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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    As the Power challenges the status quo across the world, wefind three of our characters in the midst of their own personalrevolutions.
  2. until
    A suspicious discovery during a surprise field trip to thescene of the incident sheds new light on the case.
  3. until
    Passed over for a promotion at the news network, Fara pops offon air. Later, she helps Sélim with a favor - unaware thathe's wanted for a hit and run.
  4. until
    The jurors' eccentric behavior presents a challenge for Ronaldas their newly-appointed foreperson.
  5. until
    At careers day, Summer is left humiliated in front of Cassidyand her friends, sending her anxiety spiralling. And a schoolfootball match makes unlikely allies of Billy and Darcy.
  6. until
    When the gang wind up in detention, Darcy comes up with a planto escape. But can they make it to the staff room and backwithout getting caught?
  7. until
    In 1940 Marseilles, Americans Mary-Jayne Gold and Varian Fryrealize they'll need to start using unconventional methods tohelp the city's refugees.
  8. until
    With her future hanging in a balance, Amy heads to Las Vegasfor work while a smitten Paul and an exasperated Danny followwild pursuits of their own.
  9. until
    An enraged Amy finds new purpose as cracks in her seeminglyperfect marriage begin to show. Danny seeks a fresh start forhis failing family business.
  10. until
    As George makes a new friend, Danny proposes a dangerousplan, Amy agrees to a rendezvous, and Naomi acts on a hunch.
  11. until
    Fumi's pointed comments and Naomi's meddling put Amy and Georgeon edge. As Isaac hustles to get out of trouble, Dannyreceives an unexpected offer.
  12. until
    The consequences of their actions leave Danny and Amy in asurreal situation that tests their grasp on reality.
  13. until
    Danny moves from fear into panic as new crises arise. Willingto do whatever it takes to keep June safe, Amy devises aperilous scheme.
  14. until
    Painful memories of her youth push Amy to confront her familyissues and marital woes. Danny spins an elaborate lie thatleads him down a dangerous path.
  15. until
    Amy and Danny both experience positive changes in their lives,but lingering secrets and emotional challenges force them toconfront hard truths.
  16. until
    Danny experiences a catharsis in the presence of an old flame.Amy's relationship with George suffers another setback. Acatfishing scheme goes too far.
  17. until
    We follow four outcasts on their first day of junior year atRydell High. There's Jane, a brainiac good student who wantsto run for student council but is fighting tawdry rumors abouther; Olivia, who is still fighting off a scandal from lastyear; Cynthia, who just wants to be one of the boys; andNancy, a fashion maven who is growing apart from her childhoodfriends. The four unlikely friends will shake up the socialorder of Rydell High.
  18. until
    A run-in with a hostile motorist sends Danny into a rage - anda tense chase across town. Amy's unexpected guest leaves alasting impression.
  19. until
    A moral panic drives Jane and her friends to create their ownnarrative and name and The Pink Ladies "girl gang"is officially formed.
  20. until
    Suze realises she has run out of options so reluctantly agreesto help Sare find their father. Comedy drama, starring SarahGoldberg and Susan Stanley
  21. until
    Anna Colace prepares a revolutionary strategy to challenge the'Ndrangheta. Lea Garofalo and her daughter Denise reconnectwith their husband and father, Carlo Cosco, hoping toreconcile and put an end to their years of living on the run.
  22. until
    Anna Colace suffers a setback with Giuseppina. Maria Concettafights against her new life in isolation and Denise returns toDalia Masi in order to honour her mother's memory.
  23. until
    Giuseppina's decision to collaborate enables Anna to attackmembers of the 'Ndrangheta clans. Her tactics clash with thosein the media. Maria Concetta takes matters into her own hands,Giuseppina faces a new challenge and Denise learns a shockingsecret.
  24. until
    As the Pesce clan falters after Giuseppina's arrest, Annaturns her attention to another potential witness: MariaConcetta Cacciola. In the meantime, Denise leaves ReggioCalabria to meet an old acquaintance.
  25. until
    When migrants whom the Ndrangheta have exploited spill out intothe streets to protest their working conditions, Anna makes arisky phone call to accelerate a new phase of her operation.The search for Lea makes significant progress in the meantime.
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