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Eddie graduates from middle school and is looking forward tostarting high school with his crew. But when Jessica sets hersights on a new private school for Evan, she explores the ideaof moving the family to a new upscale neighborhood, triggeringmore big changes for the whole family. Meanwhile, Louis getsan opportunity to expand Cattleman's Ranch with his new silentpartner, singer Michael Bolton.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Bull makes a deal with top criminal attorney J.P. Nunnelly todefend Benny when he goes to trial for misconduct in a caserelated to his former career with the District Attorney'soffice.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Paige becomes aware of the realities and pressure that comewith starring in a 200 million dollar film, as her first dayon set is riddled with difficulties. Her on-set relationshipwith Rainer causes further complications with Jake, and she'sforced to make a professional decision. Cassie's schooling isin jeopardy after struggling with tuition payments, and withno options available, she's forced to make a tough decision.Meanwhile, Tangey and her mother argue over the futuredirection of her career, which threatens her mother's statusas her manager.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Get ready for more of your favourite lads and lasses out on thelash as the popular party animals prepare to take on the Toonin a brand new season!

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Einstein struggles to support his pregnant wife and land anacademic post in a rigid world of tradition and protocol.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After organizing a poorly attended staff karaoke night, Carolis convinced that everyone at "The Breakdown" needssome office bonding time. When Greg (Adam Campbell) refuses tohelp, Carol enlists the help of God, causing a huge snowstormto trap everyone in the building overnight. Chuck takes aninterest in working with Katie, which Portia convinces Katieis romantic. Carol saves the day when she breaks into theoffices of competitor "Morning Wined Up with Kelly andMary Kelly" and steals all the morning show's wine.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As Michael, Lincoln and the remaining Ogygia gang try toescape Yemen, they find themselves racing though the desertfrom a vengeful Cyclops. Meanwhile, A&W and Van Goghquestion their roles as their pursuit of the escapees leadsthem to... Graceland.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Johnathan and Andy Hillstrand fish together for the last time.Keith's inattentive crew sends the Wizard on a collision courseand a belligerent deckhand tests Jake's resolve as a captain.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


To help Clive solve the murder of an irresponsible narcissist,Liv consumes her brain and literally becomes a hot mess.Meanwhile, Peyton learns some shocking news. Lastly, Ravi)experiences a major setback.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When a field reporter at &quot:The Breakdown&quot: is exposedas an arsonist, Katie gets an opportunity to appear on theair. Carol, embracing the role of stage mom, becomes obsessedwith propelling Katie to fame. Katie must choose between herpersonal ambitions and making her mother happy. Meanwhile,Chuck, jealous of Portia's many creative pursuits, tries tocompose a new theme song for the show.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ben's divorce has been smooth sailing, but it hits rockywaters when his ex-wife, Renee, finally meets Alice. Reneedoesn't believe Alice is a good influence on Dora, Andy andBunny, so Alice goes overboard to prove her wrong. Meanwhile,Andy and Dora fake being sick at school and devise a plan.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Paige's snooping leads Philip and Elizabeth to make a choicethat could shift the balance of their lives forever. Stan andAderholt's recruitment of Sofia suddenly bears fruit.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Cruz finds himself in a bad spot when an off-duty incidentbegins to unravel, prompting Mouch to step in and offer helpin hopes of avoiding serious consequences from the CFD. Caseygoes head to head with a big politician to get his measure forfirst responders passed. Lt. Severide makes life difficult fornewest team member Jason Kannell and Dawson gets an unexpectedvisit from her father.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coulson and the team's victory in the Framework isshort-lived, revealing an even deadlier enemy looming againstthem all.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After Pride is spotted tracking one of Mayor Hamilton'saccomplices, the suspect opens fire on a crowded street beforedisappearing.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Rebel and Cheena track a new lead connected to Vaughn Bryant.Meanwhile, at the police department, Charles is faced with amoral dilemma.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Humanity may come to an end if the planet's problems remainunaddressed; scientists unlock the secrets of nature to tamethe elements, harness energy, and even control life.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Steven and Connie join Connie's father on a stake out.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Djimon Hounsou, actor - &quot:King Arthur: Legend of theSword"

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Comic Jon Stewart: TV host Samantha Bee: TV host JohnOliver; actor Ed Helms; actor Rob Corddry.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


While Capheus enjoys a welcome surprise, Lito makes a splashat a high-profile event. Riley works to gain the trust of aSensate she saw at the rave.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Cisco comes up with a plan to stop Savitar involving preventingBarry from forming short-term memories. However, the plandoesn't go as intended. Meanwhile, Killer Frost returns toS.T.A.R. Labs to help the team.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Frankie, Mike and Brick begin to notice that their luck haschanged dramatically for the better after the Prairie Scoutsaccidentally paint the Donahue's address on their curb; andafter missing his final college test before he graduates, Axlpleads with his teacher to let him take it, otherwise he won'tbe able to graduate. Meanwhile, Sue confides to Brad that hersophomore year in college was kind of a letdown. But a chanceto speak to students at her former high school about collegelife leads her to a realization about her status as a studentwhile at Orson High. A talk with Brad leads into an impromptumusical number about Sue's many accomplishments over the years.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The stress of McGee and Delilah's imminent wedding takes itstoll, as Delilah is rushed to the hospital. Also, the NCISteam travels out to sea after a young and healthy Petty Officeraboard a Navy destroyer dies in his sleep.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ali's turn at the game forces her to face a monumental personaldecision, made even more difficult when A.D. triggers Ali toremember a forgotten trauma. Spencer has a long overdueconversation with her father about his past sins and recentwhereabouts. Emily continues to navigate working at RosewoodHigh with both Ali and Paige, especially when Ali comes to atroubling realization about her pregnancy, and Paige makes abig decision. Aria continues to question the fate of herrelationship with Ezra and bristles under A.D.'s taunts. And,in the search for Mary Drake, Hanna and Spencer run into afamiliar face with a shocking secret.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Seven artists are saved by America's votes: two of the thebottom three artists are eliminated after they compete for theInstant Save.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The precinct packs up and heads to the Tri-State PoliceOfficers' annual Cop-Con, which is usually the Nine-Nine'sexcuse for a big annual party. But the squad's fun isthreatened this year when Holt asks them to be on their bestbehavior. Then, Amy suddenly vanishes hours before taking theSergeant Exam, and it's up to Jake and Rosa to find her beforeit's too late.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Katie and Greg enjoy a night on the town with Angela's ex(guest star Tiffani Thiessen as Celeste) after Celeste, aneditor, helps Greg land his first book deal. But Angela, whohas asked Katie not to socialize with her former wife, isfurious and accuses her of being a bad friend.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Amy suddenly vanishes hours before taking the Sergeant Exam,and it's up to Jake and Rosa to find her before it's too late.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A scatter-brained narcissist is murdered, and Liv takes on thesame qualities when she consumes the woman's brain to solve thecase. Meanwhile, Blaine reveals his deepest secret to Peyton,and Major is stricken with amnesia.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 5x7 - Dallas

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Bull makes a deal with top criminal attorney to defend Bennywhen he goes to trial for misconduct in a case related to hisformer career with the District Attorney's office.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Johnathan and Andy Hillstrand fish together for the last time:Keith's inattentive crew sends the Wizard on a collisioncourse; a belligerent deckhand tests Jake's resolve ascaptain.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


If Loving You is Wrong 6x8 - Don't Lose Your Deposit

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Jeremy and Audrey surprise the family with big news: to escapehome nesting renovations, Zach and Tori leave town for aweekend; Amy and Chris face a potential bump in theirrelationship during a getaway; Matt and Caryn balance datingand work.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


In part one of the season finale, Eddie graduates from middleschool and is looking forward to starting high school with hiscrew. But when Jessica sets her sights on a new private schoolfor Evan, she explores the idea of moving the family to a newupscale neighborhood, triggering more big changes for thewhole family. Meanwhile, Louis gets an opportunity to expandCattleman's Ranch with his new silent partner, singer MichaelBolton.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


After organizing a poorly attended staff karaoke night, Carolis convinced that everyone at "The Breakdown" needs some officebonding time. When Greg refuses to help, Carol enlists thehelp of God, causing a huge snowstorm to trap everyone in thebuilding overnight. Chuck takes an interest in working withKatie, which Portia convinces Katie is romantic. Carol savesthe day when she breaks into the offices of competitor "MorningWined Up with Kelly and Mary Kelly" and steals all the morningshow's wine.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Bladesmiths are tasked with forging a Kukri, the signatureblade of master smith and judge, Jason Knight; after tworounds of mishaps and mischief, two smiths forge ahead in thefinal challenge to reproduce a distinctive African sword, theAkrafena.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


After a grueling three-day Final, the winners of Invasion ofthe Champions are revealed.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


As Michael, Lincoln and the remaining Ogygia gang try toescape Yemen, they find themselves racing though the desertfrom a vengeful Cyclops. Meanwhile, A&W and Van Goghquestion their roles as their pursuit of the escapees leadsthem to...Graceland.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 5x8 - Shanghai

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Ben's divorce has been smooth sailing, but it hits rockywaters when his ex-wife, Renee, finally meets Alice. Reneedoesn't believe Alice is a good influence on Dora, Andy andBunny, so Alice goes overboard to prove her wrong. Meanwhile,Andy and Dora fake being sick at school and devise a plan.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


When a field reporter at "The Breakdown" is exposed as anarsonist, Katie gets an opportunity to appear on the air.Carol, embracing the role of stage mom, becomes obsessed withpropelling Katie to fame. Katie must choose between herpersonal ambitions and making her mother happy. Meanwhile,Chuck, jealous of Portia's many creative pursuits, tries tocompose a new theme song for the show.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


While Coulson and Melinda try to escape the rig, Jemma andDaisy find themselves under attack. Meanwhile, Aida revels inthe joys of becoming human.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Cruz finds himself in a bad spot when an off-duty incidentbegins to unravel, prompting Mouch to step in and offer helpin hopes of avoiding serious consequences from the CFD. Caseygoes head to head with a big politician to get his measure forfirst responders passed. Lt. Severide makes life difficult fornewest team member Jason Kannell and Dawson gets an unexpectedvisit from her father.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV

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