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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The comics take part in another selection of challenges,highlights of which include Jenny Eclair having a lovely timesitting on a chair while new potatoes cascade onto her head.Elsewhere, things get emotional - who can keep it together forthe all-important sausage quiz? Frankie Boyle, Ivo Graham,Mae Martin and Kiell Smith-Bynoe are the other four contestantscompeting for Greg Davies's golden head.
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    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
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    Dr. Stone 3x2 - Episode 2
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    Slasher 5x2 - Episode 2
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    Titans 4x8 - Caul's Folly
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    Titans 4x7 - Dude, Where's My Gar
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    Maddie finally pieces together the puzzle of her disappearancewhich has severe consequences in both the spirit and livingworlds.
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    Will discovers the truth about his teammate's absence, makinghim question his future. Carlton spirals out of control.
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    A devastating revelation about Jack alters the course ofPicard's life forever – and uncovers a truth that threatensevery soul in the Federation. The final battle begins as Picardand his crew race to save the galaxy from annihilation but notwithout a gut-wrenching cost.
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    Lucy needs to make new comedy friends quickly when she'soffered the chance to front an all-female sketch show, butonly if she can get some serious A-listers onboard likeKatherine Ryan.
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    Cindy alienates Eddie to breaking point: Kelly loses controland Albert's battle for power threatens to leave Gene's dreamsof a bright new future in tatters.
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    Jenny Eclair has a lovely time sitting on chair, new potatoescascading onto her head - while Ivo Graham thinks it's stupid.In a bid to impress the Taskmaster and amass the most points,emotions are always going to ride high. But who can keep ittogether for the sausage quiz?
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    With their season in a tailspin, Richmond try to right theship against mighty Manchester City. Off the pitch, everyonefaces their own setbacks.
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    Sam's newfound self-confidence is shaken when she learns hernew boss is a blast from the past. Meanwhile, Felicia errs inhow to congratulate her boyfriend on his promotion. And Oliviamakes a life-changing decision.
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    The tour continues in Atlanta where an encounter with Rick Rosscauses a chain reaction that requires Dave and GaTa's fullattention.
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    Coming Soon...
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    For the first time in forever, with a new job and a newpotential love interest, Sam thinks she has a life worthcelebrating and throws herself a birthday party. Brit tries toconvince everyone that she and Joel have the "perfectdivorce".
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    The crew must understand their enemy better as they attempt adangerous rescue mission.
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    Franklin attempts to recover his stolen money.
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    Delilah reminisces on the past as she closes a chapter, whileGreta weighs an offer from Katherine's mother. Sophie andTyrell discuss the future.
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    Janine's plan for a Memorial Day weekend solo trip is derailedwhen her mother shows up unannounced asking for help.Elsewhere, Gregory notices his colleagues are great at smalltalk and realizes he needs to brush up on his people skills.
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    After a lesson in sex education leaves the gang more confusedthan ever, Veronica decides to organize a make-out party atthe Pembrooke. Elsewhere, Jughead attempts to help Ethel outof some trouble only to find himself in hot water as well.
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    Calvin's domineering side rears its ugly head when he beginscoaching his son's soccer team; Miranda has everyone up inarms regarding a novel she's selfpublished.
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    Coming Soon...
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