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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    This week's seven best home cooks from the first rounds returnto test their culinary wits and try to prove to judges JohnTorode and Gregg Wallace that they have the potential to beMasterChef Champion 2023.Tonight, the contestants face twomore challenges designed to gauge both their creativity andculinary repertoire. The first is their most difficult test sofar – cooking a dish to a brief set by one of the country'stoughest food critics, Jay Rayner. Jay has asked them to puttheir finest plates forward, cooking a dish using a batter ora dough.The pressure is on to impress, because at the end ofthis test only the best cooks will remain in thecompetition.Then, the remaining cooks face one more challengeto earn a place in this week's quarter-final – by cooking adish featuring chocolate. With just four places up for grabs,who can handle the pressure and show they have what it takes toprogress further in the competition and take another stepcloser to being crowned MasterChef Champion 2023.
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    During Ramadan, two women are brought together by tragedy,but can the community help?
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    Interviews with Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Nathan Lane…plusMauricio Umansky joins us live in studio…
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    Mr. Brown falls in love with Philip's history teacher and plotsto sweep her off her feet; Efe romantically pursuesAnastasia, raising eyebrows around the facility.
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    Bear meets an old friend from university he used to have acrush on, and Jimmi discovers the Beechwalk is being sold. Newmidwife Malika struggles with a young couple who have justgiven birth but are clearly hiding deeper problems.
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    It's the second week of heats, and once more the judges have aset of challenges the passionate amateurs must complete inorder to progress in the competition.Nine home cooks arrivewith both their dreams and ingredients ready for their firsttest, the Audition Round. This year's auditionees come fromall over the UK, cooking a range of dishes that aim tochallenge the palettes of the judges and make their taste budsdance. Cooking their Family Favourite Dish and making itMasterChef worthy, the hopefuls must show John and Gregg whothey are as a cook and how good they could become.John andGregg don't witness them cook in the MasterChef kitchen.Instead, they taste each dish in the Tasting Room. Just likediners in a restaurant, they judge each contestant's foodsolely on the plate that is put in front of them. After tastingall nine plates, John and Gregg pick their three favouritedishes, giving those cooks a well-earned MasterChef apron andimmunity from cooking in the next round.However, for theremaining six contestants, the competition is not over. Facedwith an invention test, they must pull out all the stops tocook a dish – sweet or savoury – good enough to get theminto the competition, and this time, John and Gregg are inthe kitchen witnessing their every move. The pressure isintense, and the stakes are high, as at the end, only fourcooks can join the three already fast-tracked in the next roundof challenges. For two - their MasterChef dream is over.
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    Imogen worries about Rob in the aftermath of Karen, while Sunitakes Bear and Sid to a restaurant opening. Jimmi counsels amother and daughter who are dealing with trauma that goes backdecades.
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    Nina tries to stand up to Auntie Binita, while Rich has bignews for Kirsty and Ollie. When a confused woman turns up atthe Mill, with no memory of how she got there, Bear uncoversa tragic story.
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    We've got ways to save time and money by rolling over food andfashion and turning trash into DIY treasure. Plus, cookinginstructor Pamela Salzman teaches us how to turn chicken andveggies into taco pizza. Yum! And, our friend and designerTaniya Nayak shares how to upcycle home décor includingturning a paint can into a chic ice bucket.
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    In Rach's kitchen, she's cooking simple vegetable stuffedpeppers that she made to celebrate her 18th wedding anniversaryto John. How cute! Then, Chef Anna Francese Gass shares herNonna's stuffed eggplant which Rach calls "amazing!"Meanwhile, dermatologist Dr. Shereene Idriss shares the dosand don'ts of skincare including whether or not you should usepore strips on your nose.
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    Event planner Jove Meyer shows us how to DIY three of thelatest home décor trends: paper lanterns, modern coasters andacrylic pour art. How cool! Then, "Baked By Melissa's" MelissaBen-Ishay makes us her hit TikTok rainbow salad with a misovinaigrette. Later, Rachael's got a delicious "dipper dinner":Potato, Spinach and Artichoke soup with garlic + cheese pitachips. And, twelve-year-old Zoe Giles, who has her own foodand art YouTube channel, whips up Mini Apple Fritters baked ina mini muffin tin. Delish!
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    We're counting down from five with three five-ingredientdinners including Jeffrey Eisner's cheesy chicken roll-ups andpepperoni pizza pasta, as well as Rachael's five-ingredientsupper. What's not to love! Plus, four foods you should beeating, three-ingredient cookies, two items you should own inyour home and the number one wardrobe staple and how to styleit in three modern ways.
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    Each of the eight Grand Master teams must create a build whichtells a story both as it goes over the edge of a waterfall,and as it crashes on the rocks below.
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    Clinton Kelly is back and shares a no-bake Strawberry BasilFool that anyone can make in minutes! Then, Rachael's making abig bowl of black bean chili for dinner. And, YouTuberAlexandra Gater has home renting tips and demonstrates how tomake your place smell amazing with a simmer pot. Plus,MorningSave ambassador + style expert Jenn Falik shares someepic deals on new products you NEED for spring and summer.
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    After five seasons, LEGO Masters is back bigger and granderthan ever. Joining Hamish Blake and Ryan "Brickman" McNaughtare sixteen returning contestants all competing for theultimate title of Australia's Grand Masters. In a worldwidefirst, LEGO Masters: Grand Masters is born.
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    The Origin of Everything – 60 MINUTES' ScottPelley explores images captured by NASA's James Webb SpaceTelescope, the world's most powerful space telescope. Speakingwith astrophysicists and astronomers, Pelley reports on thetelescope's discoveries of distant galaxies, including onethat's over 33 billion light years away, and an observationthat, if confirmed, could upend the belief on how theuniverse formed and more. Pelley visited Webb in 2021 beforeits historic launch into orbit, 25 years in themaking.Sportswashing – In the days of the Roman Coliseum,they called it "bread and circuses" – leaders usingentertainment to distract citizens from genuine problems.Today, Saudi Arabia is accused of using the same tactic with adifferent name: "sportswashing." Is the Kingdom diversifyingits economy, as they insist, or covering up human rightsabuses and political repression? Correspondent Jon Wertheimtraveled to Saudi Arabia to find out.The Resurrection of NotreDame – Four years after a fire almost destroyed theCathedral of Notre Dame, Bill Whitaker returns to Paris towitness the resurrection of the medieval structure and powerfulsymbol of France. Whitaker climbs to the top of the cathedraland speaks with its chief architect about the incredibleattention to detail needed to restore the historic monument.
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    Rob Lowe: John Owen Lowe: Owen Wilson: Heather Graham:Kathryn Hahn; Christian Slater; Luke Bracey.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Sully tries to hold things together at Sullivan's Crossing,while Maggie attempts to navigate complications back inBoston, Mass.
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    Pip's past comes back to haunt him as he wonders if he willever take control of his own destiny.
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    Charlotte desperately wants to tell Colbourne the truth abouther feelings, but a shocking revelation stops her in hertracks. Having opened her heart, Georgiana's worst fears arerealized when she discovers she has been abandoned.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Mike Greenberg hosts thispregame show with analysts Stepen A. Smith, Jalen Rose andMichael Wilbon.
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    Bluey 3x40 - Relax
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    Michael Symon heats things up with a Grilled Pork Tenderlointhat's bound to make any meat lover drool. The pork marinatesin brown sugar while he whips up a side of Mango Slaw, pairedwith Liz's thirst-quenching and fresh Pineapple Mango Mojito.This meal is "mangolicious!"
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