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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Beverly discovers the complicated world of adult relationshipsis filled with minefields when she opens her mind to dating.Meanwhile, Barry discovers a new passion.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Rob Brydon, Lee Mack and David Mitchell return for an episodeof previously unseen material from Series 16, featuring BobMortimer, Josie Gibson, Steve Pemberton, Shazia Mirza,Simon Gregson, Mist, Jayde Adams, Steven Bartlett, MotsiMabuse, Henning Wehn, Bez, Ellie Simmonds, Munya Chawawa,Chris McCausland, Snoochie Shy and Shirley Ballas.
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    Zac's suspicions make him question Nathan's involvement withFatima's dating app profile; Deja tells Zac that' she is goingto sue Fatima.
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    Zac's wavering faith in his relationship with Fatima leads himto unsolicited advice from a much more seasoned person; Fatimadeceives Zac in an effort to help him.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Jon's having a midlife crisis as his 40th birthday looms and itdoesn't help when Ben Elton is in the audience of his work inprogress show. Meanwhile, Lucy meets Katherine Ryan at TheNational Comedy Awards and uses it as her chance to get somecareer advice.
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    Curtis becomes infuriated when his sauce gets bootlegged:Malik orchestrates a date night to rejuvenate his relationshipwith Lisa.
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    Jaquan connects with his mysterious online love, Shantel: aseries of shocking discoveries.
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    Coming Soon...
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    With their season in a tailspin, Richmond try to right theship against mighty Manchester City. Off the pitch, everyonefaces their own setbacks.
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    Jimmy Fallon invites celebrity guests Simu Liu, Chloe, HalleBailey and Adam Lambert to compete in a series of music, danceand trivia-based games and musical performances, includingLaunch the Mic, Vinyl Countdown and Don't Fear the Speaker.
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    Clark and General Lane are both having a hard time giving Loisroom to make her own decisions. Meanwhile, Lana and Sarah havea run-in with an old friend at the diner. Lastly, Natalie hasa surprise visitor.
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    WWE NXT 17x15 - Episode 15
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    The season's best moments from the Blind Auditions through theBattle Rounds from the perspective of the coaches. Also, aspecial performance by the coaches of Frankie Valli's "Can'tTake My Eyes Off You" and Blake's best moments over the years.
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    Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Mike Greenberg hosts thispregame show with analysts Stepen A. Smith, Jalen Rose andMichael Wilbon.
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    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
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    Alone Australia 1x4 - Episode 4
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    Despite her feelings of guilt, Trina celebrates Jacob'sbirthday at the Kovac house. Dusty and Cass visit a themedhotel for a romantic getaway.
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    The Mandalorian 3x7 - Chapter 23
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    The Challenge: World Championship 1x7 - The New World Order
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    As time is running out, an exciting find in the swamp may havethe fellowship rewriting the history of North America.
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    Rosanna desperately tries to persuade Johnny to stay in theEnglish world; Kenneth faces a harsh reality about his dream;Ada finds romance; Maureen makes a shocking decision; Ray andDaniel make a bet that leaves Fannie in tears.
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    The team jumps into action to find two missing coeds aftertheir roommate Carly Cassidy's older brother is involved in ahomicide that took place in their dorm room. Also, Hanabecomes distracted when she meets someone online.
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    The next generation of Alaskans employs time-honored methods toacquire valuable resources necessary for survival.
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