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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The Fly Team heads to Vienna to find the culprit of an acidattack on a rising American prima ballerina. Also, Smittyreceives some troubling intel from a familiar face.
  2. until
    A teacher going through a messy divorce gets arrested undersuspicious circumstances.
  3. until
    A plan to take down the Court of Owls leads Turner and the teamto a notorious mobster family, the McKillens. Meanwhile,Carrie and Stephanie prepare for Gotham Academy's ParentsLuncheon, and Harvey seeks help from a psychiatrist.
  4. until
    When the deputy commander of an Air National Guard Base iskidnapped and forced to give over access codes, the team mustwork quickly to find the suspect along with stolen ammunition.Also, Scola questions his own safety in the aftermath of arecent traumatic experience.
  5. until
    A tech entrepreneur in court has Dan and the gang seeing anchance to get in on the ground floor of the next billion-dollaridea. When Abby stumbles on the young CEO's history of fraud ina sealed file, can she warn her friends without breaking thelaw?
  6. until
    When she discovers her former fiancé is having a baby with hisnew wife, The 126 help Marjan enter the dating world through aseries of chaperoned dates; Owen and the team are called tothe rescue when a pregnant woman takes matters (and her anger)out at a motel where she suspects her husband is cheating onher.
  7. until
    Until now, the participants have been focussed on gettingtheir camps established to protect against Tasmania'sunrelenting winter climate. But after days without food,hunger is becoming a driving force. What can they catch orforage in the wilderness that will sustain them for the daysand weeks ahead? Will the conditions prove too tough for some?
  8. until
    A Morpho-inspired wedding leads to celebration. Father Reubenstruggles with the machine's growing influence.
  9. until
    Cops 34x17 - Palms are Sweaty
  10. until
    It's the morning after their first night in the wilderness,and the participants are discovering how tough a Tasmanianwinter can be. Will the conditions prove too tough for some?
  11. until
    In this debut episode of Alone Australia, ten outdoorsurvivalists are dropped into Tasmania's remote wilderness inthe middle of winter. The challenge is simple: they mustsurvive totally alone and unaided for as long as they can. Thelast person standing wins 0,000.
  12. until
    The Big Door Prize 1x3 - Episode 3
  13. until
    The Big Door Prize 1x2 - Episode 2
  14. until
    The Big Door Prize 1x1 - Episode 1
  15. until
    The team jumps into action to find two missing coeds aftertheir roommate Carly Cassidy's older brother is involved in ahomicide that took place in their dorm room. Also, Hanabecomes distracted when she meets someone online.
  16. until
    A teacher going through a messy divorce gets arrested undersuspicious circumstances.
  17. until
    When she discovers her former fiancé is having a baby with hisnew wife, The 126 help Marjan enter the dating world through aseries of chaperoned dates; Owen and the team are called tothe rescue when a pregnant woman takes matters (and her anger)out at a motel where she suspects her husband is cheating onher.
  18. until
    The Fly Team heads to Vienna to find the culprit of an acidattack on a rising American prima ballerina. Also, Smittyreceives some troubling intel from a familiar face.
  19. until
    A plan to take down the Court of Owls leads Turner and the teamto a notorious mobster family, the McKillens. Meanwhile,Carrie and Stephanie prepare for Gotham Academy's ParentsLuncheon, and Harvey seeks help from a psychiatrist.
  20. until
    Clark and General Lane are both having a hard time giving Loisroom to make her own decisions. Meanwhile, Lana and Sarah havea run-in with an old friend at the diner. Lastly, Natalie hasa surprise visitor.
  21. until
    An imprisoned killer forces the station into lockdown by takinga hostage and attempting escape.
  22. until
    When the deputy commander of an Air National Guard Base iskidnapped and forced to give over access codes, the team mustwork quickly to find the suspect along with stolen ammunition.Also, Scola questions his own safety in the aftermath of arecent traumatic experience.
  23. until
    When Wesley's grandfather passes away, Katherine and theothers learn that all the heirs plan to sell their companyshares, which would tank the stock price; they attempt damagecontrol at the funeral to try to stop it.
  24. until
    Big Brother Canada 11x15 - Episode 15
  25. until
    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
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