tries to put her best foot forward in herpursuit for fostering Louie. At the urging of Susan Weller,his new political consultant, Casey tends to his Aldermanduties and leaves town with her to attend a three-day summit.Much to his surprise, Casey embraces his new role while Susanurges him to consider grander aspirations. Meanwhile, thehouse responds to a dangerous structure fire that puts one oftheir own in a desperate situation.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


It's a showdown a season in the making as S.H.I.E.L.D. takes onHive. With Hive's master plan finally revealed, the team mustspring into action. Who will live and who will die?

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The buyers visit a night auction in Huntington Beach, Cal.where Ivy and Mary compete with each other; Darrell andBrandon look to score big on home turf; and Dave searches foreither a score or a sucker.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Reese protects an NYPD analyst whose investigation into asoftware glitch has drawn the attention of Samaritan. Also,Reese and Fusco are threatened by an ally of Elias's, who islooking to avenge his friend's death.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The tables end up being turned on the veterans as the newartists call the shots in the Elimination Tattoo.

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A fight with Luke pushes Jenna to sign up for her camp reunion- and towards reconnecting with Matty.

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The buyers return to Montebello, Cal. where Darrell andBrandon cause chaos; Rene brings along with father; Dave eyesa big score; and Ivy battles injury to hit the auctions hard.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


With the new year approaching, Karma goes to great lengths tomake Amy happy; and Lauren's self-esteem takes a hit whensomeone from the past returns.

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Dahlia Lithwick, Slate's Supreme Court correspondent

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Coming Soon...

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Coming Soon...

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