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Kelly Clarkson teams up with Hailee Steinfeld, Alicia Keyswith Shawn Mendes, Adam Levine with Julia Michaels, and BlakeShelton with Trace Adkins. New this season, coaches go furtherin the training process than ever before by working with theartists right up until performance night.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Murdoch helps a man look for his missing wife: Crabtreecontemplates his relationship; the team from Station House No.4 work a murder case.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Stan begins to experience crippling separation anxiety, whichaffects his performance at work; Klaus builds a website andforces the rest of the family to participate.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Adam and Andi lose footage of an intimate moment theyaccidentally recorded, they have to track it down beforeanyone can see it.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Kevin Hoffs and his blue lorry are found abandoned in a lay by.Leann informs Marcella that the lorry had been there for 36hours. After analysing Adam's phone records, the team becomeaware that Adam had contacted the KidsCall helpline. Marcellaheads there to retrieve the records and Maya is helpful despiteboth women having Tim Williamson in common. From Adam's recordsthey see that he'd admitted to being abused by his father buthis father has alibis for many incidents surrounding the case.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kreizler mourns the loss of a friend. Sara pushes the team toforge ahead. Moore warns his friend the killer will strikeagain. Cyrus seeks revenge.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Liv and Clive discover the murder they are investigating wasthe work of a serial killer. Meanwhile, Major enters dangerousterritory.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Much to Bell's dismay, Nic and Conrad decide to admit ahomeless Jane Doe, whom they suspect was dumped off by anotherhospital during Chastain's big Charity Ball. Elsewhere in thehospital, Devon and Irving care for a male escort who offerssurprisingly good advice, Micah returns for a checkup andfalls even harder for Mina, and Devon's parents are in town.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Randy, who just passed the detective's exam, is asked by herformer supervisor, Ted, to talk to a female rookie who hasfiled a sexual harassment complaint against him. Also,Arthur's usual arrangement with a city health inspector toignore violations in the shop goes awry when a new by-the-bookinspector shows up.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Chip tries to find a loophole to &quot:honoring thyfather" when Ron, his overbearing dad, decides tosurprise him and Leslie with a visit.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Broadcaster Anna Richardson and comedian Nish Kumar join hostDara O Briain, Games Expert Ellie Gibson and team captainsSteve McNeil and Sam Pamphilon to play five video games: VirtuaFighter, Alien: Isolation, Worms Armageddon, Shovel Knightand special endgame Space Invadaras in a bid to become thisweek's Go 8 Bit Champions.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


In the near future, automation has replaced most humans andonly one candidate runs for President. Philbert Noyce is one ofthe few remaining human workers, and realizes that thegovernment is conducting a campaign to the public against "theOthers"... and Philbert is next.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Dr. Shaun Murphy questions the need for an elective surgerythat will allow his young patient to smile for the first time.Meanwhile, Dr. Claire Brown and Dr. Morgan Reznick discoverthat their patient lied about her identity.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Beth comes home to a surprise guest and is forced to confess toRuby and Annie that she asked Rio if they could continueworking for him. Meanwhile, Beth throws Kenny an elaboratebirthday party, which unexpectedly leads the women to offerRio a business proposition. Ruby's employment at the diner isthreatened by a disgruntled teenage customer and Greg givesAnnie the benefit of the doubt when she comes up with acreative solution for dealing with some bullies from Sadie'sschool.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Team Scorpion heads to the bayou to track down a cageyalligator in order to stop a deadly mosquito-borne virus, andPaige teaches Walter the concept of the "whitelie". Also, Walter hits Cabe with a tranquilizer gun andToby must save his life, and Sylvester and Ralph help Pattywhen the mean girls at her school force her to get a dreadedtardy slip.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After the Galaxy One is hacked by the Infinity Guard, Gary hasto harvest energy from a nearby star to reignite the engines;the radiation poisoning from the star sends Gary into a tranceof painful memories; Gary and Quinn are finally reunited.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Stephen welcomes actress Drew Barrymore, actor Adam DeVine,plus a musical performance by Moby.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As Jessica and Dorothy wait anxiously for updates on Trish, acall from Costa brings alarming news. Jeri hatches a plan toget her revenge.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Gus scrambles to stop Mickey from skipping town before hisparents' party. But the day only yields more embarrassingrevelations about his past.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Mallus' power over Sara resurfaces, she unwittinglybecomes the bearer of one of the Totems. Rory must conquer hisdark side in order to wield his own Totem power to help savethe crew. Meanwhile, Agent Sharpe notices that something iswrong and recruits someone unorthodox to help.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Vanessa convinces Kevin to go on a TV talk show with the "babyboy" he helped deliver years ago as a cop, but her plan topromote Monkey Fist backfires when Kevin runs into hisarch-nemesis, Frank Munson.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


American Idol 16x4 - Auditions 4

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TV Calendar: At My TV


As Chloe and Lucifer go on the hunt for a serial killertargeting couples in love, Pierce realizes the case isconnected to a murder he previously solved... in 1958. Then,Lucifer becomes upset when Pierce has a change of heart aboutan important decision.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Fast N' Loud 14x2 - Tune It Up

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TV Calendar: At My TV


An argument leads Murdoch to help a man looking for his missingwife, Crabtree contemplates his future with Nina and theStation House team works on a grisly murder.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Voice 14x7 - The Battles Premiere

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When Adam and Andi lose footage of an intimate moment theyaccidentally recorded, they have to track it down beforeanyone can see it.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Big Brother Canada 6x6 - Episode 6

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Liv and Clive discover the murder they are investigating wasthe work of a serial killer. Meanwhile, Major enters dangerousterritory.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Much to Bell's dismay, Nic and Conrad decide to admit ahomeless Jane Doe, whom they suspect was dumped off by anotherhospital during Chastain's big Charity Ball. Elsewhere in thehospital, Devon and Irving care for a male escort who offerssurprisingly good advice, Micah returns for a checkup andfalls even harder for Mina, and Devon's parents are in town.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Randy, who just passed the detective's exam, is asked by herformer supervisor, Ted, to talk to a female rookie who hasfiled a sexual harassment complaint against him. Also,Arthur's usual arrangement with a city health inspector toignore violations in the shop goes awry when a new by-the-bookinspector shows up.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Teen Mom 7x15 - Keep Chugging Away

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kreizler mourns the loss of a friend. Sara pushes the team toforge ahead. Moore warns his friend the killer will strikeagain. Cyrus seeks revenge.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Vanderpump Rules 6x15 - Nothing Here for Me

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Stan deals with childhood issues of abandonment. Klaus starts awebsite to embarrass the Smith family about their fails.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Dr. Shaun Murphy questions the need for an elective surgerythat will allow his young patient to smile for the first time.Meanwhile, Dr. Claire Brown and Dr. Morgan Reznick discoverthat their patient lied about her identity.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Team Scorpion heads to the bayou to track down a cageyalligator in order to stop a deadly mosquito-borne virus, andPaige teaches Walter the concept of the "white lie." Also,Walter hits Cabe with a tranquilizer gun and Toby must save hislife, and Sylvester and Ralph help Patty when the mean girlsat her school force her to get a dreaded tardy slip.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


A reporter looking to expose Everlasting's secrets leavesRachel with no other choice but to come clean to Serena. AfterQuinn approves Jay's idea for a new show, he must make apotentially dangerous deal with one of the contestants. Rachelrevisits a trauma from her dark past and uncovers distressingnews.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


After the Galaxy One is hacked by the Infinity Guard, Gary hasto harvest energy from a nearby star to reignite the enginesand escape, but the radiation poisoning from the star sendsGary into a trance of painful memories.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Opposition with Jordan Klepper 255x39 - March 19, 2018

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Bondi Rescue 13x3 - Episode 3

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Bondi Rescue 13x4 - Episode 4

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The events surrounding Elaine Warren's death are relived incourt. With new revelations emerging, can Ric fight forfreedom? Desperate to no longer be Roxanna's pet patient,Ollie pushes himself to the brink. But what future awaits himon the other side? Jac has eyes for Fletch, but when thingstake a turn for the worse Frieda is the one she turns to forhelp.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Troubled by historical DNA evidence results, Jimmy has to facethe fact that Duncan may have been involved in Lizzie Kilmuir'smurder, and potentially Sally McColl's as well. A shockedDuncan is brought to the station for questioning, hurt thatPerez would even think him capable of murder. However, thedetective knows Duncan's lying - perhaps not about the murder,but about something else significant. So when Duncan finallyadmits he had an affair with Donna, it's not long before abombshell is dropped.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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