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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Kevin Hart is sick and tired of the green screens and CGI moviemagic, he wants action and he's hellbent on proving that he'sready to be a bona-fide action star; Kevin comes up with acinéma vérité action film for his breakout role.
  2. until
    After new revelations surface, Peter and Rose scramble to findmore evidence with help from Chelsea and Maddie. A biggerthreat looms at Camp David.
  3. until
    Henry and the Party Down crew scheme to keep their latest partygoing all night.
  4. until
    SWAT teams up with the FBI to hunt one of its most-wantedfugitives. Also, Hondo and Nichelle are faced with anunexpected development in her pregnancy.
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    Jamie and Eddie find themselves at odds when Jamie learns thatEddie's close friend Tracey may be using the restaurant sheowns as a drug front. Also, Erin forms an alliance withAnthony and her ex-husband, Jack Boyle, when she is accusedof causing the suicide of a former colleague. Meanwhile, Frankweighs whether he should fire a female officer who has anonline profile featuring naked photos of herself and Danny andBaez try not to be influenced by their own biases when they arefaced with various descriptions of the same suspect.
  6. until
    Tariq and the rest of the team must find a way to get theproduct flowing at an even bigger scale. Tensions rise amongstthe Tejadas when Lorenzo backs Cane's plan. Saxe digs into theTheo Rollins case.
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    Coming Soon...
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    A special episode featuring a compilation of games, moments,and outtakes with never-before-seen footage. (Season Premiere)
  9. until
    An internal investigator suspects Jake of being the serialarsonist setting recent fires, so Bode and the crew take itupon themselves to investigate.
  10. until
    Magicians Jandro, Ben Krantz, Judge Gary Brown, and Puck tryto fool the veteran duo with their illusions.
  11. until
    When Churro the chihuahua turns 15, the Lopezes throw her aQuinceanera that quickly goes to the dogs. Quinten tries tohelp Oscar find his soul mate or, at the very least, a date.
  12. until
    A portable product for camping without creating a wildfire. Asmoothie making machine.A biodegradable oral health product. Away to keep America's favorite dessert cool on the go. MarkCuban and Emma Grede are updated on No Limbits adaptiveclothing.
  13. until
    The final queens collab with RuPaul on a remix of his song"Blame It On The Edit", recording their own versesand creating a space-themed music video.
  14. until
    The twins arrive in the past and find Savannah. Griffin andHarper realize they need to go back to 1947 just as Ben makesthe bunker off-limits.
  15. until
    Elvis tries to stop the mind-control weapon from ruining his"Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite" concert. Tohelp, a stoned Scatter launches into space.
  16. until
    While Bertie runs some interference with the Commander, Elvistries to find out what Project Tupelo is - and why he keepshaving flashbacks about it.
  17. until
    As an Elvis fan convention takes place at The Peabody Memphishotel, the singer experiences a wild, drug-fueled tripcourtesy of Professor Leary.
  18. until
    When psychedelic drug professor Timothy Leary gets sprung fromprison, Elvis and CeCe trace him to Algeria, where theCommander tries to woo Bertie.
  19. until
    The Krusty Krab enters a float in the annual Bikini BottomParade.
  20. until
    Host Rob Brydon and team captains Lee Mack and David Mitchellare joined by guests Tom Allen, Sarah Greene, Ugo Monye andMorgana Robinson. They reveal extraordinary stories aboutthemselves, but are they telling the truth or making it allup?
  21. until
    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
  22. until
    Reeling from Martha's decision, Humphrey must pull himselftogether to solve an inexplicable crime. A house was burgledand all forensic evidence points to one suspect. The onlyproblem is that this suspect was locked up by Kelby in thestation's police cell at the time of the break-in. With thearrival of the suspect's hard-nosed lawyer, the team are underpressure to get results. But with Humphrey distracted, itfalls to Esther to take the lead on this investigation andcrack the case.Meanwhile, Martha is equally distraught in thewake of recent events. Despite her mother's protestations, sheremains firm, however painful it may be. With Humphrey at anall-time low, perhaps an unexpected journey can provide somehope?
  23. until
    Vitória, 2004. Under an alias, Dom is arrested alongsideQuinado, and both end up separated into rival factions injail. Dom catches the eye of the faction leader, which causesdisagreements within the faction. In 1978, in the Amazonrainforest, Victor witnesses a conflict between loggers, drugdealers, and Indigenous people, and so he begins his journeyas an undercover agent in the region.
  24. until
    Jon heads to Europe on an urgent diplomatic mission to seewho's with us, who's against us…and who makes the bestpastries.
  25. until
    Series finale. Alison and Gabriel face new danger as everythingconverges at Antropa's London headquarters.
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