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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Uncensored 6x3 - Sheryl Lee Ralph
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    Daphne tries to use Charlie to help Patrick get out of jail.Elsewhere, Emma partners with Birdie when Leo gathers his oldfriends around to con a man who lost their pensions years ago.
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    The Task Force investigates a series of social mediaconspiracies that simulate dangerous public attacks. When atop-secret government program is stolen, the team works touncover the Troll Farmer's involvement.
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    The NCIS team is tasked with assisting NCIS' cold case homicideunit with a case from 2003 and a missing Navy petty officer.Also, Kilbride and his son, Alex, work to rebuild theirrelationship.
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    Are you mad at me?
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    Lois is blocked from a vacation rental app and accused ofstealing after the family's trip to Nantucket. Meanwhile,Stewie and Brian buy saltwater taffy in bulk, and try theirhands at door-to-door sales in the community.
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    A painful injury jeopardizes Shanika's challenge whileFernando's persistence brings him a huge win.
  8. until
    As Roman, Kendall and Shiv navigate a misstep with Matsson,the Waystar team discusses a pivotal recommendation to theboard ahead of the GoJo sale; angling for position, Kendallseeks support from Stewy and Hugo.
  9. until
    Hank and Lily host the annual English department dinner: Lilyhas a decision to make; Hank's past involving his troubledrelationship with his father catches up to him.
  10. until
    When an entrepreneur creates shelf-stable peanut butter out ofhis garage, it leads to the birth of an iconic sandwich; ascompetition heats up to be America's favorite peanut butter,three famous brands battle it out to be number one.
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    To take advantage of a work policy granting leave in the eventof a pet's death, Peter adopts the oldest bird he can find...and realizes it used to belong to Hitler. Meanwhile, aftergiving Stewie a signed copy of his book, Brian finds it in afree library, causing Brian to give up writing.
  12. until
    The 7-4's investigation into a violent home invasion leads themto question one of their own. Also, Morales contends with asituation at her son's school, and Haywood is forced toconfront her father's past.
  13. until
    Beef, Wolf and Honeybee come upon a grizzly surprise when theygo for coffee at Maude's diner. Ham and Moon go on a mission toreclaim a treasure.
  14. until
    In this 14-day Fan Challenge, an Eagle Scout from Utah and acannabis cultivator from Chicago meet in the dense,mosquito-infested mangrove of Palomino, Colombia. Thingsquickly go sideways as their conflicting approaches to survivalcause a complete communication breakdown. Will they find a wayto cohabitate or will they choose to survive on their ownterms?
  15. until
    Host Eric Adjepong welcomes three powerhouse JamesBeard-winning chefs from Illinois, Georgia and California tothe arena. These chefs know Alex Guarnaschelli personally, andthey're ready to show off how they won one the most prestigiousculinary awards in America. Iconic judges Stephanie Izard andKwame Onwauchi determine which chef can dominate thecompetition in an emotional two rounds of impressive cooking.
  16. until
    When a Venezuelan migrant is accused of murdering a prominentcongresswoman whom he and his wife were staying with, McCalland the team work to uncover whether or not he was involved.Meanwhile, Aunt Vi tries to look after a student who seems tobe experiencing distress at home.
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    When a customer leaves a 0 gift card as a tip, Bob, Lindaand the kids go on a -each shopping spree, and Gene has anawkward run-in with a former friend.
  18. until
    Sullivan's Crossing 1x5 - Pressure Drop
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    Jeff Mauro uses historic grains for his blistered tomato andfarro shrimp salad; Alex Guarnaschelli gets scientific with achicken caesar salad; Geoffrey Zakarian leads French classwith a salade lyonnaise.
  20. until
    A nutrient-rich energy bar: a gender-neutral clothing brand:a portable children's toy; a healthy Mexican snack company.
  21. until
    After two years of closed borders, Bondi is back to it's busybest and the lifeguards have their work cut out for them asinternational and interstate visitors return to the world'smost famous beach.
  22. until
    Interviews with Jennifer Garner and Reba McEntire…Plus EricMcCormack joins us live in studio.
  23. until
    Lucy needs to make new comedy friends quickly when she'soffered the chance to front an all-female sketch show, butonly if she can get some serious A-listers onboard likeKatherine Ryan. Jon's Uber rating has taken a serious bashingsince Gill's been using his account so he's on a mission tobefriend as many Uber drivers as he can and get his 5-starrating back. Later, he meets up with comedian RichardHerring, who wants to discuss the possibility of a new comedypartnership. And Lucy gets the chance to be the new voice ofAldi, but Jon's not happy about her using the show as acommercial venture.
  24. until
    An interview with Katie Holmes…Plus Tyra Banks joins us livein studio.
  25. until
    Paris Hilton joins us live in studio for a 30-minute special.
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