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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The fate of the Boiling Isles rests on the shoulders of ahuman, a cursed witch and a little King.
  2. until
    In his short lifetime, J Dilla was a musician, producer andvisionary who profoundly influenced rap and hip-hop. Given howprolific he was in his 32 years, why didn't his accolades comesooner?.
  3. until
    The actress who played 'Bryn Martell' in the movies based onVictoria's books, calls Victoria after she's accused of theattempted murder.
  4. until
    The kids learn the ghost has been listening to them and ischanging up his malevolent plans.
  5. until
    One week away from the Grand Finale, the queens return todiscuss the season's gaggiest moments.
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    When an armored truck heist ends in bloodshed, the team racesto track down priceless jewels before more lives are lost.Also, Hondo's mother, Charice, visits.
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    WWE SmackDown Live 24x14 - #1231 - Moda Center in Portland, OR
  8. until
    When Chance gets into a fight at school, George and Rosieblame Mayan and Quinten's loosey-goosey parenting; Rosie triestherapy and is surprised to learn the source of her problemsisn't George.
  9. until
    The chefs are tasked with creating a celebratory dish featuringhoney and mead; they then must create a festive family mealfeaturing their favorite holiday dishes for the judges, alongwith Top Chef Mexico judge Martha Ortiz.
  10. until
    Murdoch's investigation of a constable's murder is hampered byinterference from Brackenreid's zealous overreplacement.
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    The Kitchen presents the best buffet recipes to makeentertaining a breeze! Katie Lee Biegel whips up acrowd-pleasing Ham, Egg and Cheese Croissant Breakfast Bake.Geoffrey Zakarian builds a flavor-packed Smoked Salmon Boardthat's perfect for Passover. Alex Guarnaschelli serves up freshand flavorful Quinoa & Herb Lettuce Cups. Sunny Andersontransforms a classic lemony dessert into a fun dip with herNunya Business Lemon Meringue Dip. Then, the hosts cap theparty off with an exciting, color-changing Lavender LemonadePunch.
  12. until
    America's Test Kitchen 23x14 - Pork Chops and Maple Cake
  13. until
    AEW: Rampage 3x14 - #88 - Ryan Center in Kingston, RI
  14. until
    Frank clashes with the Dream Team when one of the membersbecomes the focus of a departmental investigation. Also, Jamieand Danny team up to investigate a series of carjackingsinvolving one of Danny's criminal informants; Eddie and herpartner, Badillo, help a woman being stalked by a man she meton a dating app; and Erin is determined to find the culpritbehind online attacks on her boss, district attorney Crawford.
  15. until
    The crews respond to the scene of a train crash where therescue has the potential to spiral out of control when theydiscover the train is full of illicit cargo.
  16. until
    In the season premiere, Parker, and his crew - TylerMahoney, Danny Etheridge and Dr. Diego Lazarzaburu - arrive inPeru to follow in the footsteps of the legendary Incas as theychase down historical leads and battle the jungle in their huntto mine virgin ground. As Parker looks to partner up or minealongside the world's toughest gold miners, he and his crewmust first traverse inhospitable terrain and cross ragingrivers. En route, the crew works with a gold miner who sharesmining strategies passed down by the Incas, in addition to amining family who share key insight on how they've mined theirland across multiple generations. While they have a promisingstart, a flood of biblical proportions threatens to leaveParker and the crew stranded.
  17. until
    Wyatt doesn't know how to roast, so Sherm agrees to help him:Noah tries to make things right with a disgruntled customer;Nicky dates a sleep talker, and there's wine.
  18. until
    Guest Shark Gwyneth Paltrow. A unique cremation service. Astylish travel accessory. A spice company that fights farmerinequality. A new way to store breastmilk. An update on YellowLeaf Hammocks.
  19. until
    The kids learn the ghost has been listening to them and ischanging up his malevolent plans.
  20. until
    A rising music star, Gaia Lafayette, receives the opportunityof a lifetime, and the same night that she excitedly announcesto her devoted fans that she and her band are headed to LA, ashocking turn of events leads Grace and Branson to believesomeone may be trying to harm her. With a perpetrator on theloose, Roy must deduce who of Gaia's fanbase may be concealingsinister intentions. Meanwhile, a grisly discovery on a remoteSussex pig farm puts Roy under serious pressure, forcing himto split his team in order to investigate two impossible linesof enquiry.
  21. until
    Grace and his team are called to the site of a tragic roadtraffic collision involving three vehicles: an articulatedlorry, a car and a blue pickup truck. An unexpected discoveryat the scene, found on the victim, soon suggests there couldbe far more to this particular accident than meets the eye,sparking an unsettling chain of events which leads Grace andBranson on a tense, desperate game of cat and mouse throughthe city of Brighton to save an innocent life before time runsout.
  22. until
    You can't give your customers everything, but you can makethem believe that what you're giving them is all they'll everneed.
  23. until
    It's kill or be killed in the final act of Kevin's lifeimitating art nightmare, and Kevin and his village square offagainst the enemy, hoping to put an end to their deadlycharade; Kevin comes face-to-face with his would-be killer.
  24. until
    Natasha, a single mom in London, braves the world ofartificial companionship, until she rents a partner she can'tforget.
  25. until
    The actress who played 'Bryn Martell' in the movies based onVictoria's books, calls Victoria after she's accused of theattempted murder.
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