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Wheeler Dealers (2003) 15x4 - 1987 Alfa Romeo SpiderQuadrifoglio

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TV Calendar: At My TV


An unidentified young girl reappears and the team tries to findher connection to the secret Red is hiding. When her familysteps in to protect their own secrets, the investigation turnsinto a race to save the girl's life.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As Eddie fights for his place at Empire Entertainment and getsthe board on his side, Lucious and Shine must find a permanentsolution to keep him out. Meanwhile, Cookie is desperate tofulfill a promise to a friend before it's too late. Then, whentensions rise in Jamal and Tory's new band, Preacher Azalinspires Jamal with an idea to get everyone in sync.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Barry gets the chance to throw the first pitch at aPhiladelphia Phillies game and believes this is his chance toplay professionally, but it's anything but. Meanwhile, Ericamakes an important decision about her future in college.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As the town's mayoral race between Fred and Hermoine heats up,Hiram sets his sights on a new ally - Sheriff Minetta. Bettyturns to Cheryl for help when she has a suspicion about theBlack Hood. Meanwhile, the reveal of a dark secret forcesArchie and Jughead to try and ease tensions between theBulldogs and Serpents. Finally, on the eve of the mayoraldebate, a mysterious message leaves everyone on edge.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Two people will be voted out in an all-new surprise twist.Also, one player works hard to deceive his tribemates intothinking he has an idol.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The family helps change Alex's feelings when he becomes overlysensitive to listeners' comments leading up to the launch ofthe podcast; Rooni enlists Ben's help with Soraya's diorama.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Rollins races to rescue a girl being held captive by herfather.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As &quot:Locked&quot: wraps production, the cast looks tothe next steps in their careers, while Jake and Cassie alsohave to make decisions about their future. Jordan continue hisOscar campaign press tour with a stop at "Good MorningAmerica".

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Dede drops in unexpectedly, Mitchell and Cam come to arealization about her effect on their lives; Phil, Luke,Alex and Haley all have different bad news to break to Claireand compete about when to do it, the tiny window of time afterher monthly spa day when she's her most relaxed.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


In the immediate aftermath of having his memory erased byMarcel, Elijah awakens to find himself in the middle ofnowhere and without a clue as to who he is. Unable to controlhis instinctive vampire ways, Elijah encounters Antoinette, abeautiful and free-spirited vampire, who helps him navigatehis new life. However, a run-in with Klaus threatens todestroy the peace he's finally found.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The lives of Jason and the SEAL Team are in jeopardy when arisky mission to capture a highly valuable target may actuallybe a trap. Also, Clay and Davis commiserate about thefrustrations of having long distance relationships, and Rayhas a meeting regarding his involvement with the accidentaldeath of the local boy that could affect his military career.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Next up for the Midtown Sound artists is a scheduledperformance at a Pride Parade in New Orleans, but when asafety threat puts them on lockdown, they are forced to facetheir issues head-on. Meanwhile, Alex's mother, Rose Crane,makes a selfish surprise visit to see her daughter in light ofrecent news surrounding her husband. Then, Maurice's job is onthe line when Ayanna returns to the label and quickly learnsthat Natalie, the regional promoter he's brought on, is up tono good. Also, Cotton tries to connect her identity and herpast, and Derek is at odds with grandma Ruby.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Katie starts her day in a bad mood, the Ottos cometogether to cheer her up; but in an alternate reality and in adifferent sweater, Katie starts her day in a good mood and thefamily comes together to cheer up Greg.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A sudden assignment pulls Elizabeth away from her family at acrucial moment. At the FBI, a major development leads Aderholtto approach Stan about an urgent investigation.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Archer estimates his impact on the world while Pam samples thelocal nightlife.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Despite Jim's protests, Charles needs the night off for hisbirthday. Jim attempts to throw him a party, but thingsquickly get out of hand. Tensions arise when Jim shows up atCharles' birthday dinner and meets his judgmental family.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Halstead and Atwater go under cover to prevent military-gradeweapons from hitting the street; Voight calls in a favor toclear Olinsky's name for Bingham's murder.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Angus and Mario treat a patient who is a self-proclaimedpsychic and envisions the staff singing and dancing, seeingbeauty amid the chaos at Angels Memorial. Also, Willis and Roxput their lives in danger to rescue a congressman and hisstaffer from a multi-car accident.

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


President Kirkman negotiates with a foreign government torelease an American held overseas, while attorney Ethan Westcontinues his investigation.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Rocinante tends to wounded Martian soldiers in exchange forsupplies; Avasarala struggles with how to disseminate a keypiece of evidence despite being in hiding.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After a failed coup, Daron punishes the conspirators. Lyta andDev go in search of Jayna.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Big Brother Canada 6x25 - Episode 25 - Power of Veto

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Coming Soon...

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Stephen welcomes comic Jim Gaffigan, attorney MichaelAvenatti, and restaurateur David Chang.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

Event details

TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The mysterious appearance of an unidentified young girl sendsLiz and the Task Force on a hunt to discover her connection tothe secret Red is hiding. However, when her family steps in toprotect their own secrets, the investigation turns into a raceto save the little girl's life.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


As the town's mayoral race between Fred and Hermoine heats up,Hiram sets his sights on a new ally - Sheriff Minetta. Bettyturns to Cheryl for help when she has a suspicion about theBlack Hood. Meanwhile, the reveal of a dark secret forcesArchie and Jughead to try and ease tensions between theBulldogs and Serpents. Finally, on the eve of the mayoraldebate, a mysterious message leaves everyone on edge.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Two people will be voted out in an all-new surprise twist.Also, one player works hard to deceive his tribemates intothinking he has an idol.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


As "Locked" wraps production, the cast looks to the next stepsin their careers, while Jake and Cassie also have to makedecisions about their future. Jordan continue his Oscarcampaign press tour with a stop at "Good Morning America."

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


As Eddie fights for his place at Empire Entertainment and getsthe board on his side, Lucious and Shine must find a permanentsolution to keep him out. Meanwhile, Cookie is desperate tofulfill a promise to a friend before it's too late. Then, whentensions rise in Jamal and Tory's new band, Preacher Azalinspires Jamal with an idea to get everyone in sync.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Barry gets the chance to throw the first pitch at aPhiladelphia Phillies game and believes this is his chance toplay professionally, but it's anything but. Meanwhile, Ericamakes an important decision about her future in college.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


The family helps change Alex's feelings when he becomes overlysensitive to listeners' comments leading up to the launch ofthe podcast. Meanwhile, Rooni enlists Ben's help with Soraya'sdiorama to get her an A on the project but the plan backfires.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Rollins races to rescue a girl being held captive by herfather.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


The lives of Jason and the SEAL Team are in jeopardy when arisky mission to capture a highly valuable target may actuallybe a trap. Also, Clay and Davis commiserate about thefrustrations of having long distance relationships, and Rayhas a meeting regarding his involvement with the accidentaldeath of the local boy that could affect his military career.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


In the immediate aftermath of having his memory erased byMarcel, Elijah awakens to find himself in the middle ofnowhere and without a clue as to who he is. Unable to controlhis instinctive vampire ways, Elijah encounters Antoinette, abeautiful and free-spirited vampire, who helps him navigatehis new life. However, a run-in with Klaus threatens todestroy the peace he's finally found.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


When Dede drops in unexpectedly, Mitchell and Cam come to arealization about her effect on their lives; Phil, Luke,Alex and Haley all have different bad news to break to Claireand compete about when to do it, the tiny window of time afterher monthly spa day when she's her most relaxed.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


The Rocinante tends to wounded Martian soldiers in exchange forsupplies; Avasarala struggles with how to disseminate a keypiece of evidence despite being in hiding.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


After a successful year of profitable builds and winning MegaRace, the Misfits are ready for their next project: a rare 2WD1978 Blazer. But after one of their longtime partners decidesto leave the shop, the Misfits might have run into a toughroadblock.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Three chefs remain, but only one can survive to face theGauntlet. The Chairman's Challenge narrows the field by forcingthe chefs to adapt when they get to choose two difficultingredients for their competitors to create one unified dish.Then, the two remaining chefs head to the Gauntlet Kitchen fortheir last Secret Ingredient Showdown, and judges Iron ChefCat Cora and Rocco DiSpirito decide who has the chops to enterthe Gauntlet.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Next up for the Midtown Sound artists is a scheduledperformance at a Pride Parade in New Orleans, but when asafety threat puts them on lockdown, they are forced to facetheir issues head-on. Meanwhile, Alex's mother, Rose Crane,makes a selfish surprise visit to see her daughter in light ofrecent news surrounding her husband. Then, Maurice's job is onthe line when Ayanna returns to the label and quickly learnsthat Natalie, the regional promoter he's brought on, is up tono good. Also, Cotton tries to connect her identity and herpast, and Derek is at odds with grandma Ruby.

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV


Outrageous Acts of Science 9x10 - Mind Blown

Event details

TV Calendar: At My TV

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