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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Married at First Sight 16x14 - The Rope, The Feather and TheBidet
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    A seemingly simple mold inspection at S.T.A.R. Labs leads tounexpected time anomalies. Barry and Iris try to make sense ofthe confusion – and figure out how to get back to theirreality. Chester admits a secret to Allegra which makes thingsawkward between the two, and Allegra relies on Cecile to actas a buffer. Meanwhile, Khione meets with an old friend ofTeam Flash.
  3. until
    Louise gets into a feud with Becky after accidentally sending arude message in the family text thread. Meanwhile, Darlenetries to spice up her sex life with Ben.
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    The Weekly with Charlie Pickering 9x9 - Episode 9
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    Jiro's mother has taken care of his brother Sam ever since thecar accident that left Sam with a traumatic brain injury, butwhen their mother dies, and it appears that Sam is beingabused in his new group home, Jiro has a big decision to make.
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    When Wesley's grandfather passes away, Katherine and theothers learn that all the heirs plan to sell their companyshares, which would tank the stock price. They attempt damagecontrol at the funeral to try and stop it.
  7. until
    A Kentucky homestead, built in the historical remnants of anold mining town, faces biblical flooding. To get the familyabove water, Marty revives the original barn, Matt devises alivestock escape pod and Misty conceives her first floatinggreenhouse.
  8. until
    Uncensored 6x1 - Tevin Campbell
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    Exploring new discoveries that rewrite the history of the SolarSystem, revealing a complex and violent story that begins withthe birth of the Sun from the debris of a massive galacticcollision to its eventual fate as a lone zombie star.
  10. until
    South Park 26x6 - Spring Break
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    The Weekly with Charlie Pickering 9x8 - Episode 8
  12. until
    Gene's mettle is tested during business negotiations inMorocco; Albert tests Mint Ma's patience; and Cindy is forcedto take drastic action to protect Eddie.
  13. until
    RZA pushes his musicianship to new heights as he createsWu-Tang Forever with a studio orchestra, but the recordingprocess strains the Clan. As tensions boil over during theirbiggest tour yet, RZA is concerned about Wu-Tang's future andlegacy.
  14. until
    Kevin and Andre go deep into the woods and deep into theirhearts as they seek out Mr. 206, the greatest stuntman of alltime, hoping to find answers about Kevin's assassin, one ofMr. 206's former mentees.
  15. until
    As Josh makes a new friend in jail, Melissa hires a lawyer andgoes undercover to clear his name.
  16. until
    Everyone's feeling the pressure as Richmond gear up to playWest Ham. Ted is reunited with an old friend.
  17. until
    Feeling joyless in the real world, Josh and Melissa attempt toreturn to Schmigadoon but instead find themselves in the darkerworld of Schmicago.
  18. until
    Back in his hometown of Philadelphia, Dave grapples with hisromantic origin story - both in his art, and in real life.
  19. until
    The entire Tasker family takes a trip to Mexico for Harry'sannual computer sales family retreat, which Helen learns hasbeen an ongoing cover for his real job as a spy. The simplemission goes awry when a notorious spy hunter threatens to takeout the entire computer sales retreat to capture Omega Sectorspies while Dana and Jake are missing.
  20. until
    Dave and the gang are on tour! First stop, Texas. Dave islooking for love, but Texas is looking for Lil Dicky.
  21. until
    The situation onboard Ark One seems hopeless after crew membersare taken hostage.
  22. until
    Franklin and Gustavo set a plan in motion.
  23. until
    Gary feels the weight of his first Father's Day as a new dadand his first without his own father. Eddie deals with anemergency. Meanwhile, Rome searches for a suitable environmentfor Walter.
  24. until
    Gregory is named Educator of the Year. Later, Janine dealswith a difficult student, and it's revealed that Barbarahasn't completed her teaching requirements.
  25. until
    A familiar face returns to Firehouse 51 to serve with Kidd on aspecial task force. With Tony close to breaking the CFD'sperfect attendance record, Mouch and Capp work to keep himsafe. Old grudges resurface when Gallo reunites with a familymember.
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