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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Chef Sara Moulton makes two 5-ingredient dinners includingbuffalo chicken rice with hot sauce and blue cheese. Delish!And, Rachael's got a two-for-one dinner – bean and kale soupwith fried cheese sandwiches. How could that be bad?! Later,Dr. Roshini Raj shares new ways to improve your guthealth—from a new antioxidant nut to a probiotic airpurifier.
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    "So Help Me Todd" star and singer Skylar Astin joins Rachael todiscuss his hit show and co-star Marcia *** Harden. Then, Dr.Ian Smith is back with his new book, The Met Flex Diet, andhis take on a chicken burrito bowl that uses healthycauliflower rice. Plus, Rachael's making a parsnip soup withbacon bits that all of her friends and family "love" so much!
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    General Hospital 255x66 - Ep. #15441
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    Ali Wentworth is back and tells Rach about her powerful newdocumentary on friend Brooke Shields, "Pretty Baby."Meanwhile, makeup guru Mally Roncal helps women of all ages bypulling off a makeover on a 58-year-old. And, Rachael's makingher Mediterranean-style bread salad that comes together reallyquickly. Yum!
  5. until
    It's our 3-2-1 show! Rachael's kicking things off with a simplemushroom soup that she calls "shut-the-door good!" Then,"Baking It Easy" author Eloise Head joins us to make a3-ingredient cookies and cream cake that can be baked ormicrowaved. Later, smart shopping expert Trae Bodge shareswhich products are on MAJOR sale right now in stores. Plus, aviewer with an impressive DIY side hustle has three projectsyou can do in 1, 2 or 3 days!
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    Maggie makes a difficult decision after Sully lets his temperget the best of him.
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    Charlotte and Colbourne rush to Augusta's aid and it's revealedwhether Edward really is a changed man or not. Tom secures afinancial investment... but is delivered some devastating news.And whilst love blossoms elsewhere, Arthur's heart is broken.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Superstar-level mania sets in when the renowned andprosperity-brining creature Qilin appears in front of Yi'sbuilding.
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    Two people from Class Two die. To prevent chaos, this news isnot yet known throughout the entire school. After theirdeaths, students of Class Two get sick of all the hardcoretraining and try to escape school to go back to their homes.However, all their attempts go to waste and the biggest attackof the spheres begins.
  11. until
    Upon revisiting a sealed case, Kuo Hsiao-chi is greeted with atwisted surprise. Lu Yan-jhen digs into the mystery of yetanother missing woman.
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    While Everest is going through some typical teenager growingpains, a welcome distraction comes in the form of LiLi, anadorable nine-year-old who's positively obsessed with Yi,Everest, and the crew's pursuits.
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    Determined to change the narrative of his life and business,Ellis invites a reporter to shadow him, while Anna tries tomake things seem normal at work.
  14. until
    After spheres from the sky drop to the ground, militarytraining begins for the students to ensure their safety.However, the students find it too demanding and have adifficult time. As students head to the shooting range to learnhow to shoot, they get caught off guard and fall into acrisis. Meanwhile, a student gets killed by one of thespheres.
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    After an odd discovery in Ellis' basement, Jackson stayslonger in LA and sets boundaries with his dad - which inspiresEllis to stand up to the board.
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    An upright prosecutor, a stubborn reporter and a jaded cop -their paths begin to cross after the shocking discovery of asevered hand in a gift box.
  17. until
    When a mysterious creature keeps stealing people's prizedpossessions, the crew discovers the Nine-Tailed Fox, atrickster rooted in Chinese lore.
  18. until
    Jon heads to Europe on an urgent diplomatic mission to seewho's with us, who's against us... and who makes the bestpastries.
  19. until
    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
  21. until
    William and Ingrid look forward to meeting Jay's newgirlfriend, Anna. But before their formal introduction,William and Anna lock eyes - and sparks fly.
  22. until
    Despite her feelings of guilt, Trina celebrates Jacob'sbirthday at the Kovac house. Dusty and Cass visit a themedhotel for a romantic getaway.
  23. until
    A paramilitary-style assault case has Grace determined to bringthe McIntyres to their knees. When Gordy pulls away fromAngela, she becomes desperate for help.
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    Kuo Hsiao-chi has to face the fallout from a physicalaltercation with a suspect. In an effort to draw out Noh, hedecides to make a daring move.
  25. until
    Kuo Hsiao-chi inches closer to the truth, but he needs solidevidence for an arrest. Shortly after, a new tragedy pusheshim to a breaking point.
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