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Einstein begins to experience the academic life he coveted,but he falters in his familial responsibilities. He isreintroduced to his cousin Elsa.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


King Henry VII and Lizzie travel to Spain in an attempt tosecure their son's betrothal, but news of their country'sinstability has preceded them. Meanwhile, unrest has beengrowing in Burgundy and spills over into an English battle.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Homer's court case determines that a dog's life is morevaluable than a human's is, the status of man's best friendrises in Springfield. When the dogs recognize their newposition of power, they assert their dominance over thehumans.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Cassie helps Ben find an old romantic film to showcase at therefurbished Middleton Theater's opening night. Martha'spromises to the town are in jeopardy when she overextendsherself with the Middleton budget.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Dan's attempt to get Chris his job back goes awry when Dr.Cobell has a heart attack.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Cole and Railly finally learn the heart-breaking life story ofthe man who calls himself The Witness, the reason why he wantsto destroy time and all reality is revealed.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The story of Laura's life and death is explored, including herfirst encounter with Shadow and how exactly she came to besitting on the edge of his motel room bed.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Bourdain discovers a hub of international cuisines and culturesin the New York City Borough of Queens. Traveling via the No. 7train, the host dines on morcilla (blood sausage) with SeanBasinski of the Street Vendor Project in Corona, samplesChinese food in Flushing with Swet Shop Boys member HimanshuSuri, imbibes at historic Neirs Tavern (seen in GoodFellas) inWoodhaven, eats a Tibetan dinner at Llasa Fast Food in JacksonHeights, and takes a detour to Aqueduct racetrack in SouthOzone Park with his Appetites cookbook co-author LaurieWoolever.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Chris' Mexican girlfriend, Isabella, gets deported, hevolunteers to take care of her twin babies. After learning thatIsabella can't come back to the U.S., the Griffins go toMexico to return her children.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Laurie Garvey, a former therapist, must become one again asshe heads to Australia to help Nora and Kevin along theirpaths.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Elizabeth heads to Brussels to seek NATO'S support againstRussia when it threatens to invade Bulgaria, but when Francerefuses to cooperate, it threatens the alliance's existence.Also, when Henry's new government role has him dive into theRussia issue, he turns to his former operative, DmitriPetrov, for help, and as Nadine and Mike B's relationshipheats up, Elizabeth finds out information about her old friendthat makes her question his loyalty.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Harlee helps Nava cover his tracks after a violent encounter,revealing a side of herself Nava's never seen before andputting their relationship in jeopardy. Wozniak faces a ghostfrom his past in order to take down a new enemy in his present.Stahl gets a critical piece of information in his hunt for thetruth about Miguel.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After 25 years the mystery continues.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Kim and Kourtney force Khloe to take a sentimental sister tripto Palm Springs to relive some of their fondest childhoodmemories; to save his relationship, Rob meets with a lifecoach; Kris receives an outrageous proposition from a royalfamily.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Buttercup takes her game winning mini-golf ball, in spite ofominous warnings of dire consequences.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Peter's past as a sperm donor catches up to him when many ofhis children show up unannounced to his house.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Every imaginable threat descends upon Railly and Cole. WithTitan looming - and ally fighting ally - The Witness findshimself on the threshold of destiny.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Holmes and Watson pursue an elusive criminal as a gang warerupts in New York City. While the NYPD works to contain theviolence, the two investigate the murder that appears to haveignited the city-wide conflict, and discover that a familiarface is pulling the strings.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Sunny faces the toughest showdown of his life: Bajie'sloyalties are tested to their limits.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


In a dramatic confrontation, Wozniak faces the ally whobetrayed him and makes his most difficult choice yet.Meanwhile, Stahl's fanatical plan to take Harlee down formurder finally pays off, forcing Harlee to get dangerouslyclose to the man who's obsessed with her. In the end, Harleeand Wozniak's desperate efforts to save themselves and the crewlead to shocking consequences for both.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Cracks in Richard's latest partnership become more apparentwhen he's forced to deal with an unexpected interloper. Asthings get more serious, Dinesh scrambles to find a way out ofhis new relationship. After learning of surprising developmentsafoot at Raviga, Monica has trouble deciding which horse toback.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


... the stars turn and a time presents itself.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Selina takes a trip to Qatar: Jonah gets a dinner invitation:Dan has an unexpected visit from an HR rep; Catherine andMarjorie have big news to share.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Sanctuary - Philadelphia minister offering sanctuary to animmigrant says when laws break the backs of God's people, timeto mull "breaking those laws". The Rev. Robin Hynicka and hiscongregation are certainly circumventing U.S. immigration lawby sheltering an illegal immigrant inside the Arch St.Methodist Church in Philadelphia. But Rev. Hynicka answers to ahigher law. He says the immigration policy ordering thedeportation of Javier Flores Garcia is unjust – a law Godgives him the power to question. And he's not the only clericin the U.S. who feels and acts this way. As Scott Pelleyreports, Arch St. Methodist is just one of more than 800churches and synagogues offering sanctuary to illegalimmigrants in response to the new crackdown ordered by theTrump administration. Cook County Jail - Cook County SheriffTom Dart runs one of the largest jails in the country, locatedin Chicago. But it's his unconventional and controversial stylethat puts him in the spotlight.Enemy of the State - Art that'srelevant is political, says provocative Chinese artist AiWeiwei. Ai Weiwei's work has gotten him harassed by police,thrown in detention and driven out of the country. But in orderto be relevant, he must be political, as he tells HollyWilliams. The acclaimed artist has left China and is nowstaying in Germany, he says, out of concern for the safety ofhis young son. But he doesn't rule out moving back to China,where authorities tried to censor his work, which theyconsidered subversive. In one famous piece, he photographedhimself giving the middle finger to a portrait of China'srevered former dictator Mao Zedong.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


When the forecast calls for rain on the day of the Bog to Beachparade, Teddy convinces Bob to enter the float contest withthe promise of an easy win. As the parade goes awry, Bobrealizes he might need an attitude adjustment.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Mike remembers the team's first mystery.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A surprise visitor delivers divorce papers to Kimmy. Jacquelinecomes up with a plan to get Russ's dad to rename the Redskins.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Just as Dev's personal life reaches a tipping point,disturbing revelations throw his professional life intoturmoil, too.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Friends and enemies converge in Victorian London to await thearrival of The Witness. Cole and Railly lead their pursuers ona manhunt through time.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


When Homer's court case determines that a dog's life is morevaluable than a human's is, the status of man's best friendrises in Springfield. When the dogs recognize their newposition of power, they assert their dominance over thehumans.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


King Henry VII and Lizzie travel to Spain in an attempt tosecure their son's betrothal, but news of their country'sinstability has preceded them. Meanwhile, unrest has beengrowing in Burgundy and spills over into an English battle.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Operation Car Wash - Brazil's massive corruption scandal --called "Operation Car Wash" -- involves billions in bribes andscores of politicians.Snitches - The California DA underscrutiny for use of jailhouse snitches disputes allegations byhis own informant.Space Archeaology - Locating archaeologicalsites for excavation can be a time-consuming and sometimesfutile endeavor. But archaeologist Sarah Parcak uses a newmethod that utilizes satellite imagery to find ancient sites.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Chris' life is in shambles, so Dan plays the time travel cardwith Dr. Cobell to help get Chris' job back, but his effortsgo awry when he accidentally gives him a heart attack instead.Meanwhile, Deb hunts down Hancock and Adams to convince themto return to the past.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Bourdain discovers a hub of international cuisines and culturesin the New York City Borough of Queens.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


In flashback, the life of Laura is revealed as she dealsblackjack, meets Shadow, gets married, plots a heist, hasan affair, dies, and comes back as a revenant.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Laurie Garvey, a former therapist, must become one again asshe heads to Australia to help Nora and Kevin along theirpaths.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


When Chris' Mexican girlfriend, Isabella, gets deported, hevolunteers to take care of her twin babies. After learning thatIsabella can't come back to the U.S., the Griffins go toMexico to return her children. Then, Peter's past as a spermdonor catches up to him when many of his children show upunannounced to his house.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Cole and Railly finally learn the heart-breaking life story ofthe man who calls himself The Witness.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


The whole town is caught up in romance when Cassie helps Benfind an old film; Martha's promises to the town are injeopardy when she overextends herself with the Middletonbudget.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


The stars turn and a time present itself.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Wicked Tuna 6x10 - Purple Rain

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Keeping up with the Kardashians 13x11 - Classic Cars andVintage Eggs

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Naked And Afraid 7x11 - Worlds Collide

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


In the season finale, Elizabeth heads to Brussels to seekNATO'S support against Russia when it threatens to invadeBulgaria, but when France refuses to cooperate, it threatensthe alliance's existence. Also, when Henry's new governmentrole has him dive into the Russia issue, he turns to hisformer operative, Dmitri Petrov, for help, and as Nadine andMike B's relationship heats up, Elizabeth finds outinformation about her old friend that makes her question hisloyalty.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Harlee helps Nava cover his tracks after a violent encounter,revealing a side of herself Nava's never seen before andputting their relationship in jeopardy. Wozniak faces a ghostfrom his past in order to take down a new enemy in his present.Stahl gets a critical piece of information in his hunt for thetruth about Miguel.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Peter's past as a sperm donor catches up to him when many ofhis children show up unannounced to his house

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


In the explosive Season Three finale, every imaginable threatdescends upon Railly and Cole. With Titan looming - and allyfighting ally - The Witness finds himself on the threshold ofdestiny.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Holmes and Watson pursue an elusive criminal as a gang warerupts in New York City. While the NYPD works to contain theviolence, the two investigate the murder that appears to haveignited the city-wide conflict, and discover that a familiarface is pulling the strings.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV

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