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Alice creates a pawsome inking for feline fan Luke, Sketchrids Gavin of his saucy slogan, Glen tackles Hannah'sfour-letter faux pas, and Jay creates a smoking hot design forfirefighter Simon

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TV Calendar: At My TV


As the squad investigates the mysterious death of a secondwoman related to the Tackles case, and a new theorymaterializes, Sharon faces a health setback. Meanwhile, Gusreacts unexpectedly to Rusty's partial solution to theirongoing relationship problems.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Seamus Murphy returns to redeem the favor Holt owes him,the precinct searches for a loophole that will allow Holt touphold his end of the bargain without breaking the law.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After visiting a homeless shelter on Christmas Eve, Courtneyrealizes things for the needy could be improved and pledges tomake it a joyous Christmas that every family deserves. But whenhe learns he doesn't have the budget to deliver on hispromise, Courtney loses hope and his holiday spirit whichleads to a magical "It's A Wonderful Life" momentthat makes him realize he has the gift needed to pull off aChristmas miracle.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As Charlie's new venture gains steam, Linda finds herselftaking a more active role in Nora's life. Fonso and Eduardodiscover their dead tenant had some unfinished business andNick and Drina take their friendship to a new level.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Dr. Charles learns a troubling fact about the man who shot him.Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Bekker come to an agreement during acomplicated surgery. Will and Natalie are trapped by legalethics when an unfaithful husband refuses to tell his wifeabout his inconclusive Zika test. Meanwhile, April and Noahdiscover working together isn't always easy while Goodwincontinues to argue with the board over hospital costs after anavoidable patient death.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Convinced that the universe is leading the way, a veryconfident Kevin heads to Laos with Tyler in search of the firstrighteous soul. Meanwhile, Yvette has her doubts about theirmission and has a chance encounter with Tyler that changes bothof their outlooks. Back in Texas, Amy goes all out decoratingfor Christmas and decides whether or not she's truly ready todate again.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ms. Cannon discovers that one of her students is an artisticprodigy. Mrs. Adler and Ms. Watson take the mini-societycompetition to a new level.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Stephen welcomes actor Tom Hanks, journalist Katy Tur, andMac DeMarco sits in with Jon Batiste & Stay Human.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After Elizabeth makes a tone-deaf speech at a Jaguar factory,she and the monarchy come under public attack from an outspokenlord.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


During PRIDE's gala, the kids set in motion a new plan to takedown their parents for good. As the evening unfolds,everyone's personal drama threatens to derail their plans.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As Torres and Sloane run protection detail for U.S. SenatorJohn Phillips in Afghanistan for the holidays, they musturgently return to the states after hearing the senator's sonis in the ICU. Also, Gibbs and the team investigate thealtercation that caused the life threatening injuries to thesenator's son.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Three artists will be revealed as safe by America's votes.After these finalists are revealed, the bottom two artistswill be sent home immediately, while the middle three artistswill compete in the Instant Save for the last spot in thefinale.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


It's Christmas time and the Murtaugh family is headed toHawaii. However, Murtaugh's vacation is put on hold when heand Riggs are called to a homicide and the victim is an oldfriend. Meanwhile, Riggs gets a surprise phone call from arelative just in time for Christmas.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


It's Christmastime, and Frankie and Sue are devastated afterAxl informs them that he's not going to church this yearbecause he's beginning to question his faith. Meanwhile, Mikegoes to war with the Glossner kids after they keep defacing hisnew, giant inflatable snowman; and Brick goes all out in anattempt to wrap his first present for a planned ChristmasYankee Swap.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


As head of the HOA Christmas committee, Jessica threatens tocut the neighborhood caroling this year due to last year'srocky performance. However, Deirdre says that her friendHolly, who teaches "Performance and Movement," will help geteveryone into tip-top, melodic shape. Meanwhile, Marvinbecomes suspicious of Honey when she goes to see "Titanic" atthe movies without him; Nicole develops her first girl crushand struggles with how to get her attention.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


As Christmas approaches, Bull is amused when he meets a9-year-old girl who wants to hire him to help her divorce herparents, but he's shocked when a judge appoints him hertemporary guardian. Also, Marissa discovers disturbinginformation about her boyfriend, Kyle.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Below Deck 5x15 - Reunion

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Andrew Zimmern takes a culinary tour of the DominicanRepublic, a meat-lover's paradise. From whole roast pig andcrispy, Lebanese-inspired fried dough pockets to beef andplantain casseroles, Dominican gastronomy is full ofsurprises.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Rosa begs Jake to help her break some big news to her parents,but her plan is thrown off when they wrongly assume the two aredating. Then, when Seamus Murphy returns to redeem the favorHolt owes him, the precinct searches for a loophole that willallow Holt to uphold his end of the bargain without breakingthe law.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Curse of Oak Island 5x6 - Remains Of The Day

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TV Calendar: At My TV


As the squad investigates the mysterious death of a secondwoman related to the Tackles case, and a new theorymaterializes, Sharon faces a health setback. Meanwhile, Gusreacts unexpectedly to Rusty's partial solution to theirongoing relationship problems.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Dre is diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and after talking toPops, he's resolved to curing himself. Things come to a headat the Stevens & Lido holiday party. Meanwhile, Jack isconvinced that baby Devante hates him, so he enlists Juniorand Diane's help.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Bitchin' Rides 4x12 - It's Getting Hot in Here

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Appa inherits a smartphone: Umma discovers a pest in thestore; Kimchee tries to help Janet with her F.O.M.O.; Jungtries to reconnect with a girl.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Moonshiners 7x5 - Second Chances

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Andrew Zimmern introduces the rich and welcoming dishes ofAmman, Jordan. The city's multicultural influences havecreated a culinary scene steeped in hospitality. Andrew samplessome of the more well-known dishes such as multi-tiered towersof goat and veggies, sumac-coated chicken with onions, lambcooked in creamy yogurt sauce and fava bean spreads perfect forsharing.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Brooklyn Nine-Nine 5x11 - The Favor

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TV Calendar: At My TV


After visiting a homeless shelter on Christmas Eve, Courtneyrealizes things for the needy could be improved and pledges tomake it a joyous Christmas that every family deserves. But whenhe learns he doesn't have the budget to deliver on hispromise, Courtney loses hope and his holiday spirit whichleads to a magical "It's A Wonderful Life" moment that makeshim realize he has the gift needed to pull off a Christmasmiracle.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Convinced that the universe is leading the way, a veryconfident Kevin heads to Laos with Tyler in search of the firstrighteous soul. Meanwhile, Yvette has her doubts about theirmission and has a chance encounter with Tyler that changes bothof their outlooks. Back in Texas, Amy goes all out decoratingfor Christmas and decides whether or not she's truly ready todate again.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Dr. Charles learns a troubling fact about the man who shot him.Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Bekker come to an agreement during acomplicated surgery. Will and Natalie are trapped by legalethics when an unfaithful husband refuses to tell his wifeabout his inconclusive Zika test. Meanwhile, April and Noahdiscover working together isn't always easy while Goodwincontinues to argue with the board over hospital costs after anavoidable patient death.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Luck is not on the competitors' side as they open the firstbasket to find not duck breast, but a more formidable foe:duck tongue. A bitter juice and a pretentiously presentedAmerican classic challenge the chefs in the entrée round. Forthe last two chefs battling it out in the dessert round, apeachy final basket is anything but easy.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


After Rita Deveraux tells Pride that Douglas Hamilton is aboutto make a deal to get out of prison, Pride and the team rehashthe Clearwater case in hopes of locating his mystery partnerand spoiling his bargaining chip.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Profit 5x4 - Monica Potter Home

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Teachers 2x16 - Let It Flow

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Chrisleys head to Florida for Savannah's fashion linelaunch at HSN; Todd and Julie help Savannah overcome heron-air jitters; Nanny gets Chase in trouble at a casino.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Conan 255x137 - James Franco, Ari Graynor, Noomi Rapace,Gary Clark Jr.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Guests Sarah Paulson, Judd Apatow and Grant Morrison. MarkGuiliana sits-in with the 8G Band.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Real Housewives of Melbourne 4x2 - House of Lords

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Tommy finds himself engaged in bloody battle with LucaChangretta and his gang. The family gather to find out whathappened, but Lizzie has even greater news tobreak.Meanwhile, an army colonel has questions for Ada abouther past as a communist, and Jessie Eden confirms just how farshe is prepared to go in pursuit of her cause. And sensing anopportunity to capitalise on his situation, Luca Changrettamakes his way to London to present a plan to Alfie Solomons.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


This time, the final five candidates are summoned to LordSugar's newly refurbished offices in the City of London. Therethey are joined by some of Lord Sugar's closest associates,ready to put the candidates through their paces in a series oftough interviews, with each candidate going head to head witha business heavyweight in an attempt to prove their worth.There are tears, tantrums and turmoil, as confidencecrumbles, egos are eradicated and business plans arepulverised, before heading back to the boardroom to face LordSugar once more.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


This time, the final five candidates are summoned to LordSugar's newly refurbished offices in the City of London. Therethey are joined by some of Lord Sugar's closest associates,ready to put the candidates through their paces in a series oftough interviews, with each candidate going head to head witha business heavyweight in an attempt to prove their worth.There are tears, tantrums and turmoil, as confidencecrumbles, egos are eradicated and business plans arepulverised, before heading back to the boardroom to face LordSugar once more.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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