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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The NCIS team digs deep to investigate a Navy lieutenant who'saccused of trying to murder her husband but has no memory ofthe attack. Also, Kasie navigates a potential medical scare.
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    After he's subpoenaed, Holcomb offers Perry an olive branch.Meanwhile, Della continues to foster her relationships withCamilla and Anita, giving her the confidence to question herfirst witness - and push the verdict in the Gallardos' favor.
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    When Philip's perfect world is hit hard by reality, he decideson a very different plan B.
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    A conflicted Abishola pushes against her Nigerian roots whenshe opens up about her past to Dele. Also, Bob attempts tobridge an emotional gap with Douglas.
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    The 118 race to the rescues with emergencies at a spin class:in a hair salon and to a husband and wife in a compromisingposition; Buck discovers new cognitive abilities postlightning strike; Hen and Karen are concerned when they findout Denny has been seeing his biological father behind theirbacks; Maddie and Chimney enlist Athena and Bobby's help witha suspicious neighbor.
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    Disgusted by the new Inspector's tactics, Murdoch resigns andis privately enlisted to find a missing heiress.
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    Calvin struggles to find the perfect birthday gift for Tina.Also, Gemma works a connection to actor Jerry O'Connell,whose kids attend Walcott Academy, to secure VIP tickets toTHE TALK for her school's fundraiser.
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    Performing with a band for the first time, Idol hopefuls singin their last chance to make it to America's vote. In the FinalJudgment, two pairs of contestants face off with the judgessealing their fate for the next round.
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    Coming Soon...
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    At Greg's request, Little Alex Horne has split his band fiveways for the sake of a task. This in turn leads to Jenny Eclairimparting her knowledge on trumpeters and piles. And FrankieBoyle shares some pretty strong opinions on golf.
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    The costumed celebrities perform iconic songs from the 100years of Warner Bros. films.
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    At Pop-Pop's old apartment, Adam discovers an item from thepast and realizes they have more in common than he thought;Erica and Geoff search for a place to enjoy a moment alone.
  13. until
    The Battle Rounds conclude.
  14. until
    The Battle Rounds continue.
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    Coming Soon...
  16. until
    Jimmy welcomes actor Chris Pratt, journalist ElizabethVargas, and a musical performance by Maisie Peters.
  17. until
    James welcomes actor Kevin Bacon, actress Kyra Sedgwick, andcomic Dustin Nickerson.
  18. until
    Jimmy welcomes actor Edward Norton, actress Ego Nwodim, and amusical performance by Parker McCollum.
  19. until
    Stephen welcomes actress Brooke Shields, author Clint Smith,and a musical performance by Weyes Blood.
  20. until
    James welcomes actor Chris Pine, actor Hugh Grant, and amusical performance by Jimmie Allen.
  21. until
    Jimmy welcomes actor Kevin Bacon, comic Jay Pharoah, and amusical performance by Coco Jones.
  22. until
    Stephen welcomes actor Taron Egerton and director JayChandrasekhar.
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    Spring Break is an excuse for Garrison to jump back into hisformer depraved lifestyle.
  24. until
    James welcomes actor Owen Wilson, actor Jeff Goldblum, and amusical performance by Lior Suchard.
  25. until
    Stephen welcomes singer Mary J. Blige and chef Alison Roman.
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