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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The fate of the hospital rests on the vote of an incapacitatedboard member. Archer helps a mother with a rare stem celldisease while Hannah treats the woman's pregnant daughter.Charles encounters a schizophrenic patient with a serioushearing impairment.
  2. until
    Martin manages to survive the fall, and with Evelyn andAndrea's help, he destroys the ultrasonic driller. They stopthe drilling to the center of the earth. Thanks to his device,Diego manages to seal the fissure and asks his grandmother notto erase his friends' memories. Pola agrees and only erasesPompilio and Claudio's memories. The Verne family returns homeas there is an evil one lurking.
  3. until
    At the City Championship game against Lakeside, an unexpectedfamily reunion sets the Bell family on a hopeful newtrajectory. Filthy tries to reveal his feelings to Maya, butit may be too late. J.B. learns the devastating reason Alexishas been avoiding him. The Crew says their goodbyes to Hughes.Chuck must make a difficult choice that disrupts J.B. andFilthy's futures.
  4. until
    The journey to the center of the Earth continues. A bridge withlava breaks as they are crossing it and Pompilio takesadvantage of this to steal Diego's device. Martin executes hisplan to destroy the Calderon's ultrasonic driller, but he isdiscovered. Diego and his friends save Pompilio, who getselectrocuted by the tungsten. The group reaches the center ofthe Earth and tries to repair its fissure.
  5. until
    Filthy, devastated by his suspension from the team, strugglesto find meaning in his life without basketball. He seeks advicefrom a few unlikely sources, ultimately diving deeper into hislove of language and poetry. He surfaces with an inspiredspeech to rally the team for the upcoming City Championship.Crystal has a secret meeting that may change Chuck's life-forbetter or worse.
  6. until
    Andrea, Pipe, and Evelyn arrive at the North Pole. Martininvestigates the North Pole base. He discovers that theCalderon family is pretending to be on a mission to save thePoles, but they are actually drilling the Earth in search oftungsten. They are the ones causing the magnetic imbalance!Diego and his friends face a T-Rex and have fun in ananti-gravity cave. The children find Pola and Pompilio.
  7. until
    After the hijinks at The Wheel House, Filthy's status inschool has elevated. Crystal is left to pick up the piecesafter the school administration-and a parent from BeaconAcademy-pressure her to remedy the situation, and fast. Asprincipal and mom, she's forced to make a tough decision thatFilthy can't fully accept.
  8. until
    After our explorers manage to save Diego from a cave in whichhe was stuck, Martin enlists Evelyn and Mauro's help to get tothe Calderon's offices at the North Pole. That may be his onlychance to save the children... and the whole world!
  9. until
    A surprise visit from Grandma Barbara and Chuck's childhoodbest friend, Skinny sets the Bells on the right path. After atense family game, Filthy and J.B. finally come to a truce.Chuck is inspired to make a call to someone he hasn't spoken toin years in a last-chance attempt to cure his disease. Crystallearns that a video of the kids' fight at the roller ink ismaking the rounds at school.
  10. until
    Diego and Pola manage to save everyone from a giant spider,but just when everything seemed to be going well... the cavefloods and the currents break the group apart! Ana and Laurawill have to survive quicksand; Diego, Violeta, and Pedrowill feel claustrophobic; and Pola and Pompilio will have todeal with a toxic river. Martin discovers that Pompilio is adescendant of Gaspar Nadar.
  11. until
    In a bid to secure his spot at ultra-competitive BeaconAcademy, Filthy takes up an invite from one of their mostrespected ballers to their Friday night hang spot-The WheelHouse skating rink. A jealous J.B. loses his cool when theirBeacon hits on Alexis. To avenge his brother, Filthyintervenes, which leads to an ugly public altercation.
  12. until
    Diego and Pola embark on their mission of fixing the fissure inthe center of the Earth to avoid the seepage. They don't knowthat Violeta and Diego's friends will follow them towards theunknown adventure.
  13. until
    It's Harlem Renaissance dance night at Hughes, andexpectations are sky-high. Filthy's determined to make his lastmiddle school dance a hit, but JB wants to dance away hisproblems-like an overdue essay he lied about writing. But eventhe best laid plans go awry when a thunderstorm hits, tensionsbetween the twins rise to a boiling point, and family secretsare forced to come into the light.
  14. until
    Diego and his friends find Pola, who is on a mission torestore balance to the Earth's magnetic field. Pola reveals asecret to Diego: he is a descendant of Jules Verne,therefore, he is the guardian of the dimension. Pompilio goesinto the Verne dimension searching for Tungsten, a valuablerock. When Pola and Diego return, a mercury volcano erupts.
  15. until
    The Langston Lions are cursed with an epic losing streak. Tomake things worse, Filthy's long-time rival, Zuma, has beentalking smack about his game performance on social media.Convinced that Voodoo is the solution for it all, Filthytravels to Congo Square with Maya, Vondie, and J.B. foranswers-only to learn that there's no shortcut to winning andbelieving in yourself.
  16. until
    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
  17. until
    Alone Australia 1x5 - Episode 5
  18. until
    The Mandalorian 3x8 - Chapter 24
  19. until
    The Challenge: World Championship 1x8 - TBA
  20. until
    Judy Justice 2x98 - Episode 98
  21. until
    A friendly match takes the team to Amsterdam, where one nightout unlocks truths for many.
  22. until
    Beau searches for the boy who wronged Kolton. Dusty takes overas the basketball coach. Cass pursues a new business venture.
  23. until
    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch 4x1 - Over and Out of This World
  24. until
    Will goes undercover as Bill Black, a criminal with a troubledpast, to take down a drug organization and find a missing DEAagent. Meanwhile, Angie aims to put her relationship with Willbehind her and take matters with Lenny into her own hands.
  25. until
    Daniel brings home an English girl, and Fannie isheartbroken; Ada makes a sudden announcement that she'sleaving; Johnny's fear about partying at the house leads to ablowout physical fight between himself and Ray.
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