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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Animal old-timers fill the docket looking for treatment andTLC.
  2. until
    Tariq and the rest of the team must find a way to get theproduct flowing at an even bigger scale; tensions rise amongstthe Tejadas when Lorenzo backs Cane's plan; Saxe digs into theTheo Rollins case.
  3. until
    All the couples return for one final session on the couch withthe experts to look back at their journey through theexperiment.
  4. until
    All twelve couples return for one final dinner party and thechance to put any unfinished business to rest.
  5. until
    The Final Vows see romance and heartbreak as the last coupleschoose whether or not to continue their relationship after theexperiment.
  6. until
    The Final Vows see some of the romantic and heartbreakingmoments of the experiment as the couples decide whether or notto continue their relationship after the experiment.
  7. until
    Waco: American Apocalypse 1x3 - Episode 3
  8. until
    Waco: American Apocalypse 1x2 - Episode 2
  9. until
    Waco: American Apocalypse 1x1 - Episode 1
  10. until
    Sophie goes to Robert's country house for the weekend. The gangcelebrates Lost & Found Box Day at Pemberton's.
  11. until
    Andre and Jordan go undercover at Kevin's agency while tryingto find out who is responsible for their deadly actingpredicament; meanwhile, Kevin is incapacitated by the devotedcaretaking of Andre's mother.
  12. until
    After a long wait, the Fellowship gets permission to return totheir excavation in the swamp; almost immediately, they makea discovery that could connect all the cobblestone dots in themysterious bog.
  13. until
    After discovering some potential leads in their investigation,Turner and Harper investigate a possible connection betweenBruce Wayne's death and the mysterious death of a lawyer.Meanwhile, Carrie and Duela head to a nursing home to questionEunice. At the Belfry, Stephanie opens up to Cullen about herlife at home, while Harvey makes an unsettling discovery.
  14. until
    Jiro's mother has taken care of his brother Sam ever since thecar accident that left Sam with a traumatic brain injury, butwhen their mother dies, and it appears that Sam is beingabused in his new group home, Jiro has a big decision to make.
  15. until
    The 126 race to rescue a woman with an arrow shot into herhead; Judd is doubly surprised by the news Wyatt shares;Mateo helps a family member in need and comes to regret it.
  16. until
    To aid Scola in his undercover mission to find the terroristsbelieved to be behind the imminent attack in New York City,Maggie calls in Remy, whose well-connected informant from aprior case may be key to moving the operation forward.
  17. until
    When the abduction of an American architect in Rome appears tobe connected to a brewing terror threat in New York City,FBI's Jubal and Nina join Forrester and his Fly Team in Italyas they work together to find the missing American and shedlight on the terrorists' U.S. target.
  18. until
    Charlie gets a break in a long-unsolved kidnapping case thathas haunted him, but runs into trouble when the abducteerefuses his help.
  19. until
    When Abby lands a meeting with the New York City districtattorney to talk about her ideas for reform, Dan inviteshimself along to share his expertise in the art of"backroom dealing". Gurgs teaches Neil a lesson inconfidence.
  20. until
    Lois interrupts an intense conversation between Clark and JohnHenry. Meanwhile, Kyle tries to run interference between Sarahand Lana. Lastly, Jonathan has a heated discussion withCandice's dad.
  21. until
    Hayley tries to help Roger write a book.
  22. until
    When a patient comes in with persistent and lingering COVIDsymptoms, the team discovers she may be dealing with somethingharder to treat. Andrews and Villanueva must contend with theirhierarchy at the hospital and its effect on their relationship.
  23. until
    Coming Soon...
  24. until
    When Honey attempts to cure Diablo's irrational fear ofbasement monsters, she puts the whole group in jeopardy. Chicoand The Gray One follow Kevin onto a plane to get to the bottomof why Kevin always abandons Chico. Chief faces off against theloud barking dog in the sky, more commonly known as thunder.
  25. until
    When Dr. Laken Perillos resurfaces to join Wujing's crusadeagainst Red, a member of The Task Force is put in danger.
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