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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    As gator season comes down to the wire, Ashley and Anna try toevade poachers; Troy calls upon his decades of swamp wisdom toreclaim the lead in the competition; Bruce battles a voodoocurse; Jacob and Don save their best hunting spots for last.
  2. until
    Black Dragon has never been knocked out: Riptide has destroyedevery opponent in seconds; these two formidable foes face eachother in the ultimate match up.
  3. until
    A shoddily assembled structure poses a dangerous challenge forour heroes leaving Ben with a difficult choice to make. Mayaand Carina work to get their relationship back on track, whileNatasha must decide what - or whom - she wants to prioritize.
  4. until
    Cosgrove and Shaw investigate the murder of a family physicianwhose outspoken politician wife suspects she was the intendedtarget. Price and Maroun's case hangs in the balance when thedefense calls one of the doctor's young patients to testify asa witness.
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    Rob Brydon, Lee Mack and David Mitchell return for anotherepisode of previously unseen material from Series 16.
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    Coming Soon...
  7. until
    Jonathan's guests this time include the Emmy, Grammy, Oscarand Tony Award-winning John Legend - who will be chatting andperforming in the studio - and actor Jeff Goldblum.
  8. until
    The paramedics welcome a surprising recruit, and a new face inthe ED turns Max's world upside down.
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    A former president getting indicted makes us wonder: Do we havea two-tiered system of justice in the United States?
  10. until
    The saga comes to an end.
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    Ally joins the tour to rekindle an old flame, while Dave looksto ignite a new one.
  12. until
    Big Brother Canada 11x20 - Episode 20
  13. until
    Ark One tries to broker peace with its adversary but doesn'trealize it could cost everything.
  14. until
    Sam questions if she can move on at work from her old self,while also trying to navigate a relationship with a normie;Carol snoops around Sam's room and makes a terrible discovery;Joel and James have a night out.
  15. until
    Omega Sector has a new mission to manipulate the girlfriend ofa hedge fund CEO in an attempt to collect sensitive data aboutthe company to determine if they have been responsible formajor catastrophes and loss of human life.
  16. until
    After a fun night out with Sam and Dennis, Nell winds up sickin bed and wanting to be left alone. Meanwhile, Lexi convincesSam and Dennis to join her for lunch, which spirals into amuch longer commitment.
  17. until
    Abbott Elementary takes a field trip to the Franklin Institute.Gregory is eager to spend time with a reluctant Janine who isavoiding him. Ava teaches the students about aliens, leadingto chaos when someone spots an extraterrestrial in the museum.
  18. until
    Vanderpump Rules 10x11 - Mistress in Distress
  19. until
    After enlisting Archie's help, Cheryl's plan to fool herfamily spirals out of control. Jughead turns to Veronica forhelp after finding himself in some trouble, and Betty givesKevin an ultimatum.
  20. until
    Dan Aykroyd presents Jim and Chris with a hair-brained schemethat sends them deep into the woods of Big Sur, California,in search of a legendary marijuana seed. Meanwhile, Larryinvestigates a murder on the farm.
  21. until
    Big Brother Canada 11x19 - Episode 19
  22. until
    After losing his longtime love, Joe wants the large bumps allover his head removed; the itchy, painful rash on Nisa's earsspreads to her face; Jennifer has dark spots all over her facethat nobody is allowed to see.
  23. until
    With Erica at a crossroads about her future, she drawsinspiration from Baby Boom and crafts a plan to "have it all."Meanwhile, Adam remakes the "Uptown Girl" music video, meetsCarmen's father and learns to be more of a "downtown man."
  24. until
    A war between old tribes risks creating a shift in power.Then, castaways get twisted and caught up in the immunitychallenge.
  25. until
    Darlene figures out a new plan to afford Mark's collegetuition; Jackie and Louise try to help Becky meet a new guy.
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