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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Kyle celebrates his 40th birthday with a Western-themed rager,and sparks fly between Kory and Sam; Lindsay and Danielleconfront their issues; Paige is surprised by a revelation fromCraig.
  2. until
    The NCIS team digs deep to investigate a Navy lieutenant who'saccused of trying to murder her husband but has no memory ofthe attack. Also, Kasie navigates a potential medical scare.
  3. until
    Plan B 1x6 - Episode 6
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    Bob ♥ Abishola 5x17 - I'll Never Play Banjo Again
  5. until
    A conflicted Abishola pushes against her Nigerian roots whenshe opens up about her past to Dele. Also, Bob attempts tobridge an emotional gap with Douglas.
  6. until
    WWE Monday Night RAW 30x15 - #1559 - Climate Pledge Arena inSeattle, WA
  7. until
    Calvin struggles to find the perfect birthday gift for Tina.Also, Gemma works a connection to actor Jerry O'Connell,whose kids attend Walcott Academy, to secure VIP tickets toTHE TALK for her school's fundraiser.
  8. until
    Disgusted by the new Inspector's tactics, Murdoch resigns andis privately enlisted to find a missing heiress.
  9. until
    Back on board Parsifal III in Sardinia, Italy, Capt. Glenn ispoised for his smoothest sail yet -- until he isn't; Daisycomes back ready to prove she knows what she's doing as a chiefstew; chief engineer Colin is determined to avoid a boatromance.
  10. until
    The Spring Baking kitchen looks soooo groovy with its retromakeover! Host Jesse Palmer celebrates the '50s and '60s as hechallenges the bakers to make soda shop cupcakes and extrashaggy cakes that are dedicated to those groovy judges, DuffGoldman, Kardea Brown and Nancy Fuller.
  11. until
    The 118 race to the rescues with emergencies at a spin class:in a hair salon and to a husband and wife in a compromisingposition; Buck discovers new cognitive abilities postlightning strike; Hen and Karen are concerned when they findout Denny has been seeing his biological father behind theirbacks; Maddie and Chimney enlist Athena and Bobby's help witha suspicious neighbor.
  12. until
    Cheeny stalks another giant catfish, a Fer de Lance gets thebest of Kaila and Fernando battles his own doubts.
  13. until
    An expert hunter and an Air Force Vet attempt to survive inZambia where they are preyed upon by deadly lions, aggressivebaboons and elephants.
  14. until
    Craig of the Creek 4x35 - A Tattle Tale
  15. until
    Interviews with Seth Rogen, Susanna Hoffs, Chelsea Handler,Raven-Symoné, Hilary Duff, and John Legend…
  16. until
    Jon's having a midlife crisis as his 40th birthday looms and itdoesn't help when Ben Elton is in the audience of his work inprogress show. Meanwhile, Lucy meets Katherine Ryan at TheNational Comedy Awards and uses it as her chance to get somecareer advice.
  17. until
    Craig of the Creek 4x34 - Craiggy & the Slime Factory
  18. until
    Paul tells Dolores she needs to establish boundaries withFrank; Melissa and Teresa have differing opinions of Louie'sinvolvement in their family issues; Dolores and Jenniferattempt to mend their friendship over lunch.
  19. until
    Gem State treasures sparkle at Idaho Botanical Garden,including ca. 1941 Rolls Royce Wraith center caps &certificate, 1934 All-American baseball team autographs and aMaynard Dixon oil painting, ca. 1913. One is ,000 to,000!
  20. until
    Find out if grandma lied about the family goods that include a1900 Mark Twain letter, a ruby and diamond bracelet and a BabeRuth & Honus Wagner signed baseball. Does the story of theshow-topping ,000 find really hold up?
  21. until
    As he pines for a phone call from Costello, Selby acclimatesto his new reality. Meanwhile, Costello has found a safe spaceto land, but must continue to hustle to make a living. Gloriawavers over a life-altering decision.
  22. until
    Drs. Andrews and Lim clash over a patient split nearly inhalf, which also reveals her issues with Dr. Kalu's return.Meanwhile, Dr. Glassman gives Dr. Murphy some fatherly adviceas they await news about Glassman's recent tests.
  23. until
    When Tennant interrogates a suspect during his helicoptertransfer and the helicopter crashes, she must utilize herskills to save herself and the other passengers.
  24. until
    Steve and Principal Lewis get caught in a dangerous situationat the school; the rest of the family makes an adorable newfriend.
  25. until
    Gwen's fantasy is to go back in time and be the Princess shelongs to be-pampered, rich, and cared-for. At first, thefantasy is everything she dreamed of-the gowns, thepageantry, everyone bowing to her. But Gwen soon finds out theKing is preparing to marry her off to a cruel, ambitiousPrince. With the marriage looming, Gwen has no choice but toflee. She befriends a Soldier and together they hatch adangerous escape plan. Ruby isn't feeling like herself andRoarke suspects it has something to do with Isla.
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